DRDO and PSU's


They said something else yesterday but this again is back to original thing.
It's one of the most confusing project to follow
So we have to depend on osints and sat images to understand things
Like commissioning jumla
When we know arighat was already in service similarly for S4 and S4*
Space debris can also mean enemy sats. AFAIK Chinese have one already deployed.
ISRO probably may have not been able to find where's the fault yet. Otherwise they wouldn't be keeping quite . Who knows?
Exactly. Its like train accidents. We kept on blaming trains, technicians boards. But later we came to know in many of them it was sabotage. In space its even more difficult to ascertain cause of failure. A strong EW shot or even laser/bullet shot can cause sudden malfunction in sattelite. The sat owner country may be totaly in blind what caused failure. If one component is always failing repeatedly - one of the remote possibility could it be EW. Because EW frequency they might be using might be affecting one particular component more strongly than others. Its all speculation but interesting what if. Anyway space is weaponized by US China and once by USSR. India will anyways have to spend more seriously on Aerospace wing anyway.
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Exactly. Its like train accidents. We kept on blaming trains, technicians boards. But later we came to know in many of them it was sabotage. In space its even more difficult to ascertain cause of failure. A strong EW shot or even laser/bullet shot can cause sudden malfunction in sattelite. The sat owner country may be totaly in blind what caused failure. If one component is always failing repeatedly - one of the remote possibility could it be EW. Because EW frequency they might be using might be affecting one particular component more strongly than others. Its all speculation but interesting what if. Anyway space is weaponized by US China and once by USSR. India will anyways have to spend more seriously on Aerospace wing anyway.
Atomc clock works on resonance of laser cooled atoms.... Cant be hurt with EW
Atomc clock works on resonance of laser cooled atoms.... Cant be hurt with EW
Come to think about it all sattelites have some form of shielding to protect themselves of space radiation. IRNSS atomic clock has sufficient shielding for protection anyways. Shields do tell Electronics used in clock do need some shielding anyways.
How come no one has posted about everything that were revealed in the new Bharat Shakti series?

Astra mk2 being launched from a Su-30MKI using an indigenous launcher modelled on Russian AKU-58-1.



We got the very first glimpse of Astra mk2 in the IAF video released to commemorate the birth anniversary of airforce in 2022.
A certain PSU quoted a price of Rs 290 crores for integration of software defined radio SDR on Su-30MKI. SDI did it for free.



31 different systems which includes both sensors,avionics, weapon systems, pods have been integrated with Su-30MKI since 2010 by SDI.

At present 16-18 different DRDO designed weapon systems are being mated with Sukhoi.
What allows us to integrate any Western,Israeli OEM and indigenous weapons , pods with our Sukhois is because one of the two mission computers in MKI is Indian. The other is from a Russian OEM. Besides, SDI has also managed to get the source codes for N011M Bars. So weapon integration has become easier. The display processors are also ours.



SDI was responsible for the electronic mating of Astra with the MC and N011M Bars. It took SDI almost three years to develope and validate the codes which allows Astra to talk to Bars and MC on MKI.


Astra integration rig.
Now this is the best scoop so far.

In one of the Astra bvr missile test firings, a LCA detected and tracked the target, then passed this track through SDR datalink to another LCA which then launched the missile without ever using its onboard radar.

This sort of cooperative target engagement capability has been masterd by very few nations around the globe. It allows the missile carrying ac to remain silent from RF emissions point of view and hence this ac won't be picked up by hostile ac rwr and esm.

This type of engagement capability is possible for any aircraft equipped with SDR and currently, Tejas mk1A, Su-30MKI, MiG-29 UPG, Jaguar Darin 2 and 3, Rafale either have SDR or is being equipped with it .

US Navy calls this capability National Integrated Fire Control- Counter Air. Therein, they use their E-2D to track hostile acs and pass the requisite data to Super Hornets and F-35C.

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