Indian Hyperloop Transportation Technologies

do you think its implementation safe in India, how to ensure no one damage the loop/tube.
do you think its implementation safe in India, how to ensure no one damage the loop/tube.

The Hyperloop system can be constructed underground or on elevated bridges, and equipped with AI-powered sensors for real-time monitoring, enabling swift detection and punishment of any vandalism. Just as people damaging railway tracks doesn't deter us from advancing rail technology, we shouldn't let potential risks hinder the development of innovative transportation solutions like Hyperloop.
The Hyperloop system can be constructed underground or on elevated bridges, and equipped with AI-powered sensors for real-time monitoring, enabling swift detection and punishment of any vandalism. Just as people damaging railway tracks doesn't deter us from advancing rail technology, we shouldn't let potential risks hinder the development of innovative transportation solutions like Hyperloop.
Thoughts similar to Hyperloop existed since early 19th century. Technology of the time didn't allow any construction back then.
We are waiting for tech to catch up to have any meaningful implementation outside test tracks. We are still years away from having a successful commercial implementation.​

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