Recent Technical Achievements.
1) In the project titled, “Design of efficient metamaterial-based radar absorbing materials for stealth applications using 3D printing”, the PI, Prof. Bratin Ghosh, IIT Kharagpur, has developed metamaterial-
based absorbers with reduced thickness configurations, having 80% absorption in a wider frequency range and also sensitive to wider range of incident signal angles, compared to traditional radar
absorbing materials.
2) In the project titled, “Plasma sprayed carbon nanotube reinforced molybdenum disulphide anti-friction coating”, the PI, Prof. Anup Kumar Keshri, IIT Patna, aimed to fabricate the carbon nanotube reinforced molybdenum disulphide anti-friction coating with enhanced wear properties using plasma spray technique.
3) In the project titled, “Structural lithium-based rechargeable batteries for high voltage applications”, the PI, Prof. Surendra Kumar Martha, IIT Hyderabad, aimed at utilization of pitch derived carbon fibers (P-CF) in structural batteries (dual carbon batteries (DCBs) and lithium-ion batteries (LIBs)), capable of long-term energy storage using cheaper raw materials The developed 5V DCB utilize self-standing carbon fiber mats as both electrodes (cathode and anode)using the same non-aqueous LIB electrolyte.
The novel dual carbon battery consisting of zero transition metal is environmentally benign, light and may cut down the overall battery cost. The fabricated cell provides an energy density of 100 Watthours per kilogram. The capacity and energy density can be further improved by optimizing electrolyte concentration, operation temperature, charge-discharge rate etc.
Very interesting project regarding detection of submarines from satellite.
Remote sensing data from earth orbiting satellites can also be effectively used for detection of underwater moving submarines. In one of the ongoing projects (Dr S. Arivazhagan, PI, Mepco
Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi) efforts are being made to simulate Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images of the sea surface for detection of underwater target motion using theoretical studies, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and other software tools. This project is also expected to yield
fruitful results on its completion.
Scientific computing panel.
Technical Achievements.
1) PI Dr. Manoj Khare, C-DAC Pune completed the project entitled “PANORMA II – GIS Based Advanced
Marine Weather Decision Support System”, developed for DNOM. Processing numerical global weather
and ocean forecasts, satellite images, PANORMA provides up to 10 days with 3-D visualization. An advanced data compression technique was developed for which a US Patent has been granted.
PANORMA acts as end-to-end operational decision support system for Naval Command and Onboard ships.
ii) PI Haneesh Sankar TP, C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram completed the project “Indigenous Doppler Velocity
Log (IDVL)”. Doppler Velocity Log is a device to measure the velocity of ships or submarine in water using Doppler effect.
iii) Dr. S. Dominic (NIT, Tiruchirappalli), PI has completed the project “Artificial Intelligence based Integrated
Logistics Management System (ILMS) for Indian Navy (Air)”. It predicts Annual Revenue Demand using AI techniques. The objectives were to automatically recommend items for indigenization, to perform defect analysis etc.
iv) In the project “Machine Learning models for underwater image enhancement and content analysis”, PI
Dr. M H Supriya from CUSAT (Cochin University of Science & Technology), Kochi used AI/ML framework.
The objectives related to underwater image enhancement and object segmentation/classification with
the aim to deploy in Autonomous underwater vehicles. The delivered outputs are: Machine learning
models for underwater image enhancement, information extraction from the recorded images,
semantic and instance segmentations.
There are two ongoing projects.
i) PI, C. Balan, C-DAC Thiruvananthapuram is pursuing the project “Development of a software framework for on-the-fly analysis station for Darpan simulations”. The main objectives are to explore the suitability of any existing architectural framework for realizing on-the-fly analysis of models, to explore the different technologies that can be used for achieving real-time performance in network-based system .
ii) PI Dr. Athira Nambiar (SRM Institute of Science & Technology) is pursuing the project entitled “Explainable AI tools for detection and classification of SONAR images for real world defence”. The
main objective of the project is development of Explainable AI models, development of new dataset for
the acoustic research community, real world deployment of the proposed model in NPOL, Kochi.
Technical Achievements hydro vibro acoustic panel.
i) TarunChandrayadula, IITM,built physics based acoustic models to describe the variability in long range travel times and intensities of broadband pulses due to oceanographic processes such as internal tides and waves and validated them using experimental results. This is of use for detection of submarines
using sonar.
ii) Dhiman Chaterjee, IITM, measured and computed the drag and pressure coefficients for unsteady twophase cross-flow past cylinders under cavitating condition and investigated the pressure fluctuations and radiated sound level. This is a preliminary study for understanding noise due to propeller cavitation.
iii) Ramajeyathilagam, HITS, Chennai, numerically and experimentally studied the effect of shock due to underwater explosions on metal and FRP plates. This is of use for designing hulls of ships and
submarines to withstand nearby underwater explosions.
iv) R. Vijayakumar and Suresh Rajendran, IITM, numerically and experimentally studied the noise radiated
by marine propellerswith various geometric characteristics operating in non-cavitating regime under
open-water uniform flow conditions. This is of use for reducing noise due to propellers.
v) Suresh Rajendran and R. Vijayakumar, IITM, developed time-domain potential flow and RANS based numerical methods based on OpenFOAM to study the hydroelastic responses of ships in extreme sea conditions and analysed the slamming load on sonar domes. This is of use for ship and sonar dome design.
vi) Ritwick Ghoshal, IITKGP, experimentally studied collapse of bubbles to better understand the noise
from cavitating propellers. The effect of plane surfaces and shark-skin surfaces near the bubbles was studied. This is of use for understanding propeller cavitation noise.
Technical Achievements of marine system panel.
Design and Development of Bio-Inspired Network of AUVs capable of operations at up to 30 m depth.
The Development, Testing and Performance Analysis of Batoid-inspired Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
Quasi-distributed side-hole packaged Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensor system for under water acoustic sensing
Design and development of MEMS gyroscope for naval applications
Propeller Shaft Instabilities and Mode localization in propeller blades
Design and development of an intelligent underwater vehicle with a manipulator for offshore oil/gas and other marine applications.
Silicon fluxgate magnetometers for military applications – New project