Anyway it seems to me that the ez solution to this( controller & electronics ) is to go fibre-optic
Fibre optics is excellent for short ranges, but as the range increases multiple issues start to arise.
The true solution to jamming or hacking is military grade encryption, frequency hopping. But the problem is that as of now we haven't miniaturized and made it cheap enough to fit on a small one way drones. That's why we're forced to use commercial radio T/Rx, susceptible to even the slightest EW.
have to be forced/incentivized to produce those here, better get some baboons to work on making policy for this.
And when was the last time a "forced" thing has indeed given the desired results? Few days ago TRAI forced the TelCos to launch a low cost, calling only plan for people not needing internet. Tell me how well that "forced" step worked.
Let's talk about incentives. You won't believe how much incentives we offer on paper for manufacturing; PIL, tax rebate, Input Tax Credit, import/export exemption, credit line, R&D subsidy, Special Economic Zones and what not, but still...
In my opinion, there are four key problems in defence manufacturers which applies to this topic of BLDC motors too
• we're cursed to be devoid of things like innovation, R&D, scientific temperament; instead we want easy money. So why bother investing in R&D to make an innovative drone when you can simply import something inferior and sell it at a handsome markup. All this is even more heartbreaking considering we used to be the pioneers of science and philosophies like
Sankhya and
Jnana Yog some 3000 years ago, anyways leave it
• we won't do something unless there is a sure shot guarantee of getting a good ROI. How many times have you heard companies making something on their own and approaching the military to try it? And reverse this scenario where Army issue a tender and firms no one has ever head of like
"Golu Mekaniks/Jai Mata Di Traders/Sharma Welding Shop/Manoj Steel Works" come in hordes for a rifle when they don't even know the difference between short and long stroke piston
• there is no civilian market. In USA, even for guns you've a civilian market which complements the MilLE markets and makes things very very easy. SIG Sauer makes a rifle for Army and loses the tender; no issues it'll sell to civilians. Colt makes a carbine for civilian but no one's buying because of high cost; no issues they'll get a military contract and use this economies of scale to reduce the cost for civilian market.
Do we have the level of hobby drone market here in India like they've in USA or China?
• last but definitely not the least...bureaucratic redtapism. I guess I don't need to elaborate this
Kaafi bakaiti kar liya na? Good Night