That's the job of Early Warning Radars and SAM. India can't outproduce cheens even in SAM, for every conventional ballistic missile of India, they will field 4 to 5 interceptors. What we need is something that will make enemy use higher proportional resources to confront that. Using regular ballistic missiles is just waste of money. What we need to field is Quasi-Ballistic M
An interceptor costs several times more than a TBM like ATACMS/ Pralay.
Almost all of their SAMs are of semi active type, by the way.issiles like Shaurya, MARVs like Agni-P, Ramjet Cruise Missiles like, Subsonic Cruise Missiles like ITCM and finally hypersonic glide boost/un-boosted missiles. Regular Ballistic Missiles like Iran is nothing but a clown show against much advanced PLA. Every asset fielded by India should make PLA invest in more proportional value assets to neutralize that aka Virtual Attrition.