DRDO and PSU's

Only Earth trials has been completed. Lunar and Martian trials were pending. NGLV will launch ATAGS as Payload.

US Auto companies will not be coming back to India. And Harley Davidson in India is Hero Davidson.

Just throw some 50 Strykers and order WHAP on huge quantity.
Harley Failed in both India and China and not doing any better in most markets oursite North America!

Asia does not need such heavy big inefficient bikes and Europe has their own big players.

In both India and China HD has partnered with local players and introduced sub 1000cc bikes.
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Does anybody know the current status of indigenous towed array sonar program

Afaik, Nagan was the first one and not inducted by Navy due to weight and performance issue.
ALTAS status is really unknown, tech has been transferred to industry but don't know if it has even been ordered or not. But the recent news of license produce of foreign towed array sonar pretty much confirms the inadequacy of this sonar as well, whether it is the performance or the towing mechanism, we don't know.
In the last tech focus, saw drdo releasing tender for making twin line towed array sonar. But that looks like more for performance in shallow water like for ASW-SC.
Also, LFDS is also facing issue as confirmed by the navy itself and none has been ordered for maritime dhruvs.

Things we are doing good in are torpedoes, sonobuoys and hull mounted sonars. All have passed navy trials and have been ordered.
Yeah no matter how much Pro-Atmanirbhar Iam, I think we have to give some concession to Big Biradher here. Since buying goes two ways. Because you know Big Biradher is the biggest export customer of India's Defense Exports clocking in at 50%. Not counting the huge domestic market there which Indian Small Arms Munitions have been steadily growing. Unlike momentary situationary customers like Armenia or Philippines some other Gulf country where exports are a one time wonder, USA is a steady customer because of sub-components imported from here regularly.
Unlike Uncle Sam's State Department being jerk, their MiC/Defense somewhat were/are proactive in investing or sourcing subcomponents in India. This is in contrast to European Maggots who don't invest a dime. Well regarding Stryker situation my only comforting situation is that even Mighty Japanese are gonna be imported some Finnish Wheeled Combat Vehicle Patria Nemo(Maybe Desi Mentality).
U have a tons of item to import ranging from p-8i to Chinook to istar to c-130j to other big ticket purchases
But they are still insisting on a deal that would be fraction of above
Why bcoz they deliberately want to kill indian armoured vehicle industry and if a nation that shouts it's policy independence and can't protect its industry then it's just jumla we are being fed
Ur sword and industry shouldn't on the table of negotiation no matter what
Imagine the trauma the scientists will go who have spent their career to built it and constantly update it depending on army's draconian trails
What msg will go to domestic industry why would they take part in DcPP when they know how weak govt is wrt it's industry
In these case Chinese absolute unity and control by CPC comes into play. There is only one party to negotiate and talk and no other party &people as pressure points.

In India case
Amareeka: oh this party is not listening to our demands let’s talk to congress and other parties or judiciary or lakhs of brown sepoys.oh let’s do regime change.
Right these khangress are like deemak to our country.
Go through this Article from 2007. You can draw parallels

Good read, thanks
Overall agree with author. Now that we look back IMHO US have failed both in Middle East and China with regards to its ambition of controlling.

“China can reach its goal of developing itself once again as a benevolent great power worthy of the spirit of its people, culture and history without depending on any one foreign nation. There is no need to rely on the “cooperation” of a US whose policy aims at a “struggle for mastery” in Asia. Such a policy is by definition imperialistic as the US is only a Pacific power by geography, and not an Asian power by either geography or culture.”
Did something happen in the last 24h? Defence twitter seems to be crying or fearmongering more than usual

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