Indian Small Arms and Weapons

Hard to believe

> Firstly there's not much domestic market left for 7.62x51mm as most got taken up by imported SIGs. So if there's no local market for SIG-716i then there's absolutely no logic in setting up all the tooling for manufacturing as you can't even think of export market. SIG Sauer is not dumb enough to lose their share of let's say European market by letting someone else sell their products there.

> Secondly, SIG Sauer is currently the biggest small arms company in the world. M17/18 and NGSW has injected so much cash into them that no other firearms company is even close to them. This can be seen by the recent CapEx like the Jacksonville plant. So a company like this rarely transfers there technology.

And for refresher, Nibe is this Space Shuttle company
Simple if they want to survive do what MKU does : don't give 2 flying fucks about Indian Military , focus full on ASEAN , Middle east and Latin America

if it gets big maybe they will make it here ,
Everyone is trying to move their supply chains from China .
Totally agree mku and tonbo had the best approach
I really hope army give them more orders and considering india have big window for manufacturing(manpower) and big customer base if we consider diff-diff agency and security forces who have requirements for optics and gun accessories
Hard to believe

> Firstly there's not much domestic market left for 7.62x51mm as most got taken up by imported SIGs. So if there's no local market for SIG-716i then there's absolutely no logic in setting up all the tooling for manufacturing as you can't even think of export market. SIG Sauer is not dumb enough to lose their share of let's say European market by letting someone else sell their products there.

> Secondly, SIG Sauer is currently the biggest small arms company in the world. M17/18 and NGSW has injected so much cash into them that no other firearms company is even close to them. This can be seen by the recent CapEx like the Jacksonville plant. So a company like this rarely transfers there technology.

And for refresher, Nibe is this Space Shuttle company
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It will be a Adani-PLR-IWI style deal. BTW lots of potential for Sig 716i orders from paramilitaries, police, SWAT, etc.

There could be a third tranche of 73000 rifles Sig 716i for Indian Army.

The Jammu and Kashmir Police is probably the first in the country to get the modern weapons, they said, adding that the force will be procuring 500 Sig Sauer-716 rifles and 100 Sig Sauer MPX 9 mm pistols
Just sig 716 or just SIG weapons in general I would love MCX in our Arsenel
As much as I would like to see MCX in our Arsenal as well, I am a H&K simp! Get them some HK433!!
After the Unban it's possible technically but don't see HK jumping on this anytime soon while SIG is actually trying.
The moment you see H&K adopting the Sig USA strategy (i.e.. People responsible for procurement getting cushy jobs at Sig post retirement or family members getting those jobs), I can guarantee you will see them in our arsenal.
SigP320 is a walking time bomb due to its ND issues and yet won multiple contracts along with other Sig weapons!
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