Chinese Economy Watch

U r making examples like assembly, components, re-branding things, and repeating and repeating.

Wel, name some industry products Mexico have "pricing power", (except that chemical based addictive powder or crystal little thing) please ...
We have Dina that is a mexican company building buses and Trucks in the bus sector, in June 2024 it grabbed 5.6% not big in reality, however consider we do not force tech transfers. However its whole participation is 1% in the Mexican exports of bus and trucks.


Plus add Bekkar is provider of Mercedes-Benz

Beccar builds the body of the buses for Mercedes-Benz and designs them basically is a cooproduction thus as such it has two car brand logos the buses they Make and same Mercedes Benz or Scania, you can see it in the Mercedes-Benz and Beccar logo on the bus i posted.

Making the largest Mexican company in the segment

Mexico led global exports of goods vehicles in 2022, with shipments worth $32.814 billion and a 21.2% share, according to data from the World Trade Organization (WTO).

Remenber Beccar or Dina are not forcing tech transfers as Chinese companies do and do not have the amount of subsidies Chinese companies have if they succed is pure quality, only that.
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Honda to cut China production capacity for gas cars by 30%​

A simple logic:

Bad news: Sumsung closed all mobile phone facotries in China

Not that bad news: Sumsung lost all the market share in China to 0.1%, all brands are Chinese and Apple.
you still do not understand if samsung gets out it means soon Tariffs will emerge for Chinese goods in South Korea plus add unemployment in China, other Chinese companies can not simply takes those jobs inmmidiately, and the Chinese export potencial reduces, in few words a stupid idea, but Chinese think they are very smart, reality will show China, who controls the world government and why Chinese will submit to it like the rest of the nations.

DJI drones to be used for waste collection on mountains inside Nepal​

(Xinhua) 09:26, August 05, 2024
KATHMANDU, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Nepal is all prepared to use China-built DJI drones to ferry garbage from high-altitude mountains starting next month, a local official said on Sunday.

A memorandum of understanding was reached on Saturday among the Sagarmatha Pollution Control Committee, Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Rural Municipality and the Airlift Technology Pvt. Ltd to collect trash from Mount Ama Dablam in September.

"Along with Ama Dablam, it can be used for waste collection on Mount Qomolangma and Mount Nuptse, among others, once the new mountaineering season starts," said Jagat Prasad Bhusal, chief administrative officer of the rural municipality.

He told Xinhua that Airlift Technology Pvt. Ltd. will provide free drone service for two years.

In April, a DJI drone successfully completed the first-ever drone delivery tests on the 8,848.86-meter-high Mount Qomolangma from the Nepali side, paving the way for facilitating high-altitude mountaineering, emergency rescue and environmental protection operations.

DJI drones to be used for waste collection on mountains inside Nepal​

(Xinhua) 09:26, August 05, 2024
KATHMANDU, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- Nepal is all prepared to use China-built DJI drones to ferry garbage from high-altitude mountains starting next month, a local official said on Sunday.

A memorandum of understanding was reached on Saturday among the Sagarmatha Pollution Control Committee, Khumbu Pasang Lhamu Rural Municipality and the Airlift Technology Pvt. Ltd to collect trash from Mount Ama Dablam in September.

"Along with Ama Dablam, it can be used for waste collection on Mount Qomolangma and Mount Nuptse, among others, once the new mountaineering season starts," said Jagat Prasad Bhusal, chief administrative officer of the rural municipality.

He told Xinhua that Airlift Technology Pvt. Ltd. will provide free drone service for two years.

In April, a DJI drone successfully completed the first-ever drone delivery tests on the 8,848.86-meter-high Mount Qomolangma from the Nepali side, paving the way for facilitating high-altitude mountaineering, emergency rescue and environmental protection operations.

This shocking scene is just a glimpse into the rise and fall of China's bike-sharing industry. Similar bike graveyards can be found around major cities like Beijing, Shanghai, Xi'an, and Shijiazhuang. Once praised for being environmentally friendly, bike-sharing has ironically become a massive waste of resources and an environmental hazard.

On July 23, Japan's Nippon Steel Corporation announced it will end its 20-year joint venture with China's Baosteel. The contract will be terminated at the end of August when it expires. Nippon Steel finds it challenging to expand its business in China and plans to focus its investment resources in the United States and India.The exodus of foreign capital from China is spreading from manufacturing to the beauty products sector. Japanese beauty brand Shiseido's high-end skincare line, BAUM, announced it will withdraw from the Chinese market. The BAUM Tmall flagship store recently posted a closure notice, stating it will no longer accept new orders starting July 10.


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Development of combat aircraft in the PRC based on MiG-23 fighters transferred by Egypt

In 1974, after the defeat in the "Yom Kippur War", the Egyptian Air Force and Air Defense were strengthened by additional supplies from the USSR. Egypt became one of the first importers of the MiG-23 family of aircraft, having purchased 8 MiG-23MS fighters, 8 MiG-23BN attack aircraft and four MiG-23UB trainers in 1974, concentrating them in a squadron based at the Mersa Matruh airbase in the northwest of the country.

The export modification of the MiG-23MS fighter was deprived of one of the main trump cards inherent in the "twenty-third": unlike the MiG-23M/MF with the Sapphire-23 radar, it could not carry R-23 medium-range missiles and was equipped with a simplified Almaz-23 weapons system (similar to the S-21M weapons system of the MiG-21bis aircraft) without a heat finder and with the Sapphire-21 radar. The fighter with a maximum takeoff weight of 18,400 kg had a practical flight range of 1,450 km. At high altitude, the MiG-23MS could reach a speed of 2,500 km/h, and at ground level - 1,350 km/h. The five hardpoints accommodated a combat load of up to 2,000 kg, and the built-in armament was a 23-mm GSh-23L cannon (200 rounds of ammunition).

The MiG-23MS had good acceleration characteristics, but was inferior in close maneuvering combat to almost all modifications of the MiG-21. In terms of target detection and missile launch range, it was no better than the much cheaper and easier to maintain MiG-21bis. In addition, all modifications of the MiG-23 placed increased demands on the pilot's qualifications and were difficult to maintain.

After the cooling of relations with the USSR, the operation of the MiG-23 in Egypt became problematic, and these aircraft turned into a "suitcase without a handle" that was both a pity to throw away and impossible to carry. It was just in time for the Egyptians to find foreign buyers for the "twenty-third": several aircraft were bought by the Americans for testing in 1978, and six MiG-23MS/BN/UB were sent to China.

A certain number of MiG-23s in Egypt were in flying condition until 1980, after which the remaining aircraft were put into storage. Now one Egyptian MiG-23MS is on display in a museum.

The Americans had a lot of trouble with the MiG-23, as preparation for each flight turned into a special operation for the technical staff. In addition, the aircraft was very strict in control. The MiG-23MS and MiG-23BN were lost in air crashes.

Now one MiG-23MS from this batch with red stars applied to it is on display in the National Museum of the US Air Force.

In addition to studying the capabilities of the "twenty-third" family of aircraft, the PRC made an attempt to create its own attack aircraft. This was due to the fact that by the end of the 1970s, the PLA Air Force was faced with the issue of updating its fleet of specialized attack tactical aircraft.

The Q-5 attack aircraft, created on the basis of the J-6 fighter, was generally good, but had a small combat radius and a small combat load. The H-5 frontline bomber (a copy of the Il-28) was outdated by that time and was too vulnerable to ground-based air defense systems and interceptor fighters.

China avoided discussing the topic of buying Soviet aircraft from Egypt for a long time, but about 10 years ago, photographs of the MiG-23MS appeared next to the American F-5E fighter received from Vietnam for study.

In the mid-1970s, the Shenyang Aircraft Plant design bureau began creating a strike aircraft based on the J-8 interceptor (a functional analogue of the Soviet Su-9), but it soon became clear that the heavy delta-winged aircraft, originally designed for high-altitude interception, was very poorly suited for low-altitude operations, and this option was abandoned.

J-8 Interceptor Fighter

It was decided to build a multi-mode combat aircraft with a variable-geometry wing that could perform high-speed dashes and, at the same time, with minimal wing sweep, have satisfactory maneuverability at low altitudes and good takeoff and landing characteristics. The design of this aircraft, designated Q-6, was carried out in the Nanchang Aircraft Plant design bureau. Many components and assemblies of the MiG-23 were copied.

The takeoff weight of the aircraft was not to exceed 14,500 kg, the combat load was not less than 4,500 kg. The combat radius was not less than 900 km. In terms of strike potential and the ability to conduct a defensive air battle, the Q-6 was to surpass the MiG-23BN.

Although the design of the Q-6 was largely based on the MiG-23, for some reason the Chinese designers decided to abandon the side air intakes and used an air intake in the lower part of the fuselage.

The expected appearance of the Q-6 fighter-bomber

Initially, the Q-6 was planned to be equipped with a full-fledged multi-mode radar, created on the basis of the American AN/APQ-113 station, removed from an F-111 bomber that crashed in the jungles of Vietnam. But the Chinese electronic industry was unable to reproduce this radar in acceptable weight and size characteristics. After the failure to copy the American radar, it was decided to equip the aircraft with a terrain following radar (based on the AN/APQ-110), a laser

target designation system, Doppler radio altimeter, radar warning station and active jamming equipment.

However, even having working samples of onboard equipment of American and Soviet origin and having understood the principles of operation, the weak electronic industry of the PRC did not allow Chinese engineers to reproduce them. A significant part of the electronic units had to be made not on the basis of semiconductor elements, but on the basis of vacuum tubes, which inevitably led to an increase in weight, dimensions and energy consumption.

At that time, China did not have a suitable aircraft engine, and it had to be created from scratch. The promising WS-6G turbofan engine, developing a thrust of 77 kN, with afterburner - 138 kN, had a service life of no more than 50 hours. The WP-15 turbofan, a copy of the Soviet R-29-300 engine, producing 85.1 kN without afterburner and 125.5 kN with afterburner, turned out to be very capricious and did not satisfy the Chinese aircraft designers. The development of the WS-9 turbofan (a copy of the British Rolls-Royce Spey Mk. 202) took too much time.

Copying the wing sweep mechanism caused great difficulties. Although the Chinese specialists had the original Soviet model at their disposal, the reverse engineering method did not work well this time. It took a long time to achieve reliable operation of the mechanism, and in the end it turned out to be 15% heavier than the one used on the MiG-23, which reduced the fighter-bomber's payload, fuel tank capacity and, as a result, combat radius.

As a result, the development of the promising Q-6 combat aircraft dragged on for too long. The high degree of novelty, the technological backwardness of the Chinese aviation industry, the lack of necessary experience and scientific and design base did not allow the ambitious program to create its own analogue of the MiG-23 to be implemented. And although certain positive shifts were outlined and the developers proposed an improved Q-6B, after the appearance of the frontline bomber with a fixed wing JH-7 Flying Leopard in the late 1980s, the Q-6 program was finally curtailed.

One of the first prototypes of the JH-7

The JH-7 bomber, created by the Design Bureau of the Xi'an Aircraft Manufacturing Enterprise, was smaller in size, carried a greater combat load and had a greater range. The key to the success of the JH-7 bomber was the use of relatively simple and understandable technical solutions already mastered by the industry, as well as technological assistance from Western countries, copying foreign components and assemblies.

Aviation experts consider the JH-7 to be a functional analogue of the Soviet Su-24. Although the Chinese aircraft is inferior to the Su-24 in a number of parameters, at the same time it is much simpler in design. The appearance of the JH-7 Flying Leopard strike aircraft, produced at the aircraft plant in Xi'an, was greatly influenced by the American multirole heavy fighter McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II. Moreover, the avionics of the JH-7 supersonic bomber used analogues of the electronic systems of American combat aircraft captured in Vietnam. The first series of Flying Leopards were equipped with British Rolls-Royce Spey Mk. 202 turbofan engines (originally intended to equip the deck Phantoms of the British Navy), and then WS-9 engines.

The early serial modification of the JH-7 bomber had a maximum takeoff weight of 27,500 kg. At high altitude, the JH-7 could accelerate to 1,795 km/h. The practical range is 2,600 km. The combat load is 6,500 kg. By 2019, about 270 JH-7, JH-7A and JH-7AII aircraft had been built.

However, it cannot be said that the work on the Q-6 aircraft was a waste of time and money. During the creation of this multifunctional combat vehicle, Chinese specialists, having gained many bumps and bruises, gained the necessary experience. The creation of a fly-by-wire control system (FBW), which was subsequently used on other Chinese aircraft, is considered successful.

In addition, some elements borrowed from the MiG-23 (air intake, folding ventral ridge, some equipment) were implemented on the J-8II interceptor, which is close to the Soviet Su-15 in terms of flight data and appearance, but structurally these are different machines.

J-8II interceptor fighter at the Le Bourget Air Show in 1989

The J-8II interceptor traces its lineage back to the J-8 aircraft (first flight in 1965). The main drawback of the J-8 interceptor was the impossibility of installing a large radar on it, which is due to the limitations imposed by the size of the air intake cone.

The conical nose of the J-8II initially housed the SL-4A (Type 208) radar with a detection range of up to 40 km. Flight performance was improved by installing more powerful engines and reducing aerodynamic drag. In addition, the radically modernized interceptor became more robust.

In the late 1980s, the Americans provided significant assistance in improving the sighting and navigation system, communications and weapons of the J-8II. The aircraft was equipped with an SL-8A radar with a detection range of 70 km, equipment

With looks similar to that of the DC-9, the Comac ARJ-21 is a Chinese regional jet now under development that uses GE engines, a Honeywell fly-by-wire system and Rockwell Collins avionics
The Xian MA60 is a Chinese turboprop regional airliner based directly on the Antonov An-24.

The Changhe Z-11 developed in the 1990s is a close copy of Eurocopter’s ubiquitous AS350.

The Changhe Z-8 and Aerospatiale Super Frelon appear very similar.
The Harbin Z-9 is a licensed-built version of today’s Eurocopter EC 155.

Development of combat aircraft in the PRC based on MiG-23 fighters transferred by Egypt

In 1974, after the defeat in the "Yom Kippur War", the Egyptian Air Force and Air Defense were strengthened by additional supplies from the USSR. Egypt became one of the first importers of the MiG-23 family of aircraft, having purchased 8 MiG-23MS fighters, 8 MiG-23BN attack aircraft and four MiG-23UB trainers in 1974, concentrating them in a squadron based at the Mersa Matruh airbase in the northwest of the country.

The export modification of the MiG-23MS fighter was deprived of one of the main trump cards inherent in the "twenty-third": unlike the MiG-23M/MF with the Sapphire-23 radar, it could not carry R-23 medium-range missiles and was equipped with a simplified Almaz-23 weapons system (similar to the S-21M weapons system of the MiG-21bis aircraft) without a heat finder and with the Sapphire-21 radar. The fighter with a maximum takeoff weight of 18,400 kg had a practical flight range of 1,450 km. At high altitude, the MiG-23MS could reach a speed of 2,500 km/h, and at ground level - 1,350 km/h. The five hardpoints accommodated a combat load of up to 2,000 kg, and the built-in armament was a 23-mm GSh-23L cannon (200 rounds of ammunition).

The MiG-23MS had good acceleration characteristics, but was inferior in close maneuvering combat to almost all modifications of the MiG-21. In terms of target detection and missile launch range, it was no better than the much cheaper and easier to maintain MiG-21bis. In addition, all modifications of the MiG-23 placed increased demands on the pilot's qualifications and were difficult to maintain.

After the cooling of relations with the USSR, the operation of the MiG-23 in Egypt became problematic, and these aircraft turned into a "suitcase without a handle" that was both a pity to throw away and impossible to carry. It was just in time for the Egyptians to find foreign buyers for the "twenty-third": several aircraft were bought by the Americans for testing in 1978, and six MiG-23MS/BN/UB were sent to China.

A certain number of MiG-23s in Egypt were in flying condition until 1980, after which the remaining aircraft were put into storage. Now one Egyptian MiG-23MS is on display in a museum.

The Americans had a lot of trouble with the MiG-23, as preparation for each flight turned into a special operation for the technical staff. In addition, the aircraft was very strict in control. The MiG-23MS and MiG-23BN were lost in air crashes.

Now one MiG-23MS from this batch with red stars applied to it is on display in the National Museum of the US Air Force.

In addition to studying the capabilities of the "twenty-third" family of aircraft, the PRC made an attempt to create its own attack aircraft. This was due to the fact that by the end of the 1970s, the PLA Air Force was faced with the issue of updating its fleet of specialized attack tactical aircraft.

The Q-5 attack aircraft, created on the basis of the J-6 fighter, was generally good, but had a small combat radius and a small combat load. The H-5 frontline bomber (a copy of the Il-28) was outdated by that time and was too vulnerable to ground-based air defense systems and interceptor fighters.

China avoided discussing the topic of buying Soviet aircraft from Egypt for a long time, but about 10 years ago, photographs of the MiG-23MS appeared next to the American F-5E fighter received from Vietnam for study.

In the mid-1970s, the Shenyang Aircraft Plant design bureau began creating a strike aircraft based on the J-8 interceptor (a functional analogue of the Soviet Su-9), but it soon became clear that the heavy delta-winged aircraft, originally designed for high-altitude interception, was very poorly suited for low-altitude operations, and this option was abandoned.

J-8 Interceptor Fighter

It was decided to build a multi-mode combat aircraft with a variable-geometry wing that could perform high-speed dashes and, at the same time, with minimal wing sweep, have satisfactory maneuverability at low altitudes and good takeoff and landing characteristics. The design of this aircraft, designated Q-6, was carried out in the Nanchang Aircraft Plant design bureau. Many components and assemblies of the MiG-23 were copied.

The takeoff weight of the aircraft was not to exceed 14,500 kg, the combat load was not less than 4,500 kg. The combat radius was not less than 900 km. In terms of strike potential and the ability to conduct a defensive air battle, the Q-6 was to surpass the MiG-23BN.

Although the design of the Q-6 was largely based on the MiG-23, for some reason the Chinese designers decided to abandon the side air intakes and used an air intake in the lower part of the fuselage.

The expected appearance of the Q-6 fighter-bomber

Initially, the Q-6 was planned to be equipped with a full-fledged multi-mode radar, created on the basis of the American AN/APQ-113 station, removed from an F-111 bomber that crashed in the jungles of Vietnam. But the Chinese electronic industry was unable to reproduce this radar in acceptable weight and size characteristics. After the failure to copy the American radar, it was decided to equip the aircraft with a terrain following radar (based on the AN/APQ-110), a laser

target designation system, Doppler radio altimeter, radar warning station and active jamming equipment.

However, even having working samples of onboard equipment of American and Soviet origin and having understood the principles of operation, the weak electronic industry of the PRC did not allow Chinese engineers to reproduce them. A significant part of the electronic units had to be made not on the basis of semiconductor elements, but on the basis of vacuum tubes, which inevitably led to an increase in weight, dimensions and energy consumption.

At that time, China did not have a suitable aircraft engine, and it had to be created from scratch. The promising WS-6G turbofan engine, developing a thrust of 77 kN, with afterburner - 138 kN, had a service life of no more than 50 hours. The WP-15 turbofan, a copy of the Soviet R-29-300 engine, producing 85.1 kN without afterburner and 125.5 kN with afterburner, turned out to be very capricious and did not satisfy the Chinese aircraft designers. The development of the WS-9 turbofan (a copy of the British Rolls-Royce Spey Mk. 202) took too much time.

Copying the wing sweep mechanism caused great difficulties. Although the Chinese specialists had the original Soviet model at their disposal, the reverse engineering method did not work well this time. It took a long time to achieve reliable operation of the mechanism, and in the end it turned out to be 15% heavier than the one used on the MiG-23, which reduced the fighter-bomber's payload, fuel tank capacity and, as a result, combat radius.

As a result, the development of the promising Q-6 combat aircraft dragged on for too long. The high degree of novelty, the technological backwardness of the Chinese aviation industry, the lack of necessary experience and scientific and design base did not allow the ambitious program to create its own analogue of the MiG-23 to be implemented. And although certain positive shifts were outlined and the developers proposed an improved Q-6B, after the appearance of the frontline bomber with a fixed wing JH-7 Flying Leopard in the late 1980s, the Q-6 program was finally curtailed.

One of the first prototypes of the JH-7

The JH-7 bomber, created by the Design Bureau of the Xi'an Aircraft Manufacturing Enterprise, was smaller in size, carried a greater combat load and had a greater range. The key to the success of the JH-7 bomber was the use of relatively simple and understandable technical solutions already mastered by the industry, as well as technological assistance from Western countries, copying foreign components and assemblies.

Aviation experts consider the JH-7 to be a functional analogue of the Soviet Su-24. Although the Chinese aircraft is inferior to the Su-24 in a number of parameters, at the same time it is much simpler in design. The appearance of the JH-7 Flying Leopard strike aircraft, produced at the aircraft plant in Xi'an, was greatly influenced by the American multirole heavy fighter McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II. Moreover, the avionics of the JH-7 supersonic bomber used analogues of the electronic systems of American combat aircraft captured in Vietnam. The first series of Flying Leopards were equipped with British Rolls-Royce Spey Mk. 202 turbofan engines (originally intended to equip the deck Phantoms of the British Navy), and then WS-9 engines.

The early serial modification of the JH-7 bomber had a maximum takeoff weight of 27,500 kg. At high altitude, the JH-7 could accelerate to 1,795 km/h. The practical range is 2,600 km. The combat load is 6,500 kg. By 2019, about 270 JH-7, JH-7A and JH-7AII aircraft had been built.

However, it cannot be said that the work on the Q-6 aircraft was a waste of time and money. During the creation of this multifunctional combat vehicle, Chinese specialists, having gained many bumps and bruises, gained the necessary experience. The creation of a fly-by-wire control system (FBW), which was subsequently used on other Chinese aircraft, is considered successful.

In addition, some elements borrowed from the MiG-23 (air intake, folding ventral ridge, some equipment) were implemented on the J-8II interceptor, which is close to the Soviet Su-15 in terms of flight data and appearance, but structurally these are different machines.

J-8II interceptor fighter at the Le Bourget Air Show in 1989

The J-8II interceptor traces its lineage back to the J-8 aircraft (first flight in 1965). The main drawback of the J-8 interceptor was the impossibility of installing a large radar on it, which is due to the limitations imposed by the size of the air intake cone.

The conical nose of the J-8II initially housed the SL-4A (Type 208) radar with a detection range of up to 40 km. Flight performance was improved by installing more powerful engines and reducing aerodynamic drag. In addition, the radically modernized interceptor became more robust.

In the late 1980s, the Americans provided significant assistance in improving the sighting and navigation system, communications and weapons of the J-8II. The aircraft was equipped with an SL-8A radar with a detection range of 70 km, equipment

With looks similar to that of the DC-9, the Comac ARJ-21 is a Chinese regional jet now under development that uses GE engines, a Honeywell fly-by-wire system and Rockwell Collins avionics
The Xian MA60 is a Chinese turboprop regional airliner based directly on the Antonov An-24.

The Changhe Z-11 developed in the 1990s is a close copy of Eurocopter’s ubiquitous AS350.

The Changhe Z-8 and Aerospatiale Super Frelon appear very similar.
The Harbin Z-9 is a licensed-built version of today’s Eurocopter EC 155.

Only from these articles looking back to the past can we understand how much progress China has made now.
Only from these articles looking back to the past can we understand how much progress China has made now.
All we learn from others there is no reason to be ashame, I would not say is bad, it is just a process, we all are living in a globalized society, all companies buy from providers, from all around the world, these days nothing is truely domestic, my whole point was technology spreads, companies make joint venture upon profits no nationality, as such transnationals are global efforts.

Modern economics force companies to make alliances, transfer technology or do joint ventures.

Thus the concept of nation is modern economic terms is obsolete the market is global.

Even Nigerians are building cars, technology spreads everywhere

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All we learn from others there is no reason to be ashame, I would not say is bad, it is just a process, we all are living in a globalized society, all companies buy from providers, from all around the world, these days nothing is truely domestic, my whole point was technology spreads, companies make joint venture upon profits no nationality, as such transnationals are global efforts.

Modern economics force companies to make alliances, transfer technology or do joint ventures.

Thus the concept of nation is modern economic terms is obsolete the market is global.

Russia: Is it true what you say
Russia: Is it true what you say
i do not understand you be specific, but no one is truely independent all we are interconnected and we will be more as time passes, the domestic conception is for politicians the true reality with modern communications and transport, we will live in a global village, and cooporations only care about profits, not nationalism.

Example Nigerians can built cars too, it will be increased.

Bennie Auto has been in the exotic car business for over 5 years- their first prototype, the Bennie Purrie debuted to mixed opinions in 2019. It was a rough proof of concept plagued with poor build quality. But Bennie went back to the drawing board and learned from their experience to improve their second model. The Bennie Sternum was unveiled in March of 2024- it features a more powerful 4.2-liter V8 from Audi, and a custom tube chassis with adjustable ride height suspension. Is the new Bennie Sternum on the same level as other exotics- and is it really a cheap supercar worth looking at?

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Russia: Is it true what you say
I will give you an example

This colombian Guy tells how he is in China and sees a fleet of Chinese Buses that will go to Colombia

Chinese Buses for Colombia with Cummins engine (american engines)


Megaflux technician explains that the Isuzu Truck has a power system based upon an electric engine disegned in Mexico and is used by the Mexican Beer company Modelo, got it see it these are internacional effors


so i will put it simple, you will see more and more alliances like these.




Cute Mexican woman by the way

BBVA México establishes alliance with Chinese automaker Great Wall Motor and presents GWM Finance
BBVA México and Great Wall Motor announced the alliance that leverages the introduction of the Chinese automaker to the country. The financial institution's Automotive Banking has a 24% market share, which places it in first place among banking entities that grant automotive loans.

Example BBVA a mexican bank making business with a Chinese company
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I will give you an example
View attachment 5559

This colombian Guy tells how he is in China and sees a fleet of Chinese Buses that will go to Colombia

View attachment 5560
Chinese Buses for Colombia with Cummins engine (american engines)

View attachment 5561

Megaflux technician explains that the Isuzu Truck has a power system based upon an electric engine disegned in Mexico and is used by the Mexican Beer company Modelo, got it see it these are internacional effors
View attachment 5562

View attachment 5563

so i will put it simple, you will see more and more alliances like these.

View attachment 5564



Cute Mexican woman by the way
View attachment 5566

BBVA México establishes alliance with Chinese automaker Great Wall Motor and presents GWM Finance
BBVA México and Great Wall Motor announced the alliance that leverages the introduction of the Chinese automaker to the country. The financial institution's Automotive Banking has a 24% market share, which places it in first place among banking entities that grant automotive loans.

Example BBVA a mexican bank making business with a Chinese company

i do not understand you be specific, but no one is truely independent all we are interconnected and we will be more as time passes, the domestic conception is for politicians the true reality with modern communications and transport, we will live in a global village, and cooporations only care about profits, not nationalism.

Example Nigerians can built cars too, it will be increased.

View attachment 5549
Bennie Auto has been in the exotic car business for over 5 years- their first prototype, the Bennie Purrie debuted to mixed opinions in 2019. It was a rough proof of concept plagued with poor build quality. But Bennie went back to the drawing board and learned from their experience to improve their second model. The Bennie Sternum was unveiled in March of 2024- it features a more powerful 4.2-liter V8 from Audi, and a custom tube chassis with adjustable ride height suspension. Is the new Bennie Sternum on the same level as other exotics- and is it really a cheap supercar worth looking at?


Yes, building a car seems simple enough. Every person, every country can do it.

But the world's biggest car companies are concentrated in a few rich countries, and BYD is the only one from a developing country to have recently squeezed in.

It's not that hard to build a small plane,

But only two companies can make large airliners.
Comac is trying to become the third.

This is not to brag about China, it is the only upward path for developing countries.
Yes, building a car seems simple enough. Every person, every country can do it.

But the world's biggest car companies are concentrated in a few rich countries, and BYD is the only one from a developing country to have recently squeezed in.

It's not that hard to build a small plane,

But only two companies can make large airliners.
Comac is trying to become the third.

This is not to brag about China, it is the only upward path for developing countries.
Building cars or aircraft is not a matter of technology, everything is a matter of politics and money.

Building an aircraft is not that difficult, is in reality really easy, the problem is sell it
Same a car, there are people. that build aircraft or cars individually.

Now if you cared to watch the video about Nigerian car factories you did see no robots.

Do you think they do not know Robots enhance car manufacturing?

The answer is yes, they know if they do not use them is based upon economics.
I mean market size and overall price

India and Brazil they have important car companies specially India and in Aviation is the same

So C919 reflects what i said, an internacional effort.

No one denies China is an industrial power.

However China has a different policy and economic policy.

China dumps low quality products, in purpose, intencionally they sell cheap crap products.

China has a policy of asking tech transfer, copying the design, selling at very low prices, this is intencional, since Chinese products can only sell very cheap if quality is low, this is a relatively good policy and a policy of government backed companies.

As they gain market they increase quality, China can build high quality products but as western products they are expensive.

So in economic terms is not that other countries can not built technology, the problem is how to gain market.

China does not show C919 is superior to Embraer E-195.

Now Tata motor is not inferior to BYD.
The advantage China has is good logistics, and has gain market, but it is not something other nations can not do.

In the case of my country the government does not have a policy of excessive subsidies, thus you can see a different policiy so mexican companies look for being providers since it is more economical but requieres very high quality.
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Yes, building a car seems simple enough. Every person, every country can do it.

But the world's biggest car companies are concentrated in a few rich countries, and BYD is the only one from a developing country to have recently squeezed in.

It's not that hard to build a small plane,

But only two companies can make large airliners.
Comac is trying to become the third.

This is not to brag about China, it is the only upward path for developing countries.
Now I will tell you a few historical facts.

Do you think even small nations can not build aircraft?

Ae. 30 Ñancú

This was top technology in 1940s, It was Argentine, tell me why Brazil is a top power and Argentine is not in aviation?
Everything is policy, Brazil decided to build things that sell like Emb-120
Argentina wanted military aircraft but with a small military program, Brazil wanted pure profits cheap aircraft for any country a cargo and passenger plane.


China is not superior in technology even to Mexico, the difference is politically China has had a much more coherent policy in that China has considering selling cheap because people buy upon price.

However many Chinese products are artificially low price and many times have lower quality.

In some products for example shoes, Chinese shoes sold in Mexico are sold cheaper than the materials, is not the technology but dumping.

However people buy upon price, so China has achieved success, but this forces other countries to put tariffs in order to protect local industries
More than 20 people are in hospital after a Mercedes-Benz electric car burst into flames in a South Korean car park. The car exploded and damaged more than 100 cars parked nearby. The fire released a cloud of toxic smoke into the building above, which left 23 people in need of medical attention.

The Mercedes-Benz EQE sedan was captured exploding in a car park in South Korea, reports Inside EVs. The spontaneous fire on the electric car started while it was parked up in an underground garage in the city of Incheon, which is about 20 miles outside of the capital city of Seoul, South Korea.

The car initially started smoking, billowing plumes of white smoke into the underground garage for several seconds before a burst of bright orange fire erupted from the front of the Mercedes EQE. The EV was reportedly not charging at the time of the blaze. As Inside EVs reports:

The EQE fire caused damage to some 140 cars (of which 70 had more significant damage) that were parked on the same floor, and 23 people who lived in the building above were hospitalized for smoke inhalation. According to Korea JoongAng Daily, a total of 103 people were initially evacuated from the nearby buildings after they started filling up with black smoke.

The fire was so strong that it affected the electricity grid not only in the building where it happened but for the entire building complex. Later reports said that almost 500 households were without power and water for five days after the incident.

As a result of the smoke released by the fire, more than 200 residents were evacuated from their apartments and nearly half of those asked to vacate the premises had to be rescued from stairs and balconies by firefighterss, reports CarScoops. In total, 20 residents including seven infants and children under 10 were hospitalized after inhaling the toxic smoke.

Mercedes-Benz Korea initially commented on the blaze, releasing a statement saying that it was working to “collaborate with fire authorities to determine the exact cause.” Local police and fire departments have already launched an investigation into the blaze, with some speculation suggesting that an earlier crash with the Mercedes may have compromised its power pack, reports CarScoops.

The Korean-spec EQE comes with a different power pack compared with its North American counterpart. In Asia, the car is sold with a nickel cobalt manganese pack that is sourced from Chinese Farasis Energy, while American models pack a CATL-sourced lithium-ion battery pack with a capacity of 90.6 kWh.

Electric vehicle fires are notoriously tricky to get under control. In the past, firefighters have been forced to use more than 36,000 gallons of water to extinguish an EV blaze and warnings have repeatedly been made that firefighters aren’t prepared to deal with an onslaught of EV fires.

Now I will tell you a few historical facts.

Do you think even small nations can not build aircraft?

Ae. 30 Ñancú
View attachment 5644

This was top technology in 1940s, It was Argentine, tell me why Brazil is a top power and Argentine is not in aviation?
Everything is policy, Brazil decided to build things that sell like Emb-120
Argentina wanted military aircraft but with a small military program, Brazil wanted pure profits cheap aircraft for any country a cargo and passenger plane.

View attachment 5645

China is not superior in technology even to Mexico, the difference is politically China has had a much more coherent policy in that China has considering selling cheap because people buy upon price.

However many Chinese products are artificially low price and many times have lower quality.

In some products for example shoes, Chinese shoes sold in Mexico are sold cheaper than the materials, is not the technology but dumping.

However people buy upon price, so China has achieved success, but this forces other countries to put tariffs in order to protect local industries

“China is not superior in technology even to Mexico,"
Sorry, I don't think Mexican technology is comparable to China's.

Economic Watch: China's foreign trade hits new high in first 7 months​

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2024-08-07 14:32:32
BEIJING, Aug. 7 (Xinhua) -- China's foreign trade hit a new high in the first seven months of this year, injecting impetus to the country's economic growth, official data showed Wednesday.

The goods trade volume expanded 6.2 percent year on year in yuan terms in the first seven months. Exports rose 6.7 percent year on year, while imports climbed 5.4 percent, according to the General Administration of Customs (GAC).

"China's economy has been running steadily since the beginning of this year, and the foreign trade has maintained a stable and positive momentum," said Lyu Daliang, director of the GAC's Department of Statistics and Analysis.

"The year-on-year growth of China's foreign trade maintained above 5 percent for the fourth consecutive month in July," Lyu added.

In U.S. dollar terms, the country's foreign trade in goods stood at 3.5 trillion dollars from January to July. Exports reached 2.01 trillion dollars, while imports hit 1.49 trillion dollars.

Trade surplus expanded by 7.9 percent year on year to 518 billion dollars during the seven-month period.

ASEAN remained China's largest trading partner, with bilateral trade volume reaching 3.92 trillion yuan in the first seven months, up 10.5 percent from a year ago, accounting for 15.8 percent of the country's total foreign trade. It was followed by the European Union with trade volume standing at 3.22 trillion yuan, the United States at 2.72 trillion yuan, and the Republic of Korea at 1.32 trillion yuan.

China's goods trade with countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative surged by 7.1 percent to 11.72 trillion yuan in the first seven months.

Mechanical and electrical products continued to dominate China's exports during the period, accounting for nearly 60 percent of the total.

Specifically, exports of automatic data processing equipment and components rose 11.6 percent year on year in the first seven months, integrated circuits increased by 25.8 percent and automobiles by 20.7 percent.

China aims to raise the volume and quality of foreign trade, boost imports of high-quality goods, and help foreign trade enterprises lower costs and boost efficiency, according to this year's government work report. ■

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