Canada : News & Discussions.

r/canada Candians are angry like anything.
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They are hoping American Civil War will happen?
Canadian elites can't even fart without American instructions and they have no hope of even coming close to reaching economic capacity of burgerland , dafuq maple bois gonna do ? allow chinks to interfere openly ? Most of the American forces come from deep south region which is like turbo republicans. its not 1860s where their recruitment used to happen from all over the country. the hypothetical liberal side in this civil war will get decimated, even most defense contractors are right wing.
Reddit is left dominated.
And Canadians on r/canada represent the political left of canada, and they are hard-core left.
Their right wingers are idiots too. I am sure they have figured out a way to blame the Liberals for it. I mean come on, what even is Castro Jr supposed to do in response to the orange man's tantrums?

But their conservative party is still dominated by the normie right wing politicians - ergo, you can engage with them. Not like the orange man who is too unpredictable and always looking for a 'deal'.

Think the Canadian conservatives would be more mindful of our sensitivities wrt khali khopdis and all that.
I don't understand why Trump is picking a trade war with Canada. US already enjoys a trade surplus with Canada. It is China that US needs to have a trade war with.
I don't understand why Trump is picking a trade war with Canada. US already enjoys a trade surplus with Canada. It is China that US needs to have a trade war with.

He has some personal grudges against Justinder that are coming into play. He never got along with him even in his first term.

Too much China tariffs can cause inflation so he's probably holding back for now.
He has some personal grudges against Justinder that are coming into play. He never got along with him even in his first term.

Too much China tariffs can cause inflation so he's probably holding back for now.
If you want to cut off China's access to the US completely you start with those places likely to be used as Trojan horses to infiltrate your space.

See the tariffs on both Mexico & Canada in this light & if I've got this right you'd also likely see ASEAN countries especially Vietnam being sanctioned apart from quite obviously China itself.
If you want to cut off China's access to the US completely you start with those places likely to be used as Trojan horses to infiltrate your space.

See the tariffs on both Mexico & Canada in this light & if I've got this right you'd also likely see ASEAN countries especially Vietnam being sanctioned apart from quite obviously China itself.
Tariffs have already started working.
Mexico got away light (1 month for now) but Trudeau has to shell $1.3B.



5 Eye to 4 Eye.
Weird Schadenfreude like feeling. Trump is grind Canola from Canada. (kaneda ka tel nikal raha hai).
Lol. Looks like soon Khalis will be hit on head of Canada.

Bad days for Canada, they cheered Trudeau for siding with a plumber and now Trump is making them hate USA.

Looks like Canada is going to be 51st state of America, so much for sovereignty. Biggest humiliation is that Canada is second biggest country with land area and it will marely be state with tiny population.
Canada’s Demographic shift

If America wish to dump Canada out 5 Nation Intelligence Alliance formed in fifties by Anglo-Saxon countries, it will be alright. Canada has 40% population not born in Canada and 50% of the incoming immigrants are not from Anglo countries. That means demographics of Canada do not favour its being part of Anglo alliance.

Same is true about Briton. Incoming immigrants are not Anglos hence they are also changing demographics in Briton too. But the situation is not as bad as in Canada.

When I came to Canada in 1971, you occasionally saw a brown walking by. It was a population of 30 million, mostly white Anglo or French. Today, go to a shopping centre or an office or take an elevator in the tall office building in the morning, more than half are non whites. They are not necessarily from Asia, quite a few came from Caribbean countries including Guyana. My point is that Canadian demographics have changed.

Hence Trump advisor Peter Navarro thinks that Canada no longer qualify as an Anglo hence should be ejected from 5 Intelligence Alliance country grouping. He is right.

The current Trudeau and his illustrious father are responsible for this situation. The junior Trudeau did all that to build a vote bank, the senior Trudeau was adding labour pool to the country from less developed places. Both were wrong.

The junior Trudeau is unlikely to be around for long but he has brought into the country a visible minority, with different religion, culture and future objective. They will be here in large number when Trudeau’s grand kids are growing up. They will have a hard time to identify their ancestry. Canada will no longer be white.
Canada’s Demographic shift

If America wish to dump Canada out 5 Nation Intelligence Alliance formed in fifties by Anglo-Saxon countries, it will be alright. Canada has 40% population not born in Canada and 50% of the incoming immigrants are not from Anglo countries. That means demographics of Canada do not favour its being part of Anglo alliance.

Same is true about Briton. Incoming immigrants are not Anglos hence they are also changing demographics in Briton too. But the situation is not as bad as in Canada.

When I came to Canada in 1971, you occasionally saw a brown walking by. It was a population of 30 million, mostly white Anglo or French. Today, go to a shopping centre or an office or take an elevator in the tall office building in the morning, more than half are non whites. They are not necessarily from Asia, quite a few came from Caribbean countries including Guyana. My point is that Canadian demographics have changed.

Hence Trump advisor Peter Navarro thinks that Canada no longer qualify as an Anglo hence should be ejected from 5 Intelligence Alliance country grouping. He is right.

The current Trudeau and his illustrious father are responsible for this situation. The junior Trudeau did all that to build a vote bank, the senior Trudeau was adding labour pool to the country from less developed places. Both were wrong.

The junior Trudeau is unlikely to be around for long but he has brought into the country a visible minority, with different religion, culture and future objective. They will be here in large number when Trudeau’s grand kids are growing up. They will have a hard time to identify their ancestry. Canada will no longer be white.
Good write up but the US or rather Trump isn't going to kick Canada out of the 5I alliance . It's more of a pressure tactic to get Canada to tow US or to be precise Trump's line.

It could also be meant as signalling to NATO by firing a shot across the bow to get recalcitrants there to tow the US line . Besides the personal chemistry between Trump & Turdeau is bad for some inexplicable reason.

However , the exact contours of what Trump wants remains unknown as of now. Perhaps we'd know soon.

Agree with the rest of your assessment. Canada would probably be the first Anglo country to lose its white majority status but by the looks of it , they're least bothered about it , unlike say the rest of the Anglo alliance.

Would its future status as a non white majority country render it a disqualified in the present ? Very unlikely.
Good write up but the US or rather Trump isn't going to kick Canada out of the 5I alliance . It's more of a pressure tactic to get Canada to tow US or to be precise Trump's line.

It could also be meant as signalling to NATO by firing a shot across the bow to get recalcitrants there to tow the US line . Besides the personal chemistry between Trump & Turdeau is bad for some inexplicable reason.

However , the exact contours of what Trump wants remains unknown as of now. Perhaps we'd know soon.

Agree with the rest of your assessment. Canada would probably be the first Anglo country to lose its white majority status but by the looks of it , they're least bothered about it , unlike say the rest of the Anglo alliance.

Would its future status as a non white majority country render it a disqualified in the present ? Very unlikely.

The reason is simple. Its the same reason Trudeau + Modi/ Trudeau+pingpong , heck, even Trudeau+Meloni = awkward, though not total disaster like trudeau+trump.

This is because Trudeau is the snooty slimeball who wants to give good bhashan and hog the limelight archetype. Remember, he is a drama teacher by trade and if you watch him interact, the dramebaaz SHINES through.
This makes it awkward with modi+Xi, who treat him like a fly and swat him off by either politely cutting him off to finish his sentences ( diplomatic stfu) or just ignore it and have awkward pauses, while it just makes meloni glare and pisses her off.
But trump-babu : trumpwa feeds on maskaa to his ego or at least, let HIM get the final word most of the time in interviews/the limelight etc.

In bengali we have a phrase: boddo beshi naaka.
That is Trudeau to a T.
i am pretty convinced if it wasnt for his age, Trump could be convinced to go kick trudeau's ass in WWE ring post retirement- it might just be the only true charity event trumpwa ever did but alas the man is 80

Mending ties with China/becoming China's little poodle is the most logical thing Canada can do in wake of Trumpwa.
Think about it : in actual power/population terms, Canada is basically a teeny tiny mouse living next to a behemoth. We are to USA what finland is to Russia, north Korea/Vietnam are to China,Nepal is to India : the mouse that lives next to the giant.
and in every single such case, the mouse finds the enemy of the giant who is next to it to squish it and becomes its buddy : Finland is buddies with USA, Vietnam is getting close to India and USA, Nepal is close to China, etc.
So it make sense for Canada to counterbalance USA by China, as Canada is never under occupation/absorption threat from China but it is from USA.

This is Canadian geo-politics activating/3d chess of Canadian geo-politics being activated.
What is happening/will happen, is that a section of Canadian society and politics that is China influenced will get more vocal & powerful, with Indians being the bali ka bakraa : The Chinese/china-pasand arent stupid, they know that Indo-Canadians are a lesser piece in this chess board than american-canadians and the overton window will be shifted by targetting Indians first.
This has already started to happen in digital space with Chinese waiting and watching and seeing how Pignat Canadian vs Indian works out.
This will, predictably create ( and has started to create) a counter-Chinese influence gravity, with USA the incumbent geo-politically and socio-culturally.

Indo-Canadians get to be the wild-card in this, as we are not either of the two sides of the chess game over Canada, but we are in position to help/hinder either side in their battle : Indo Canadians carry significant demographic weight and are slated to become #1 immigrant ethnic community in Canada by 2030, if not already.
Both sides of the chess game have their pros and cons for Indo-Canadians, both sides have their ins and hang-ups with us.

In political terms, what this means, is that Liberal party = China party. So outspoken Hindu indo-canadians will get the boot or find no support.
Conservative party = anti China and covertly pro-USA party.
BQ = still is and will always be the party who's motto is 'gib quebec free blowjob' party base in quebec, who will still play the 'gib free blowjob = get my support in parliament else fuk off' game.
Greens = as usual non factor

The NDP are the main party to see how they fare,because they are the party that is in severe internal flux as to what the foc they are :
the old NDP 101 of Jack Leyton was your good old workers union-giri party, aka closest thing to open commie party anyone could get in McCarthian west, where their motto has always been 'workers get more $$, fuk u investors' but in the last decade, especially since Jaggu Bhai's win as party chief, the NDP has tried to out-liberal liberal party as Champion of minorities/downtrodden and become YUUUGE in gaza-khalistan-lgbtq angle and hasnt really picked one of the two sides as its main platform.

Everyone thought that NDP would never betray their bread-and-butter union bros as main powerbase but jaggu bhai did when he allowed Trudeau govt to stay beyond October - PP exposed him as Maserati Marxist over this to the extent that Jaggu bhai may actually lose his own seat if he doesnt pick a smart place to run from - his home riding - Burnaby south- is stone's throw from where i used to live for years and that zone is pucca union-worker families + rich immigrant families zone of life, where basically Jaggu bhai's popularity has crashed due to this betrayal of workers :
Justin voted to legislate back to work action on striking union workers and Jaggu kept his govt in power through this by passing vote of no confidence in Sept. Doing this and trying to win a seat from South Burnaby is like fuck over coal industry and then try to win a seat from Durgapur or Asansol.

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