1971 Indo Pak War

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The man enjoying tea as a prisoner of the Indian Army is the top commander of the Pakistan Army in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). On this day, December 16, 1971, General Amir Abdullah Khan Niazi was captured along with 93,000 Pakistani soldiers.This was the largest military surrender after the capitulation of the German Sixth Army at Stalingrad in 1943. It was also one of India's greatest military victories in the last 1,000 years.But India made a strategic mistake after winning the war and having Pakistan over a barrel. These 93,000 Pakistani soldiers and officers were lodged, fed and entertained (via weekly movies e.g.) in POW camps in India (Madhya Pradesh) for 18 long months.Because of the shortage of space, many Indian Army officers vacated their homes and slept in tents in freezing winter and hot summers so the Pakistani prisoners could be accommodated in comfort.The idea was to make these Pakistanis ambassadors of peace. Instead, these well-fed soldiers displayed open hostility, threatened to return in another war and destroy India. Imagine these unrepentant beasts saying that to their Indian captors.Because none of these soldiers were tried for their horrendous war crimes - the murder of 3 million Bengalis and the rape of 400,000 women - they went on to kill over 10,000 Balochs a few years later.The hard fought victories gained by our soldiers on the battlefield were frittered away on the negotiating table by the politicians. A broader victory should have been ensured by exchanging these 93,000 criminals for PoK.The secular weakness for peace at all costs resulted in endless conflict. It'll now take an out-of-the-box strategem to destroy a nuclear armed Pakistan.However, let's not downplay the magnitude of the event. The 1971 War was a brilliant strategic victory as it cut down Pakistan to size literally and metaphorically. Never again would a small country like Pakistan have the audacity or capacity to launch a direct war on India. The war therefore made India the unquestioned power in the region.
This is why I do not view Indira Gandhi as a true hero. She sacrificed the hard earned victories of India for her personal ego.

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