Barbaric Paper Dragon: Musings of CCP

Chinese hate Japanese with the same hate as Porkis hate Hindoos, same indoctrination and mass propaganda is served to children as in Porkistan

They rightfully should considering what Japs did,it is only shameful “dhindus” who seems to forgot everything.


The Tian Mingjian incident.

The story's about how a gifted soldier & marksman posted to an elite unit & promoted to officer rank tasked with guarding Zhongnanhai the residence cum offices of the top leadership in Beijing China turned rogue & attempted to assassinate the very people he was supposed to guard in revenge for CCP policies which in this case happened to be the one child policy.

Tian's wife in his hometown was pregnant with his second child which his regiment found out as they were secretly reading his correspondence with his wife . They passed on the information to the provincial government where Tian's hometown was located & they forcefully took away his wife & performed an abortion in spite of the fact she was 7 months pregnant. She passed away later due to haemorrhaging .

To think exactly 30 years later the CCP is literally begging Han slaves to have a bigger family meaning more children offering them generous incentives but sadly to no avail for obvious reasons .

This is the curse of all those aborted children that China's demographics are following its economy all the way down. @rockdog
They rightfully should considering what Japs did,it is only shameful “dhindus” who seems to forgot everything.
The Japanese of today aren't the Japanese of that time. Blaming the progeny for acts committed by their ancestors is so reta*rded. It was a dog-eat-dog society back then, you think the chicoms were less brutal?
The Japanese of today aren't the Japanese of that time. Blaming the progeny for acts committed by their ancestors is so reta*rded. It was a dog-eat-dog society back then, you think the chicoms were less brutal?

It doesn’t matter what are they now. A civilisations shouldn’t forgot wrong perpetrated on it lest it repeats again. Should we forgot what firangis did to Our ancestor. IMO absolutely not.
It doesn’t matter what are they now. A civilisations shouldn’t forgot wrong perpetrated on it lest it repeats again. Should we forgot what firangis did to Our ancestor. IMO absolutely not.
Why doesn't it matter? Brits did a lot of wrong to us, are you going to go full genocidal against the Brits living today because their ancestors did wrong to us?
& Who said about forgetting the wrongs? Remembering the past for posterity is very different from indoctrinating kids to churn out mindless zombies.

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