Indian Air Force Attack Helicopters


Senior Member
Jul 5, 2024

Last update was that it would be disassembled and taken part by part 😩 reassembled and fixed at suitable spot
pretty sure its going to be written off. I remember they did the same thing with a Dhruv though.
Cry baby now no more interested into broken toy.

Or UN Generals are waiting for a sweet deal where they will pay 3 times more price for repair.

Only thing you ever speak is foul, meaningless rants against Armed Forces all the time, everytime. I am not denying your frustation, but your uncouth statements don't add any value apart from slander.

Please consider posting more meaningful content and less hate.
Only thing you ever speak is foul, meaningless rants against Armed Forces all the time, everytime. I am not denying your frustation, but your uncouth statements don't add any value apart from slander.

Please consider posting more meaningful content and less hate.

There is absolutely nothing except slander to discuss about UN Generals.

I challenge you, show me a single positive thing done by UN Generals recently?? None. So how could anyone praise UN armed forces??

We are just coping and hoping but nothing changing on the ground.

Look at what happening at LOC, LAC and J&K. Soldiers don't have basic gears. Airforce struggling to add even a low end fighter jets. Naval front line warships getting extinct for no reason while sitting on shipyards.

My position is clear from day one. Until greedy UN Generals leave their AC rooms and give up their personal benefit, Nothing will change.

I have seen 100s of improvements in MoD, PSUs but zero improvement in UN Generals.

People think, there are magical band which will instantaneously create anything for Armed forces. Our beloved UN Generals lake vision and it is their job to envisaged 15 years ahead. If they can't then it's there fault only.

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