God, please don't use that word 'soon', I am fully expecting them to take years to sign the damned contract....just watch
Yes ig they pull another mk1a type situation
Delaying signing by stating cost negotiation but it's nothing but last push to delay and sabotage
I even pointed out that even Dhanush has some imported stuff on it, and that Tata made a JV with some phoren company (probably Nexter) to jump onto aatmanirbhartaa bandwagon with their offering in howitzers - but they were adamant that only imported Elbit ATHOS hi chahiye, no half or full baked aatmanirbhar howtizer
IMO there 2 root causes for this abysmal attitude of IA genrols and officers -
1. Britshit era NDA training where they're completely mentally colonised to become 'puccah' brown sahibs and as a result look down upon anything we non sahibs brown native coolies produce, so automatically our products are inferior
2. Decades of being forced to buy sub standard and outright pathetic quality stuff from Oh Effing B confirming the above thinking.
Its a deadly feedback loop which can only be broken by GoI shoving stuff down their throats (or rather their nether side ?) - like in the case of Tejas and now hopefully the 307 no. of ATAGS
i have never talked about Stryker IFV thing here, but from what i read here, it seems G2G deal, something that MoD mantraalay and babudumbs wants to push down throats of the armed forces, because even army doesn't want it much after those trials which apparently didn't woo them much

my views, Stryker is not totally geopolitical jizya to the orange man sirkar as they want to diversify their supplies in indo-pacific theatre, but it can and it will kill WhAP project

looking in past, there were plenty of instances of someone somewhere thrusting pieces of equipments that armed forces didn't want, most notable example that comes in my mind is Dassault Mirage-2000, yes, it was something that IAF didn't want initially, mainly over cost + requirements of better air-conditioned shelters and all...but i kinda also read it somewhere that IAF saw it initially as a 'Strike Aircraft', something that they had already got in Jaguars and Mig-23, 27.
It's another thing that Mirage-2000 was/is a capable jet with true western style multi-role capabilities that made it a formidable jet for us, gave a first-hand experience to the IAF regd entire paradigm and set a stage for future procurements, even going as far as becoming one of favourite jet here - so despite initial reluctance it did become all good - the only gripe being numbers of jets we got was/is too low

keeping this in mind, is there any potential benefit like this with Stryker for present/future military combat vehicles?
keeping this in mind, is there any potential benefit like this with Stryker for present/future military combat vehicles?
Outdated car with massive design flaws. Floor mounted seats, a driver's hatch that will cut the driver in half in case of a head-on collision, gets penetrated by everything firing at it (50 cal and above), gets penetrated by sustained 7.62mm firing from sides, absolutely fuckall IED resistance, unreliable powerplant, underpowered for it's weight and gets stuck in soft terrain every 10 mins, likes to flip and roll, aluminum hull armor quickly catches fire from a partially penetrating HEAT round, dismounts sit right next to ammo and fuel, rusts under the floor panels, breaks down every odd day, brake fluid leakage, coolant leakage, comically fragile fuel lines, pure deathtrap all around. Then there's the M1128 105mm variant that carries limited ammo because it's overweight af; the comically complex autoloader dials up ready rounds from the rear racks of the vehicle, sends it below the gun breech, lifts it up, then sends it to the back of the turret near the ejection port, before it can load the round in. This contraption naturally breaks down frequently. The car was designed for limited conflict and dismounting behind friendly lines, preferrably on paved roads.​
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i have never talked about Stryker IFV thing here, but from what i read here, it seems G2G deal, something that MoD mantraalay and babudumbs wants to push down throats of the armed forces, because even army doesn't want it much after those trials which apparently didn't woo them much

my views, Stryker is not totally geopolitical jizya to the orange man sirkar as they want to diversify their supplies in indo-pacific theatre, but it can and it will kill WhAP project

looking in past, there were plenty of instances of someone somewhere thrusting pieces of equipments that armed forces didn't want, most notable example that comes in my mind is Dassault Mirage-2000, yes, it was something that IAF didn't want initially, mainly over cost + requirements of better air-conditioned shelters and all...but i kinda also read it somewhere that IAF saw it initially as a 'Strike Aircraft', something that they had already got in Jaguars and Mig-23, 27.
It's another thing that Mirage-2000 was/is a capable jet with true western style multi-role capabilities that made it a formidable jet for us, gave a first-hand experience to the IAF regd entire paradigm and set a stage for future procurements, even going as far as becoming one of favourite jet here - so despite initial reluctance it did become all good - the only gripe being numbers of jets we got was/is too low

keeping this in mind, is there any potential benefit like this with Stryker for present/future military combat vehicles?
Stryker is a piece of shit, we bought it to satisfy babus of American MIC, Its also made by Gen.Dynamics Land System Canada , you can already tell this project will go, within like 2-3 years , they will probably raise per vehicle price by like 20-30%, its a underpowered system, US army hates it, it was made to be used in middle east, yeah middle east ! Now you can already figure out how it will perform in Himalayas.

you can ready some posts from both US army personnel and engineers, this system was made by putting together bunch of system that don't go together.
Drdo has bigger things to worry about, rather than care about what kids online who only know perverted meaning of this word say.
Well there's something called "marketing" and it's simple and silly issues like these which can cost the fallout of major deals or project how serious are we about our products and what we put in the brochures

Don't see any other major defense players using this word lately
I think we should have a dedicated thread for "Missile Test Notification".
I think we should have a dedicated thread for "Missile Test Notification".

already there bhau, it's just, we aren't testing much nowadays like that peak period of 2018 onwards to put regular updates there and discuss over it, or those kinds of discussions simply happen in this DRDO or other missile related threads
"भारत द्वारा खुद के बेहद एडवांस हेलीकॉप्टर डेवलप कर लेने से फ्रांस भी चिंतित हो सकता है. क्योंकि फ्रांस से अब एडवांस हेलीकॉप्टर खरीदने की संभावना पर ब्रेक लग सकता है. उसका एक बड़ा बाजार उसके लिए बंद हो सकता है."

"Safran Helicopter Engines has been HAL’s partner of choice for powering its helicopters, starting with the Artouste engines used in Cheetah and Chetak, followed by Shakti engine and its variants powering the ALH, LCH and LUH. The present collaboration elevates this time-tested relationship to the next level through the joint design and development of modern state-of-the-art helicopter engines intended for application in Medium lift Helicopters."

Quality of defence reporting.
Well there's something called "marketing" and it's simple and silly issues like these which can cost the fallout of major deals or project how serious are we about our products and what we put in the brochures

Don't see any other major defense players using this word lately
Yeah, no.
No major deal gonna fallout due to cum
Well there's something called "marketing" and it's simple and silly issues like these which can cost the fallout of major deals or project how serious are we about our products and what we put in the brochures

Don't see any other major defense players using this word lately
people who handle these deals focus on capabilities of the product and not name , names are good for plebs

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