but why should we?
We are not going the route of shore bombardment( chinks have Taiwan, that big gun will provide them 40+km range for shore bombardment lot cheaper than surface to surface missiles, and with rocket powered/ramjet shells in future could extend to 100+km range).
We don't need shore bombardment capabilities.
We're going the route of having deck gun that is on a smaller side and higher fire rate.
Its high rate of fire and the availability of several types of ammunition make it capable of short-range anti-missile point defence, anti-aircraft, anti-surface, and ground support. Ammunition includes armour-piercing, incendiary, directed fragmentation effects, and a guided round marketed as capable of destroying maneuvering anti-ship missiles.
Basically our rapid fire 76mm can be used as point defense( main function)
Bigger is not always better.
Depends on the requirements.