Chit Chat

People often mistake language for ethnicity and to be honest, there is some fuzzy blending in where ethnicities and languages meet.
You are correct.
Reminds me of one time when i blew up self-identity of an arab friend of mine with last name Rustom. I once waited for him to go on predictable arab vs persian rant and pointed out that Rustom, aka Rustam is a signature Persian hero-name and has origin in Ram-Rustam of Indo-Persians and literally Persian hercules prince is a Rustam, so he is most likely Arabised persian, especially given that he hails from the part of iraq that is historic PERSIAN empire for 1000+ years.

This is very commonly done in the West. To make that the entire point of debate is bad faith. He is arguing from his personal experiences, but not anything worth its weight in salt. I don't care if others think I'm saying anything in bad faith. I know the difference, and, I am actively studying these relations from a historical perspective. Not what dada baba told me.

incorrect. they ARE our allies. Allies are capable of hating each other while combining against greater hated enemy. Refer allies of commies plus colonialists to fight nazis.

We are under no illusion what original racist religion of desert demon worship means. We are also under no illusion that THIS one, is an ally.

An ally does not try to control you without you realizing they are controlling you. Israel was behind Kasab and 26/11 as well. Please see @KGBPurana on twitter for more information on this if you doubt me.
How's what I'm arguing in bad faith ? In fact the only person arguing in bad faith here is you & you've been pretty consistent in it in most of what you post here as other members will testify based on your interactions with them.

My grandparents didn't tell me this. They passed away when I was little. My father schooled with quite a few Jews in Central Mumbai or Byculla / Bombay Central / Lamington Road to be precise , in the late 1950s & early 60s & get a load of this , Chinese too or Hakka to be more precise , who were from Calcutta & originally all the way from China , all of whom had Christian names not surnames & none of whom were Christian but all of whom were Buddhist.

Why ? Coz Chinese names were hard to pronounce & they didn't want to identify with Indian / Yindu names. So you have examples of a people who didn't want to assimilate much or at all with the local populace , the opposite of acculturation , much like the Jews in the west.

He retained contacts with them long after they quit India. They'd come calling every time they visited Bombay including staying at our grandparents place since they disposed off their accomodation here.

They were as patriotic as anyone out there then . They were also thoroughly working class if you know what being working class means especially in the newly independent India of the 1950s & 60s with all the deprivation around.

For a better life. They were economic migrants just like your folks or grand folks quit India. Weren't your folks or grand folks patriotic ? Why did they quit India then ?

There's no hindi surname for crying out loud. Hindi is a language . It's not even an ethnic marker. It's like English . You can be a Hindi speaker from MP , UP , Bihar , Haryana , Delhi , Uttarakhand , Jharkhand , Rajasthan & Himachal Pradesh . Then there are caste / varna / jati markers.

Telugu is a language . You can be an ethnic Telugu speaker or an ethnic Andhra , you can be an ethnic Marathi speaker or you can be an ethnic Tamil or Malayalam speaker & on & on.

That there in the pamphlet is in all likelihood a typo where instead of printing Hindu , Hindi was printed. Just for confirmation , a lot of surnames in the Konkan region are shared between Marathi speaking Hindus , Muslims & Jews though there are some surnames unique to each religious group.

For example - do you know the author's surname Kihimkar arises from the fact that he & his ancestors come from a place called Kihim near the port town of Alibaug on the Konkan coast not for from Mumbai & means from Kihim hence Kihim kar.

Further examples - Mahimkar - from Mahim , Punekar - from Pune etc

Totally completely brainwashed and hopeless.
This is very commonly done in the West. To make that the entire point of debate is bad faith. He is arguing from his personal experiences, but not anything worth its weight in salt. I don't care if others think I'm saying anything in bad faith. I know the difference, and, I am actively studying these relations from a historical perspective. Not what dada baba told me.

An ally does not try to control you without you realizing they are controlling you. Israel was behind Kasab and 26/11 as well. Please see @KGBPurana on twitter for more information on this if you doubt me.
Israel isn't behind kasab. Pakistan is. As I said, we don't hate Jews like your white masters do coz joo better than white at everything that matters.

Ps: you clearly do not know the difference it seems.
Why is DFB not launching its IPO?

When is the next meet of DFB's Board of Directors?
Because agent lovecharger who hold 51% of the stakes in DFB venture is underground right now.
Because agent lovecharger who hold 51% of the stakes in DFB venture is underground right now.

It seems you are not updated on the current shareholding pattern of DFB.

Majority stake is held by Billa Haldilal who is the biggest real estate mafia in India. (Anyone who visits infra related threads knows that). He owns millions of sqft of prime real estate in all major cities.

Love Charger who is the most khoonkhar member of the forum went rogue bcoz of his cutthroat rivalry with Haldilal.
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i do see - you fell for white-man and islamist joo hatred to blame 'evol joos' for being basically better than whites at everything despite being treated as shit by whites.

Ok lol. You can choose to believe this if you want. I don't really care. I will continue to seek out the truth. Satyameva Jayate.
Ok lol. You can choose to believe this if you want. I don't really care. I will continue to seek out the truth. Satyameva Jayate.
You aint seeking out the truth when you repeat standard white & muslim cope tropes against ze jooz.
You just spreading dumb white people propaganda combined with isloo hatred of joos.

We dont cope and seethe against joos like whites do - we dont have a history to losing to jews at everything like whites do, despite them trying to wipe out and ethnically cleanse them a dozen times outta europe - which makes their jew cope understandable. Yours isn't however.
You can defend them all you want, but you will always be a gentile to them. They will never view you with the same respect they view themselves. Goy.
You can defend them all you want, but you will always be a gentile to them. They will never view you with the same respect they view themselves. Goy.
vast difference between defending them and dismissing white+moozie cope propaganda. You dont seem to know the difference and you clear-cut fell for white+isloo propaganda when you said 26/11 is done by ze jooz. that isnt truth and you know it. because it boils down to same evol joo conspiracy propaganda made by inferior whites and moozies to cope with being inferior to ze joo at everything.

as i said, we dont have a problem competing with ze joo. so we dont need idiot white people cope tropes about joos.
yes, we know they are original pagan haters. but they are also mildest of the 3 bad apples and our ally at the moment. that is all that is relevant, rest is all nonsense and cut-paste of white people cope trope of joos.
Lol. Whatever you say, goy.
Thats a cope, not counter. As i said, peddling white + isloo cope trope of their butthurt at being inferior to joos = no bueno here.
We aint whites or moozies who lose to jews at everything under the sun despite outnumbering them 100:1 and trying to eliminate them repeatedly......

wait a min...doesnt that LITERALLY make ze joo the superior race to whites and muslims ? how can u not be, when u r 1% of the whites and u apparently control and own all the whites despite them trying to kill u off ??

This is what i would expect if whites were like dehati indians and joos were the pandavas.......
repeating joo-hatred isnt gonna work with me, white bootlicker.

Can u explain to me though, how ze jooz are not superior race to ze whites, given what ze whites believe that ze ev0l jooz control everything and they are 1% of ze whites and are controlling whites despite whites trying their level best to exterminate ze joo.....

Its like me trying to fist-fight bheem = white people trying to not be controlled by ze joo it seems.

explain plz.

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