DRDO and PSU's

tbh i wonder the day after when the Burgers surrender Taiwan to China.

For now they seem to be wanting us to be the Ukraine to China's Russia so they are tied down and won't be able to put their Taiwan plans in motion.
It doesn't seem to be working, Vietnam is the next option but i don't even think they will bother.
REM monopoly with the Chinese is mostly a function of it's treatment viz refining which is a highly polluting industry. There are enough REM around the world & if the west didn't bind itself to environmentally strict laws they wouldn't be in the situation they're in today. To make matters worse , they went and antagonized Russia another big source of REM .

Right now the West is in the process of finding via medias. Whether they will be in a position to completely bypass China time will tell.

By 2032 you'd see only Agniveers there & all over the IA. The last of the jawans recruited under the previous system will be retiring then .
As per the REM policy I've been hearing about it since 2011 to that I'd say "toh kar na". From my observations time has already told. Japan has substituted a lot by recycling rest of the world is running naaam ke waaste.
And yes with roos as official best enemy they have shot themselves in the foot again.

For agniveers the influx of younger troops is an advantage in the mountains and gives the nation a large amount of unofficial reserves.The retention level can always tweaked above the 25%.
As per the REM policy I've been hearing about it since 2011 to that I'd say "toh kar na". From my observations time has already told. Japan has substituted a lot by recycling rest of the world is running naaam ke waaste.
And yes with roos as official best enemy they have shot themselves in the foot again.

For agniveers the influx of younger troops is an advantage in the mountains and gives the nation a large amount of unofficial reserves.The retention level can always tweaked above the 25%.
From whatever I understand based on readings & viewing podcasts on SM of retired officers across ranks from the IA , whatever we gain via youth thru the Agniveer program is lost by the extremely small tenures.

Mountain warfare is extremely demanding & requires experience which a mere 2-3 years of deployment doesn't grant . Hence the repeated requests to increase both tenure & percentage of intake to a minimum of 6 years & 50% respectively.
From whatever I understand based on readings & viewing podcasts on SM of retired officers across ranks from the IA , whatever we gain via youth thru the Agniveer program is lost by the extremely small tenures.

Mountain warfare is extremely demanding & requires experience which a mere 2-3 years of deployment doesn't grant . Hence the repeated requests to increase both tenure & percentage of intake to a minimum of 6 years & 50% respectively.
It is a tricky subject indeed but one view that I will not budge on is that the previous way of doing things is utterly unsustainable financially, when no country except those literally ruled by their military maintains such large manpower with full time careerists (as the americans call it).
It is a tricky subject indeed but one view that I will not budge on is that the previous way of doing things is utterly unsustainable financially, when no country except those literally ruled by their military maintains such large manpower with full time careerists (as the americans call it).
The reforms we're pursuing is highly experimental therefore dangerous given our present situation not to mention the tinkering with manpower downsizing & curtailing of their tenure including the percentage of fixed component that would be subsequently absorbed since apart from 2 inimical neighbors our army also functions as a CI force not just in Kashmir but till recently across the NE.

If reforms are truly needed we need to go back to the regime we followed in the early 60s & before where we took in recruits for a minimum of 8 years before retaining a fixed percentage which off hand I don't recall.

If you've followed debates earlier in the 2000s when the Maoist menace broke out in Central India given the woefully inadequate training equipment etc to the CAPFs & the massive casualties they were sustaining , the MMS government was almost on the verge of deploying the IA before they forcefully refused.

Remember this is a nation which is spending ~ 11 lakh crores this year on infrastructure but still increases it's defence budget by ~ 3-4% on an average as we've been seeing for the past many years.
From whatever I understand based on readings & viewing podcasts on SM of retired officers across ranks from the IA , whatever we gain via youth thru the Agniveer program is lost by the extremely small tenures.

Mountain warfare is extremely demanding & requires experience which a mere 2-3 years of deployment doesn't grant . Hence the repeated requests to increase both tenure & percentage of intake to a minimum of 6 years & 50% respectively.
It appears the govt would be tweaking the agniveer program, wrt both tenure and retention percentage. Have been hearing that the forces have submitted their feedback, just hope better sense prevails and some random babu doesn't delay/discard it.
Reminded me of this masterpiece View attachment 12928
The Indian contingent had to go in in South Sudan and then proceed to neutralise the hostiles with clockwork precision.

But its more than just inexperience. The one child policy has meant that every soldier that falls in battle is grieved by two sets of parents (his in laws too) and has no replacement at all.
Btw, Chinese have already matured the technology of miniaturized PWR on their submarines. So at some point in future they might even try to retrofit one on carriers.
And they lost a nuclear submarine just this July. A brand new submarine at that....
I hope folks here consider the fact that not only does China have enormous manufacturing capacity not only compared to us but also with the collative west ,they also control critical raw material supplies like rare earth materials that are used for things from thermal cameras to turbine engines.

The sheer amount of vidhwa villap happening in open source USN circles is actually insane
USN is so overstretched that ship especially carrier crews have to be deployed months longer than their scheduled time.
They are not able to get a simple frigate project going.
Older shipyard workers are concerned about how they themselves are the last gen of the workers.
A comment by a guy that joined a US shipyard .. He was the youngest at the age of 24 when he joined .. He is still the youngest 8 years later.
They are sure to fail the AUKUS deal because they simply do not have enough submarines to give to the australians for training.. and their own production rate is half of what they require as per their own force projections hence having no capacity for the austrailians.
Literally the only cope I have is that we have better mountain troops. In terms of training not equipment lol.
The US navy problem is several fold:

on the one hand theyre not able to keep shipyards functioning at peak capacity thanks to societal issues, on the other hand their naval design boards are crippled by feature creep - which has already derailed the zumwalt and the lcs programs and threatens to do the same to the Constellation class (which is why i call people who refer the Kamortas as underarmed - blind retards)

rahi baat AUKUS ki....
think of the fucking French, they must be laughing their asses off. The aussies themselves dont have the technical base to even begin making a nuke sub.
It appears the govt would be tweaking the agniveer program, wrt both tenure and retention percentage. Have been hearing that the forces have submitted their feedback, just hope better sense prevails and some random babu doesn't delay/discard it.
25 percent was too low anyways at least 50 percent should have been there, serving in army is primary occupation In hilly regions
The US navy problem is several fold:

on the one hand theyre not able to keep shipyards functioning at peak capacity thanks to societal issues, on the other hand their naval design boards are crippled by feature creep - which has already derailed the zumwalt and the lcs programs and threatens to do the same to the Constellation class (which is why i call people who refer the Kamortas as underarmed - blind retards)

rahi baat AUKUS ki....
think of the fucking French, they must be laughing their asses off. The aussies themselves dont have the technical base to even begin making a nuke sub.
Let's see if Aussies can get subs before we get subs from p75i
Multiple with most of them already ready for user trials. This is not something new and infact it already has a dedicated designation called ATT or Anti-Torpedo Torpedo.

Atlas SeaSpider, Germany
Countermeasure Anti Torpedo (CAT), USA
Rafael TorBuster, Israel
Saab Torpedo 47, Sweden
Paket-E/NK, Russia
Aselsan ZARGANA, Turkiye
Leonardo C303/S - MITE, Italy
Though not officially confirmed but Chinese too are speculated to have

For more than a decade these were in consideration but at a slower and kind of tinkering pace as people thought soft-kill and decoys would be enough, and more importantly cost effective. But after Ukraine proved the efficacy of USV swarm attack against even destroyer type targets, everyone's now scrambling to get one of these.

It's simply ALH/Dhruv with folding main-rotor and tail assembly.
This looks similiar to rafael torbuster. It operates by seducing the enemy torpedo and then blasting on its nearest approach.
While few of the other ATT systems are mini torps which have their own homing system and goes to the enemy torpedo to destroy it.

Now, the only drawback of former system is that it has to seduce the enemy torpedo in first place to neutralize it. So, is there any need to develop the latter type of ATT as well by us, maybe or not.
Bhaijaan, you yourself are questioning General sir comprehensive knowledge capability in your own previous posts.
He is involved in ongoing research in IIT madras.
He is helping there in how to make the budding link between academia and our own industry, which was missing somewhat in previous congress era, Pretty big thing.

I know he didn't mention anything new, but there were some highlights for me types and in the Doval era finding info is difficult.

I thought 10 feet China man were capable with their own engines.

Regarding that, let me tell you INS vikrant went into trail in 2022 as of 2024 it is fully inducted. Two years! That's it.
Your Shandong as mentioned earlier was launched with fanfare in 2017 but attained IOC in 2020.
So, let's not go there and also I didn't point out numerous various sea trials.
Prior to getting inducted, the Shandong underwent nine sea trials over the course of 18 months, this suggest problems with not only engines but many critical equipments too, like arresting gears, electronic equipments, piping installations, etc.

You yourself are willing to accept this, let me tell you Navy and General sir whom you say is telling old news know this.

So, please, tame down your making fun of General Narayanan sir.

Blast at OFB Jabalpur

A hydraulic system reportedly malfunctioned during the bomb-filling process in building 200 of the factory's F-6 section, causing the blast, which was so powerful that it could be heard as far as five kilometres away. Residents living near the factory said they thought it was an earthquake and many also ran out of their homes.

Some other news site said an "aerial bomb caused the blast" and i was like wtf, is it drones?
Atleast rNDTV reports it correctly
The US navy problem is several fold:

on the one hand theyre not able to keep shipyards functioning at peak capacity thanks to societal issues, on the other hand their naval design boards are crippled by feature creep - which has already derailed the zumwalt and the lcs programs and threatens to do the same to the Constellation class (which is why i call people who refer the Kamortas as underarmed - blind retards)

rahi baat AUKUS ki....
think of the fucking French, they must be laughing their asses off. The aussies themselves dont have the technical base to even begin making a nuke sub.

What are these issues? Is it that native burgers don't want to do blue collar jobs of shipbuilding or something else?
I'd assume they're paid well even if its blue collar work
What are these issues? Is it that native burgers don't want to do blue collar jobs of shipbuilding or something else?
I'd assume they're paid well even if its blue collar work
Fewer and fewer college attendees for the traditional engineering courses, non existent respect for true blue collar work - rampant drug abuse and societal dysfunction in the states that host these shipyards.

Democrats being democrats, defunding of some of these yards, so on and so forth

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