Indonesian Armed Forces


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Jul 2, 2024
Indonesian Su-30 attacks P-100 bombs, Sikatan Daya exercise. An episode of the 2024 Indonesian military exercise "Sikatan Daya" in Lumajang, using Indonesian Su-27 and Su-30 fighters, Russian-made. The video shows P-100 training bombs being dropped by Indonesian Su-30 aircraft from the 11th Aviation Squadron. The P-100 bomb does not have a fuse; the bomb emits smoke when it hits a target, making it easier for pilots to assess the results of the bombing. P-100 bombs are manufactured by the Indonesian company Sari Bahari and weigh 100 kg, they can be used on NATO F-5E Tiger II and F-16 aircraft, as well as Russian aircraft. P-100 training bombs are marked in blue, P-100L combat bombs in green. Also in the video you can see the in-flight refueling of two Indonesian Su-30 aircraft from a US-made Lockheed KC-130B aircraft.

The first ever joint Russian-Indonesian naval exercises, Orruda 2024, have kicked off in Surabaya. The opening ceremony was attended by Indonesian Navy Commander-in-Chief Vice-Admiral Denih Hendrata and Commander of the Primorsky Flotilla of the Russian Pacific Fleet's mixed forces, Rear Admiral Alexey Sysuyev.
Ships of the Russian Pacific Fleet, the corvettes Gromkiy, Rezkiy, and Geroy Rossiyskoy Federatsii Aldar Tsydenzhapov, as well as the support vessel Pechenga, have arrived in Indonesia. The naval exercises will be held in the Java Sea near the Indonesian city of Surabaya, east of the capital Jakarta, from November 4 to 8.
The Orruda 2024 exercises include two main stages: a base port stage, which will be held in Surabaya, and a sea stage, which will be held in the Java Sea. An initiative to hold similar exercises every two years is currently being considered.

An episode of the second stage of the Russian-Indonesian naval exercises "Orruda-2024" in the Java Sea. Russia used the Pacific Fleet corvettes "Gromkiy", "Rezkiy", "Geroy Rossiyskoy Federatsii Aldar Tsydenzhapov" and the medium sea tanker "Pechenga". The Indonesian Navy used the frigate Gusti Ngurah Rai 332 and the corvette Frans Kaisiepo 368. The ships' crews maneuvered and trained in communications using all types of signaling. After practicing interaction, the crews practiced inspection actions of suspicious vessels, blocking and releasing a vessel detected conditionally captured by "terrorists". They also trained to counter unmanned boats with firing from automatic artillery mounts and small arms. After completing the firing, they conducted rescue training at sea.

The crews of the Russian Pacific Fleet corvettes Rezkiy and Geroy Rossii Aldar Tsydenzhapov, Project 20380, took part in the opening ceremony of the international naval exercise Komodo-2025 in the city of Denpasar in Indonesia. During the opening ceremony, the ships of the countries participating in the military exercises passed in formation under the flags of their states. Aircraft and helicopters of the Indonesian Air Force flew in the sky.


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