I will tmyou why you can not understand me and you can not see.
Your view is propaganda. materialistic, in life there are things we can not see, things that happen when a person dies, the soul the spirit, your view does not consider that.
You think your J-36 impresses me, or BYD, or what ever the crap you present, no it does not impress me.
Why? because the future is invisible to the eyes, but is only visible to the soul.
What do you think that I am a racist and I hate Chinese? far from that, yesterday I helped some Chinese young guys and a Chinese elderly couple, I saw 2 wonderful Chinese families, with cute Chinese babies, I met a Taiwanese that made me understood she does not consider her self Chinese like a Guatemalan does not think he or she is Mexican.
So tell me what is the greatness of Russia? missiles, Su-57? no nothing like that the greatness of a person is his soul and of a nation their spiritual values,
Chinese will be conquered by the Russian soul, the greatness of South America is their soul, Mexico will help Brazil free South America of USA imperialism, but is not by material things they will shine, when you understand what is common to the Russian soul and South American soul remember is Christianity.
Material things can not tell you the future, only spiritual things, in that I care less about BYD or your foolish crap of Chinese movie Hollywood is putrefied, a source of filth, very few movies are good most of it is violence war and pornography and low values, it is not the real western soul, in that my ancestors came from Rome, and I know my real soul,
And CCP and Chinese militarism are poison to the Chinese soul.
So the greatness of a nation is an economy based on good values, corruption destroys the soul and the spirit but also the economy