BRICS news and developments

They are aligned with Russia China and already have been sanctioned by burgericans, not sure why they haven't applied for brics yet.
Why not Venezuela they have biggest oil reserves,?

Because Venezuela has complete 'kattee' with Brazil. They are basically Pakistan to Brazil, so Brazil vetoed Venezuela's application. The original BRICS members hold veto power over admissions.
And it should be. We should reward the one who align with us. Not only did this guy agree to do Rupee-Dirham trade for ALL trade (and UAE is India's 3rd/4th largest trade partner), he also told every single mullah in his country to STFU as he built a humongous BAPS temple in Abu Dhabi.
He is the first gulf sheikh after the dad/grandpa of the Shieikh of Oman to build a hindu temple on his own land and the Omani guy did it in the 1960s.

People in the west think MBS is liberal/moderate muslim but he is a raging fanatic compared to Al Nahyan.
And this temple is strategically located right on their two main national highway, about a third of the way to Dubai, just outside Abu Dhabi. Which means he didnt just build it to have a few photos of it circulate, he made sure its build to a scale and at a location where literally MILLIONS of hindus in UAE could easily visit it.

Afaik this all started when the Sheikhs liberal daughter was escaping in a yacht, so the Sheikh asked Gobi to do a favor, Gobi dispatched commandos who took over the ship, and send it back to her daddy.

I remember liberal media cried a lot over this but all the bromance between us and emirati gov has started since then

The Virgin West vs Rest side-taker slave
The Chad Multi Aligner


Sorry guys but I have very gut feeling that this event will turn into a joke soon. Putin is desperate and announcing brics currency so soon will become an embarrassment

This just shows how dumb westoids are and how idiotic particulary murricans are. They think that since Turkey is in NATO, turkey should align with the west, always and is part of the western club, even as a step-child.
Which is the level of geopolitical nous you can expect from a stroke victim.

This is Turkey( Anatolian peninsula) in a nutshell : for ~ 1500 years, ever since the areas of Ukronaziland and Russia got into farming and slavs emerged culturally, the area that is Rus and the area that is Anatolia, have been hated enemies.
Why ? Because the entire region of Moscow to Mariuopol, depends on the black sea for trade......which passes right under the nose of Turkey's most important city - initially town of Byzantion, which became the city of Constantinople, which became Istanbul. Coz if you go north, its 'we wuz VIKAAANGS' barbarians who raid and sink anything, plus the gulf of finland freezes in winter, so no shipping.

So people living there have ALWAYS taken a 'got you by the balls' attitude towards people living in Rus, the people living in Rus have always been ' they got us by the balls, those assholes' towards them.

Who were the biggest enemies of Kievan Rus ? Eastern Roman empire. Who were the biggest enemies of Ottoman Empire ? Russian Empire. Who beat the Ottoman Empire into a pulp, reducing it from Chad moozie cannon army to sick man of europe ? Russia.

So why did Turkey join NATO ? To use Murrican shield against...RUSSIA.

Reality is, Turkey is not a geopolitical fool of a nation and never has been- they know their long term survival depends on tackling Russia - which doesnt mean become its enemy, coz a) Turkey doesnt have nukes and b) Turkey is tiny. It means doing what we do with china - join enemy alliances ( like NATO for turkey, QUAD for us), but also join alliances its enemy joins, just to have a voice on the table.

So turkey will ALWAYS prioritize its relationship with Russia over everything and all its other relations will be subject to Turkish take on Russia as a knock-on effect.
Sorry guys but I have very gut feeling that this event will turn into a joke soon. Putin is desperate and announcing brics currency so soon will become an embarrassment
BRICS hasnt announced a currency. It has announced plans for one.
The currency situation is the main driver for BRICS and that is why there is a flood of applications to join BRICS.
The western media can ignore this all they wish, but the reason is simple: when Ukronazi war went full kinetic in 2022, murrica did something it has never ever done before, since Bretton-Woods agreement came into force : It stole another nation's ( Russia's) sovereign wealth. It didnt even do this for NoKo during Korean war, not to vietnam, not to sad-ham, not to the talibunnies, no-one. ( Murrica has frozen govt assets of enemies it is at war with before, and every country does that. but that is NOT the same as theft of sovereign wealth fund of a nation's reserve bank).

So now the world is going 'if u can do this to russia today, you can do this to me tomorrow, we need alternative to USD'.

THIS is why there is suddenly so much hubdub about BRICS currency, alternate payment systems, etc. Because the west has never weaponized those before.

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