DRDO and PSU's

To be honest, any private firm would have done the exact same thing if they were in competition with OFB. Everyone here tries to grab every possible opportunity to rip you off so why should OFB start a charitable trust.

Few years back I asked a prototyping firm about 3D printing an AR-15 pistol grip I had designed. And this was the quotation

I would have imported a proper Magpul grip and still it would have been hardly 3000 bucks.
Adani Defense is the DCPP for various DRDO missile projects like ULPGM, Rudram series, Nasm SR and even standoff PGM like LRGB Gaurav and Gautham.



However there's a catch.

Adani only manufactures the cold sections of these missiles in house. The hot section comprising the propulsion module which is a case bonded solid rocket motor casing, sustainer grains, booster casing and grains, nozzle assembly , thrust vector assembly comprising of vanes and actuators are sourced from others. Adani then does final assembly of the sections and modules and delivers the final product to the customer.

BDL, EEL, PEL manufacture the solid rocket motors and their grains. Infact, BDL mostly outsources the manufacture of solid motors and propellant grains to PEL and SEL. Premier Explosives limited is the sole supplier of SRM for many missile projects. Solar Group which is the parent company of Economic Explosives limited has also started solid propellant grains and rocket motors manufacture recently.
What happened to Pinaka MLRS thing? The Chinese have implemented two kinds of MLRS one for Short Range High Volume and another for Long Range upto 500km Medium Volume. The Chunmoo MLRS is able to combine all 130mm, 230mm, 400mm and 600mm in a single package but the bigger ones lack range.

What exactly is taking too much time that its been like a decade? Are they trying DRDO's own signature move of "Lets reinvent wheel again"?.

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