Aerospace industry in Latin America

The BÚHOs are “Class I Electric Propulsion Unmanned Aerial Vehicle” type systems, intended for low-cost flight training, which allows the execution of operations with the necessary protocols to train SAMIRP operators in the tasks of takeoff, landing, short navigation, use of airborne sensors, failure mitigation and initial adaptation to operation in larger systems such as Class II; additionally, they allow tactical use adjusted to their performances.

They can also operate in principle with an autonomy of 40 minutes and a range of 10 km, from unprepared runways.

On September 27, 2021, the General Directorate of Research and Development (DGIyD) together with personnel from the Applied Research Center (CIA), began the process of delivering to the Chamical Military Air Base (BAM) dependent on the Training and Readiness Command, the Remotely Piloted Military Air Systems (SAMIRP) model AR-1F BÚHO together with their ground control systems, flight support and transfer containers.
Class I Electric Propulsion intended for low-cost flight training of operators and technicians.
It allows the execution of operations in takeoff, landing, short navigation tasks, use of airborne sensors, fault mitigation and initial adaptation for larger systems (Class II).
It supports Tactical use in surveillance, reconnaissance and intelligence (ISR) missions, adjusted to its performances.
It has the Fail-Safe function, which allows the aircraft to take control of the flight and navigation, previously programmed in the event of a loss of connection.
Structurally built in composite material, V-tail, with a high rectangular wing.
Technical specifications:
Weight: 30kg.
Height: 1mt.
Maximum range: 50km.
Payload: 2.4kg.
Payload (devices): FLIR (EO/IR) Gyro-stabilized
Speed: 60kts.
Powerplant: 6 HP- Electric
Maximum LOS data link distance: 60km
Engine: Brushless
Control type: RC-FVP-Automatic
Station type: Mobile / Tactical briefcase
Control link type: Expanded spectrum
Fuel type: LIPO batteries

Authentically Mexican, the P-400T V3

Oaxaca Aerospace presents its third “Authentically Mexican” prototype, the P-400T V3, at FAMEX 2019.

The P-400T V3 is a canard-type aircraft with a ducted propeller and a carbon fiber fuselage and aluminum aerodynamic surfaces.


Cruising speed: 450 km/hr
Maximum speed: 550 km/hr
Crash speed: 113 km/hr
Maximum takeoff weight: 1780 kg
Payload: 600 kg
Engine: 400 hp turbocharged
Fuel: Jet A
Range 2,250 km
Autonomy: 5 hrs

Oaxaca Aerospace has invested in state-of-the-art infrastructure: Software: ANSYS Fluent, Catia. Machinery: 3D printers, CNC machining center.

Invested in staff training, we have a doctorate from the National School of Aeronautics and Space in Toulouse, France.

We have alliances with the most relevant academic and technological institutions both in Mexico and in the world:

Mexico: Universidad Aeronáutica in Querétaro (UNAQ) and Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN)
International: National Institute for Aviation Research (NIAR) in Wichita, Kansas, USA; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM).

Oaxaca Aerospace has developed the systems of its aircraft, such as the development of the landing gear, which is designed to withstand forced landings (since one of its applications is training), the nose gear is self-aligning and includes a technology developed by the company to avoid vibrations in the tire and not having to use a “shimmy damper” to avoid these vibrations.

The first prototype is currently in the flight testing stage.

Oaxaca Aerospace has followed all the guidelines set by the regulations for the manufacturing and testing of its aircraft.

Oaxaca Aerospace's commitment to aerospace technological development in our country.

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