Identity crises ridden inbreds fail to realise that inbredistan is not a civilisational state, even Turkey has a lot of Greek architecture and monuments, that certainly doesn't make them turkish history or civilisation. "Pakistan ka matlab kya La ilaha ilallah" is what is the basis of your shithole. Your ancestors if alive today would literally spit on you for doing what you did in 1947 and still do even today lol.
Muh IVC culture, 90% of which is considered haraam in our Deen-e-Pak!
Identity crisis
"paki cuisine" ehh what exactly? Indian food plus some Afghan food, butchered with reused palm oil and shit tonnes of high fat donkey meat?
"Our history", will east pakistan be considered part of ancient paxtan? "Oh but they were not true pakistanis" even though most pakistanis were east pakistanis who happened to reject paxtan
paxtan is literally like a shaved off shawarma that thinks they are different from the rest of the meat on the spit, or like an amputated hand that kangs "look we look different from rest of the body, and only similarity is with the other hand (i.e. Indian states bordering paxtan) and we have nothing to do with the rest"
Vast majority of their population lives within 100-150km of Radcliffe line (India-pakistan border), for context the widest distance within the city of Delhi is 52km. The Anglos and "All India Muslim League" shaved off a portion of India from the western and eastern border for a muslim homeland for all muslims of Indian subcontinent not on any civilisational or ethnic lines, but purely on %age of Indian muslims most of whom were concentrated over these two places.
If Gujarat was muslim majority, it would have been a part of pakistan, like even today pakistan claims Junagarh, an erstwhile princely state in Gujarat to be a part of pakistan just like pakis claim Kashmir to be "pakistani" purely on basis of the fact that it is muslim majority, close to paki border and have similar jihadist extremist mentality in the population. If Sindh resisted mass conversions and was Hindu majority (like a significant portion of Sindh even today is) then Sindh would've been a part of Republic of India. If east Punjab was muslim majority, it would've also gone to pakistan or if west punjab was Hindu/Sikh majority, it would've gone to India. Funny enough, if Meghalaya or Tripura were muslim majority, it would've been a part of east-pakistan/bangladesh.
Afterall t
he Radcliffe Line was purely built on basis of religion, not ethnicity.
"There was no India then" neither was there any proper Punjab, Sindh, Kashmir, Khyber, Bengal, Bihar, Haryana, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Gujarat, Kerala, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Goa, Himachal and so on, entire subcontinent was made up of hundreds of tiny princely states, so what exactly is this logic lol. It's funny how they are desperately trying to create a new separate paxtani racial identity which makes zero sense.