1965 Indo Pak War


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Jun 27, 2024
Doesn’t matter. The opportunity was there and we squandered it.
It was physically impssible to assault lahore. The BRB canal denied a crossing. The paks destroyed all bridges and retreated west of the canal barring a few heavily gaurded posts. It would take a few days by engineers to remake the bridges and create the final bridge head. In very essence the indian army completed phase one of its operation
It was physically impssible to assault lahore. The BRB canal denied a crossing. The paks destroyed all bridges and retreated west of the canal barring a few heavily gaurded posts. It would take a few days by engineers to remake the bridges and create the final bridge head. In very essence the indian army completed phase one of its operation
My dad was only 5 km away from Lahore. He was the captain spearheading the company advancing the Indian axis.
I was at the age 22 on way to Delhi on GT Road on September 6th when our bus was stopped near Ambala as we were told that overhead, the Pakistani sabre jets in a day time raid were attacking Ambala airforce station. We all came out of the stopped bus to have a look as to what was going on. Later we learnt that Pakistani airforce, although with superior Sabre jets would not dare to attack in a day light raid about 200 miles deep from their border. What we saw was IAF combat patrol flying over the airfield. They were flying low to reassure the safety of the airfield. A few days later, Pakistanis did attack Ambala with 500 pound bombs in a night raid, but these bombs missed the target.
We should have taken Lahore and the rest of Kashmir.
Kashmir, yes. Lahore - there simply was not enough forces available for that task at that time. You must keep this in mind that back then, the Pakistanis enjoyed a significant numerical and qualitative edge over the Indian Army in terms of armor and artillery.
Plus, what would even be the point in taking something that you know for certain you'd need to give up afterwards anyway??
That wasn’t the objective of 1965 btw. Operation riddles objectives were to create two bridge heads in the ravi and sutlej
Yes and it was stupendously stupid on Bogey Sen's part. If he was in the Red Army or the Heer, that chap would have been executed for gross incompetence.
The pakistanis should thank that moron called General 'Bogey' Sen that it didn't come to pass. That motherfucker singlehandedly screwed the whole Indian campaign of 65 (not that the other top honchos were that much

Yes and it was stupendously stupid on Bogey Sen's part. If he was in the Red Army or the Heer, that chap would have been executed for gross incompetence.

Bogey Sen wasn’t involved in 1965? I thought it was General JN chqudhari?
Kashmir, yes. Lahore - there simply was not enough forces available for that task at that time. You must keep this in mind that back then, the Pakistanis enjoyed a significant numerical and qualitative edge over the Indian Army in terms of armor and artillery.
Plus, what would even be the point in taking something that you know for certain you'd need to give up afterwards anyway??
Yup. When Pakistanis chest thump about how they stopped an army that was 100000 times bigger than them, these delusional inbreds must remember that they had more artillery and armor, which is the deciding conflict in any war.
Yup. When Pakistanis chest thump about how they stopped an army that was 100000 times bigger than them, these delusional inbreds must remember that they had more artillery and armor, which is the deciding conflict in any war.
Plus the Indian infantry wasn't that numerically superior to them either. I mean, the more well-trained and equipped divisions (10 of them if my memories serve me right )were deployed along the China border; not to mention, a big chunk of the infantry was still equipped with bolt action rifles and were using Bren LMGs for even platoon level fire support roles!! But of course, you cannot expect the Pakistanis to acknowledge all that for obvious reasons.
Sorry, I mixed him up with that dude, my bad.
Yeah. Bogey Sen was actually mastermind. Some major victories achieved by him in 47 war. I will make posts about these as IMO, 47 was a great performance on our end.
Plus the Indian infantry wasn't that numerically superior to them either. I mean, the more well-trained and equipped divisions (10 of them if my memories serve me right )were deployed along the China border; not to mention, a big chunk of the infantry was still equipped with bolt action rifles and were using Bren LMGs for even platoon level fire support roles!! But of course, you cannot expect the Pakistanis to acknowledge all that for obvious reasons.
Correct. In one infantry attack a battalion had to borrow SLRs (there were 2 SLRs per section). That battalion would go on to have a splendid attack. The Battle of Kumaon Hill. Two companies of SSG and AK regiment were routed by the 4th battalion kumaon regiment.73522EB8-A41C-48DD-9E2B-39943B979032.jpeg

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