Small Arms and Weapons

Absolutely not, you've been chosen by the universe to tell him the immense power this Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Doohickey has and how it completely blows the other gun out of the waters
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So @Yuyutsu it depends on the type of firearm you are using. AK pattern vs AR Pattern.
Simply put what you see here is the Bolt release/Bolt catch. from an AR Pattern rifle.
When you insert a loaded magazine for the first time, you must pull the charging handle to the rear. This will chamber the first round. After the last round the bolt locks open(to the rear)- you insert a new mag - release the bolt using the bolt release button. This chambers a new round without needing to cock the firearm again.
In AK pattern rifles, the bolt does not lock open, hence when you empty the mag, you reload another mag and cock the gun to chamber the round. Manual action.

Now it depends on you which would be your preference. If you want quick shots downrange without having to manually cock the gun every time then join Team Stoner. If you are more into Slav goon style, Team AK it is.
Lately Century Arms has introduced AK pattern rifles with bolt hold open feature when the mag runs empty.

Now its over to @Ayan Barat to go into details if you want extensive details.
so basically AK is just made for suicide missions like for jihadis? if you don't have bolt hold and release you are waiting to be gunned down faster by ARs.
If you are not trained then maybe yes. But in trained hands an AK is as effective as an AR when it comes to putting shots downrange.

Most of the stuff from BEL are from somewhere else so I can't say from where exactly this is but yeah, we too have such capabilities. Maybe not man-portable enough but still
Fuck it. Give Poormetto the license to produce JVPC for the American civil market and look at the yankeedoodles go crazy over it solely based on the COD hype. Pretty sure Poormetto will also do a better job with the JVPC asthetics.


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