BRICS news and developments

Erdogan says Turkey ‘determined’ to pursue BRICS dialogue​

Like pakis Turks trying to be more important than they are???
Frankly nobody gives a fuck to the BRICS it's just all hype by ruskies and uneducated chest thumping north Indians🤣🤣

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The western world is basing it's 2024 policies on the 1990s world view. They are not ready to bend because that will shatter the self-image and create political instability, and we know what happens to people who refuse to bend/adjust to the new realities.

IMO, the weaponization of the USD against Russia and the unilateral seizure of the sovereign assets is the defining moment which will shape the currency exchange and global trade in the decades to come. It has become a concern for every country irrespective of their allegiance. Russia today, somebody else tomorrow.

Once Turkiye kicks out this Islamic fascist and elect a secular president and kick out the Islamist, only will Turkiye be admitted to BRICS.

I love the extent to which the Indian Foreign policy has been transformed and based on Realpolitik and Empiricism. Looks like the old guard in the bureaucracy has finally been sidelined/purged/silenced. It reflects both in messaging and actions. We will win some and lose some in the process (there is a steep learning curve), however this is the way to go.
Frankly nobody gives a fuck to the BRICS it's just all hype by ruskies and uneducated chest thumping north Indians🤣🤣

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to be fair u all are ruled by these uneducated chest thumping northies sitting in delhi, you inbreeds have literally no say in countries politics, go and sheet on reddit about your racial superiority with your birathers.

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