DRDO and PSU's

That uav willl be available to India in 2028,
4 years ,
Counter uav system will be very advanced then ......
Not like aircrafts,where upgradation scope is very high

It's wiser to use cheap uavs ,in war zone , if lost you will have another to replace
Not those costlier shiny pieces , which can be downed ,, and comes without any ew system and counter measure s ....
Is there any official source related to acquisition of GBU-39? I'm bit sceptical

> Currently Hellfire, GBU-12 Paveway II and GBU-38 JDAM is the standard loadout for Reaper. Other than these Stinger, Sidewinder and Brimstone are type certified. There was a contract to Boeing for integration of SDB in Reaper some years back, but as of today there hasn't been any test iirc. It's not like it would be difficult given the weight of SDB is well within Reapers capacity; 4x SDBs 129kg and BRU-61 for 147kg Vs 680kg on inboard pylons, but as of now I haven't seen one fielded.

> And if news articles are indeed accurate then we're getting GBU-39B/B, which is the laser guided variant. Indeed we have SAAW which is pretty much a SDB counterpart but as of today, it lacks a SAL variant.

There's a 50-50 chance that we're getting GBU-38s and somewhere, someone goofed it up with GBU-39. Or we're indeed getting GBU-39B/B.

> But whatever the case is, everything I said above, or you ranted become moot as no matter what we have, we can't integrate it unless we're allowed to by providing source codes.
Suggest me one cheap UAV that can patrol the Indian Ocean Region with a SAR radar, few sonobuoys and a 500kg depth charge to continuously track a PLAN submarine for more than 24 hours and even engage it if need arises.
Just one
In that region , it's ok
Still tapas , is cheaper which can do it's half work ,way more cheaper
In that region , it's ok
Still tapas , is cheaper which can do it's half work ,way more cheaper
An indigenous platform would always be better than an imported one. Period
In short term it may be extremely substandard in terms of features or price but in a long term it'll always be better as one, you'd no uncertainty regarding its availability and second, you can modify it.

But the problem is, ultimately everyone's a buyer and you need good bling, features, gimmicks to compel a buyer to buy your product instead of others.
How many of us here would buy a Lava or MicroMax phone?
In that region , it's ok
Still tapas , is cheaper which can do it's half work ,way more cheaper

Arguing Tapas is cheaper and can do half its work, hence better, is like saying -

Horses are better than cars because they can do half its work, are cheaper (eats grass which is free ! not petrol) and hence we should switch to horses.

Isn't it ?
Arguing Tapas is cheaper and can do half its work, hence better, is like saying -

Horses are better than cars because they can do half its work, are cheaper (eats grass which is free ! not petrol) and hence we should switch to horses.

Isn't it ?
Exactly for what tapas was supposed to do it does better.
For ior we can have much more advance platform as the sam density is much much less and chances of its survival are way more there compared to even a paki front.
> But whatever the case is, everything I said above, or you ranted become moot as no matter what we have, we can't integrate it unless we're allowed to by providing source codes.
They are importing gbus worth 3 billion I doubt it's for drone alone.
They are importing gbus worth 3 billion I doubt it's for drone alone.
Don't know why people keep forgetting the details of deals, last time someone was mad that we got just 22 Apaches for $3 billion...completely ignoring those 15 Chinooks also included in $3 billion. This time it's you

$3.3 billion is for 31 MQ-9, 170 AGM-114R and reportedly 310 GBU-39B/B.

Even novices like us can run up the economics of this by open source data.
> Min price of an AGM-114R is about $75,000; for 170 is would be $13 million.
> Min price of an GBU-39B is almost $40,000; for 310 it would be too be $13 million.
(figures from Fiscal Year and Overseas Contingency Operations budget, 2021. Can look up the article on TWZ)

Total cost of weapons package = $26 million
Deducting that from $3.3 billion doesn't make much different...so per unit cost comes to roughly $103 million.

$738 million is what Italy paid in August this year for 6x MQ-9 Block 5 aircraft with just 12x EO systems and 9x maritime SAR.
Or $123 million.

Compared to them we actually saved some $0.62 billion in the whole deal given the bulk nature of the order.
An indigenous platform would always be better than an imported one. Period
In short term it may be extremely substandard in terms of features or price but in a long term it'll always be better as one, you'd no uncertainty regarding its availability and second, you can modify it.

But the problem is, ultimately everyone's a buyer and you need good bling, features, gimmicks to compel a buyer to buy your product instead of others.
How many of us here would buy a Lava or MicroMax phone?

And how many of you would expect their products to be bricked if you guys do not toe the US line?

Not the same thing.
And how many of you would expect their products to be bricked if you guys do not toe the US line?

Not the same thing.
Rich, coming when almost all of your heavy lift capability, both fixed and rotary and all of your aerial ASuWs capability is mohtaj of US.

As for your question...the number of platforms I'd expect to be bricked by US would be pretty much in the ballpark of all the F-14 Tomcats & F-4 Phantoms in Iranian and Sikorsky S-70s in Chinese service that have been bricked so far.

Rich, coming when almost all of your heavy lift capability, both fixed and rotary and all of your aerial ASuWs capability is mohtaj of US.

As for your question...the number of platforms I'd expect to be bricked by US would be pretty much in the ballpark of all the F-14 Tomcats & F-4 Phantoms in Iranian and Sikorsky S-70s in Chinese service that have been bricked so far.


You can't make those platforms useless by bricking the electronics therein. But on the Reapers, you can brick the electronics and the Reapers turn into useless playthings.
You can't make those platforms useless by bricking the electronics therein. But on the Reapers, you can brick the electronics and the Reapers turn into useless playthings.
So let's assume US does this. A Reaper is crashed, heck all the 31 Reapers are crashed. What would we lose in? A whopping $3 billion. But ever bothered asking what US would lose because of that? A measly $230 billion worth of defence export market.

No matter where ever you go on this planet, the word "chinese" is synonyms with low quality in consumer market and people usually avoid it. This is what happens when your reputation gets tarnished. And in defence & aerospace people are way way more unforgiving.

Read what happened with Australian NH-90s after they developed a bad reputation.
Read what'll now happen to whole Swiss arms industry after it developed the image of an unreliable defence contractor who can falter on deliveries in midst of war, citing its neutrality policies.

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