INSAS - Indian Small Arms System

Cross posting from BR

The whole INSAS replacement saga summed up as under:

Army: We don't want INSAS
MoD: What do you want?
Army: Multi Caliber vaporware.
MoD: Were you able to find one?
Army: Nah, that was stupid.
MoD: Try this Mk1C thing. They finally fixed it.
Army: Yeah, it's alright, but I don't want 5.56.
MoD: Well, what do you want this time?
Army: 7.62 NATO Sturmgewehr
MoD: I think OFB came up with something in 6.months, it's a bit rough around the edges, try it out?
Army: Sure, but lemme buy some stuff on emergency, while I send everyone on a wild goose chase for an affordable 7.62 NATO sturmgewehr.
MoD: I don't think you are serious, but ok, do it.
Army: You know what, I am rethinking this whole 7.62 NATO rifle thing, they are kind of expensive, I want something affordable for non front line troops.
MoD: How about an overpriced AK in a caliber you never standardised on?
Army: Perffick.

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