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CDS Gen Anil Chauhan releases Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations​

Following the release of Joint Doctrine for Cyberspace Operations, the Joint Doctrine for Amphibious Operations is the second Joint Doctrine released this year and it provides due focus on Jointness and Integration of Armed Forces in general and Amphibious Operations in particular.​

Excerpts from JOINT DOCTRINE Indian ARMED FORCES - 2018

National Values : India's National Values are our enduring beliefs reflected in the ideals of our society. National Values evolve from our Nation's culture and history, and are based on our enduring social, religious, moral and ideological principles. There is a co-relation between and among all values, no value stands alone and each contributes to the other. Our core National values are best reflected in the Preamble of our Constitution, which are; sovereignty, socialism, secularism, democracy, republican character, justice, liberty, equality, fraternity, human dignity, unity and integrity of our Nation, respect for our diversity, peaceful co-existence, pluralism, tolerance and international peace defined by a just international order .

National Aim : The National Aim, as gleaned from our Constitution and strategic vision enunciated by our leadership over the years, is directed towards'Comprehensive National Development'. Our National Aim is to create a conducive external and internal security environment for unhindered and inclusive socio-economic development.

National Interests : India's National Interests are derived from the need to protect and preserve our core values as enshrined in our Constitution which are summarised as follows :-​
(a) To preserve the sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity ofIndia.​

(b) To preserve the democratic, secular and federal character of the Indian Republic.​

(c) To safeguard India's existing and emerging strategic, political, economic and military goals in consonance with the National Aim.​

(d) To ensure a stable, secure and peaceful internal and external environment conducive to unhindered economic growth and prosperity.​

(e) To contribute towards promotion of international peace and stability.

National Security : National Security to us implies the protection, preservation and promotion of our National Interests against internal and external threats and challenges. Maintenance of our National Security is critical as it provides us the necessary freedom, and removes all fear and hindrance in our pursuit of prosperity and happiness. India's security is an integral component of its development process. National Security and the underpinning strategies have both National and International dimensions. National Security not only entails Military Security but also influences our Politico - Diplomatic structure, Water, Economy, Energy, Food, Health, Education, Technology,Cyber, Space, Nuclear deterrence and Environment

National Security Objectives : National Security Objectives flow from and are designed to safeguardour National Interests. National Security Objectives, like interests, influenceour political, military, and economic dimensions. They provide a frameworkfor the formulation of National Security Policy and ensuing Strategies. India'sNational Security Objectives are :-​
(a) Maintain a credible deterrent capability to safeguard NationalInterests.​
(b) Ensure defence of national territory, air space, maritime zones including our trade routes and cyber space.​
(c) Maintain a secure internal environment to guard against threats to our unity and development.​
(d) Expand and strengthen ''Constructive Engagement'' with other Nations to promote regional, global peace and international stability.​

National Security Policy : National Security Policy is based on our National Security Objectives and the components of National Power, weighed against the prevailing and assessed future domestic and global environment. It shall entail inherent rightof self-defence, possession of deterrence capability, strategic autonomy, self reliance, cooperation, security and friendly relations with countries.

National Security Strategy : Our National Security Strategy (NSS) primarily revolves around safeguarding our Nation from any type of internal and external threats/aggression. In addition, our NSS encompasses preservation and strengthening of India's democratic polity, development process, internal stability and unity in its unique multi-cultural settings. Our NSS also addresses the general well-being of our vast population, the vitality of our economy in context of globalisation and the rapidly advancing technological world. A regional and an international environment of peace and cooperation will facilitate the safeguarding of our interests. Even though we have no formally articulated National Security Policy and Strategy, it does not imply that they do not exist or are not sufficiently understood .Central to our NSS is to maintain an effective conventional and nuclear deterrent capability.

National Military Objectives: National Military Objectives (NMOs) accruing out from NationalSecurity requirements are as follows :-​
(a) Prevent war through strategic and conventional deterrence across the full spectrum of military conflict, to ensure the defence ofIndia, our National Interests and sovereignty.​
(b) Prosecute military operations to defend territorial integrityand ensure a favourable end state during war to achieve stated/implied political objective (s).​
(c) Provide assistance to ensure Internal Security, when called upon to do so.​
(d) Be prepared for contingencies at home and abroad to renderHumanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR), Aid to CivilAuthority and International Peacekeeping, when called upon to do so.​
(e) Enable required degree of self-sufficiency in defence equipment and technology through indigenization to achieve desired degree of technological independence by 2035.​


The Government of India (GoI) is responsible for ensuring the'Defence of India' and every part thereof. The Supreme Command of theArmed Forces of the Union of India is vested with the President of India who is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. National Defence is to bemanaged through Cabinet Control which implies that PM has to get Cabinet approval for every significant decision, both during peace and war. The secretarial aspect for this function is discharged through the MoD which provides the policy frame work and necessary wherewithal to the ArmedForces to discharge their responsibilities in the Defence of the Nation. TheRM is the head of the MoD.

The Ministry of Defence acts as an interface between Armed Forces and other Ministries/Departments/ the Parliament. The principal task of theMoD is to obtain policy directions of the Government on all defence and security related matters and communicate them for implementation to the Service Headquarters (SHQs), Inter-Service Organisations, Production Establishments, Research and Development (R&D) Organisations, etc. The MoD is accountable to Parliament for all expenditure and responds to all debates concerning Defence. The Ministry also arranges finances and wherewithal for the Armed Forces.​


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