Science & Technology in India General Discusion


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Jun 27, 2024
Ya'll Proud Moment: Indian students clinch 1 Gold & 4 Silver medals at the 17th International Olympiad on Astronomy and Astrophysics IOAA 2024 in Brazil! This adds to India's growing legacy of excellence in science education and highlights the stellar work of mentors at TIFR.

that news article was not opening for me, so adding more info..
A team of Indian researchers from the @iiscbangalore, Bengaluru have made a groundbreaking discovery that could revolutionize AI! Their new brain-inspired computing platform can store and process data in 16,500 conductance states within a molecular film, far surpassing traditional digital computers, in which data storage and processing are limited to just two states. This breakthrough could bring advanced AI tasks such as training LLMs to personal devices, democratizing AI development. The breakthrough has been reported in the journal @Nature.


Catalyst for hydrogen production

First time detection of nuclear explosion from Andromeda Galaxy, using Astrosat. I'm pretty sure that the Andromeda Galaxy is not the closest Galaxy to the Milky Way, the closest or closer are the Magellanic Clouds, the Triangulam Galaxy, Ursa Major et al. I suppose if these are seen as satellite or local group galaxies, then the wording could be accurate. Otherwise, it would make the achievement even more impressive! Astrosat is still working 9 years after its launch, its expected duration was 5 years.

First time detection of nuclear explosion from Andromeda Galaxy, using Astrosat. I'm pretty sure that the Andromeda Galaxy is not the closest Galaxy to the Milky Way, the closest or closer are the Magellanic Clouds, the Triangulam Galaxy, Ursa Major et al. I suppose if these are seen as satellite or local group galaxies, then the wording could be accurate. Otherwise, it would make the achievement even more impressive! Astrosat is still working 9 years after its launch, its expected duration was 5 years.

And this event happened over 2 million years ago so too long to for us to do anything about it.
Very intriguing discovery by Indian scientists using a telescope in Chile. 3-Star system

that news article was not opening for me, so adding more info..
A team of Indian researchers from the @iiscbangalore, Bengaluru have made a groundbreaking discovery that could revolutionize AI! Their new brain-inspired computing platform can store and process data in 16,500 conductance states within a molecular film, far surpassing traditional digital computers, in which data storage and processing are limited to just two states. This breakthrough could bring advanced AI tasks such as training LLMs to personal devices, democratizing AI development. The breakthrough has been reported in the journal @Nature.

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Need to make it in a company.

Anyone wondering the reason we don't read about stuff like this on the Indian media often ? We wouldn't have collective breast beating on MSM & SM then wouldn't we!

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