DRDO and PSU's

Drdo Agni 5 ICBM ☢️🚀🕉🇮🇳💪

Retro assisted stage separation helps in hitting target at very less range while avoiding Highly Lofted Trajectory .It can hit target 1500 Km away without using vulnerable trajectory

Roll controll for all 3 stages, So our RCS Motors are very powerful


So SFC Is using Volvo FMX insted of FM 🤔

View: https://x.com/prudhvitej32/status/1896065899406541006

View: https://x.com/BlackIAdder/status/1891032553315779005

this wasnt a mockup...it is a actual structure of amca. And we were coping by calling it a mockup but nahhh this is the final design choice which will be refined later💀💀

He didn't say this exhibit model will fly.⚠️ 🚨❌
1:1 mockup, engineering model, static model, exhibit model, etc, whatever people wan't to call it, this exhibit model is made with wood &/or fiber. There are hardly any joints, rivets, real panels, etc. An engineering model is meant for depiction. The static model is not for development into flight model.
You can trace it today, it might have gone to temporary storage or DoD office garden/entrance or museum or junk yard.
As per DRDO & PSU info on various forums + AMCA bulkhead metal cutting happened in 2022 + as per these ADA guys it'll take 4 more years to roll out the prototype = no full structure available yet.🤷‍♂️
Manufacturers reveal a flyable prototype only at the manufacturing facility with runway obviously, but Yelahanka is just a simple airbase.
Nobody will risk to disassemble a real structure, transport it to another location, assemble, exhibit for few days, again disassemble, again transport back to factory, again assemble & continue work.

HAL seems intent on drawing more negative attention to themselves. This is the reason the IA chief was busy hobnobbing with Airbus visiting their plant during a recent visit to France. Just to squeeze HAL's balls if they've any left.

HAL seems intent on drawing more negative attention to themselves. This is the reason the IA chief was busy hobnobbing with Airbus visiting their plant during a recent visit to France. Just to squeeze HAL's balls if they've any left.

if this is true, it could explain why LUH has not received any orders. If not such a large newly built facility would not be sitting empty for few years. Classic HAL

HAL seems intent on drawing more negative attention to themselves. This is the reason the IA chief was busy hobnobbing with Airbus visiting their plant during a recent visit to France. Just to squeeze HAL's balls if they've any left.

It's clear HAL walas can't build anything of quality, LUH should be cancelled and an order should be placed for ~200 Airbus H125 from Tata.

An RFP should also be issued for Dhruv/Rudra replacements, Airbus has a wide range of heptrs, otherwise AugustaWestland is also there.
if this is true, it could explain why LUH has not received any orders. If not such a large newly built facility would not be sitting empty for few years. Classic HAL
If this problem is this serious and has been swept under the carpet by HAL then this is akin to playing with pilots' lives.
Only privatization can bring some accountability in this org.
What a blackpill day. HAL really are buffoons. This chalta attitude so ingrained into our society will be the death of us all.

HAL seems intent on drawing more negative attention to themselves. This is the reason the IA chief was busy hobnobbing with Airbus visiting their plant during a recent visit to France. Just to squeeze HAL's balls if they've any left.
HAL babooz, sarkari chalega work culture of dpsu's, file pushing beuracracy, gernails who want perfect indig products but ok with imperfect imports (not wrt LUH but countless others), Chandigarh lobby, military hw diplomacy, horrible procurement red tape procedure, 3 to 4 years haggling over contract signing..... that's it boys...we are royally fkd...lets go settle in China.
HAL babooz, sarkari chalega work culture of dpsu's, file pushing beuracracy, gernails who want perfect indig products but ok with imperfect imports (not wrt LUH but countless others), Chandigarh lobby, military hw diplomacy, horrible procurement red tape procedure, 3 to 4 years haggling over contract signing..... that's it boys...we are royally fkd...lets go settle in China.
Lol, like China will accept us. Even they will not want our chatla attitude to enter their society. They will happily destroy our western front, take some bits of land in AP and call it a day while watching our gernols call for emergency procurement saar watching us deplete our forex, and our politicos claim diplomatic victory and jawan bahaduri, spin some new stories for mass consumption and dpsu baboons will come with designs for next gen weapons from lessons learned in the war, and then the chalta attitude will kick in again and the cycle repeats.

HAL seems intent on drawing more negative attention to themselves. This is the reason the IA chief was busy hobnobbing with Airbus visiting their plant during a recent visit to France. Just to squeeze HAL's balls if they've any left.
These are the same Navy officials, who bought INS Baku and Mig 29K and are still trying to find a way to make them move out of harbour and hangers. Epitome of Smartness, honesty and Integrity.
In this age, they are still importing Non AIP conventional subs, when all our enemies are using AIP Subs since many decades. There is a reason whenever they go outside IOR, they get caught easily by old P3 orions, and then make silly excuses.
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