Next Generation Missile Vessels


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Jun 27, 2024
Ya'll Nibbiars
With designation Missile Corvettes Veer (7), Khukri (4) & Kora (5) classes aging, the Indian Navy is lining up plans for Next Generation Missile Vessels instead of upgrades.

INS Kirpan has been transferred to Vietnam in May (gods she was pretty).
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With designation Missile Corvettes Veer (7), Khukri (4) & Kora (5) classes aging, the Indian Navy is lining up plans for Next Generation Missile Vessels instead of upgrades.

INS Kirpan has been transferred to Vietnam in May (gods she was pretty).
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I don't see why we'd aspire to have a fleet of these so small. 16 Anti-Submarine Warfare Shallow Water Crafts (ASWSWC) & with 12 Mine Countermeasure Vessels (MCMV) are a fine replacement for them, but only 6 Next Generation Missile Vessels (NGMV) are planned . 11 NG-OPVs are inadequately armed & barely count in combat scenario, so very little offensive strength.

We can't have dozens of destroyers or even frigates in foreseeable future & larger "stealth" warships which can only bring it down to fishing-trawler levels & us effectively non-LO in formation with others. But smaller ships of 1000ton class are more effective as stealthy, as theirs can be reduced to match even a boat, with Carbon-fibre & other signature reducing measures while being reasonably priced. We could afford a decent sized fleet of cheap but deadly & low-observable, AShM-AShBM (Sukanya has died Dhanush) armed Missile-Cutters guarding the whole coast & handling all littoral combat.

Sea jet (US)
Project 20386 (Rus)

Is Tender awarded to any shipyard already?
Construction started?
Cochin or Goa Shipyard?
Update from September 2022:

Six of these are to be built by Cochin Shipyard Limited CSL which won the bid in 2021. CSL CMD Madhu S Nair told investors in May 2022 that negotiations with the Navy have been completed adding that while CSL expected award of contract by June, it may be delayed towards September. The six vessels, costing about 9,000 crores, would take over eight years to build. These would be armed with eight BrahMos missiles, VL-SRSAM for air defence and various guns.​

OP: @haldilal
Next Generation Missile Vessels
The contract for the acquisition of six Next Generation Missile Vessels (NGMV) was signed with Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL) at a cost of Rs 9,805 crore. The delivery of ships is scheduled to commence in March 2027.

The NGMVs would be heavily armed war vessels incorporating stealth, high speed and offensive capability. The primary role of the ships would be to provide offensive capability against enemy warships, merchantmen and land targets.

These ships will be capable of conducting Maritime Strike Operations, Anti Surface Warfare Operations and would be a potent instrument of sea denial for enemy ships, especially at choke points.

In a defensive role, these ships would be employed for Local Naval Defence operations and seaward defence of the Offshore Development Area.

The construction of these ships will generate employment of 45 lakh man-days over a period of nine years as per the statement.

The MoD explained that the indigenous manufacturing of these vessels will encourage the active participation of Indian shipbuilding and associated industries, including MSMEs.

Source: Article

OP: @WolfPack86​
From an Alpha Defence article, that is a Rajput class destroyer.
Why our exhaust funnels are placed separately? Also, the MFR-X is for the VL-SRSAM or a completely new radar.

Lack of VLS for Brahmos is surprising though.

The design looks very similar to Al Zubarah Corvettes designed by Fincantieri.


There was an MoU signed between CSL and Fincantieri in 2020.

Fincantieri, one of the world’s largest shipbuilding groups, has signed a Memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Cochin Shipyard Limited (CSL), the leading shipbuilder in India.
Design, procurement and local construction of new vessels for the Indian defense market

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