Chit Chat

Its 2025 and fellow Indians must understand that India isn't going to look like Eurozone and Umrica purely because of population density. At worst we can replicate singapore in terms of infra in our top cities and that would still be undesirable for most or us.
The dream of 2000 sq ft carpet area and additional 3000 sq ft of perimeters with swimming pool, garden, garage and driveway is not replicate with the density we have.
Delhi is always going to he dusty since it was so even before its inception due to geography
Streets are always going to look jagged since our structure are made of strong materials and ment to last a century and hence cannot be dismantled quickly.

At best we can replicate korea, japan and singapore.
There is a lot of land around in India - which you can see whenever you go out for a long drive - but people won't settle there. Murrican suburbs are very, very far away from the main cities, even European ones.
The kind of houses you are talking about a lot of people from the northern states expect even when they move to densely populated cities.
Polluted rivers are a feature of rapidly industrializing nations; not a bug. It takes decades to clean them up. Your 'holy rivers' are cleaner than they were 10 years back (let me know if you want details).

Really? I would like to know more details about that. That's a positive news to me.

Who started this weird PR for Rwanda tho? Came across it too many times.

Doesn't matter. The gauntlet is thrown. We must respond.

'Cleanlisess' is a function of PPP adjusted GDP per capita and population density. Given similar GDPpc a more densely populated nation will always look dirtier. India is more industrialized than its peers and that makes it worse. Rapid economic growth (and resulting increase in state capacity) solves this. Nuance is important.

I don't know about that. We have seen other countries with similar GDP showing better cleanliness than India.
Yes they had dirty rivers but not today. All I care about is today and the future. Bottom line, the Ganges river is one of the polluted rivers in the world and we need to clean it up like yesterday.
Have you heard of the phrase Kaizen?

You are being very results focused but the only way to get to clean rivers is to be process focused. Kaizen is the act of continuous incremental improvements. If you compare results against each other, you will be discouraged from actually trying.

Kaizen is a Japanese philosophy that translates to "continuous improvement" and emphasizes the importance of small, incremental changes that lead to significant long-term benefits. It's a cornerstone of Lean Manufacturing and the Toyota Way, and is considered a building block of all lean production methods. Kaizen aims to improve processes, products, and services by eliminating waste, increasing productivity, and encouraging employee engagement.

India is following Kaizen.

Regarding hurrians mittani oit and pure white, saptarishi could be any of the above skin tone and build, but tv and media tends to make sages/divinity muscular and fairer.

In the divine books and shlokas what is the colour of skin referred to, what is the colour of most ancient divine representation still worshiped.

An alternate way to think would be to imagine an arc from turkey to modern India, the skin tone , language,divine representation of ancient occupants of this arc would be same and same philosophical thoughts.

Vedic people were original fire worshippers , vedas talk of yagna. Zoorastianism branched from that giving rise to jew and other related school of thought.

Indo-iranian is the true nomenclature but the gora sahib hijacked it to indo european language group ( although it is him that has done the most research, excavation deciphering etc...)
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Modern swamp iraqis are genetically closer to ancient sumerians, GOI is doing genetic testing of old excavated skeleton from harappa and other sites which were in custody of Anthropological Survey of India.
Present accepted genetic history is intermingling of agricultural groups originating from Iran ,Turkmenistan with hunter gatherer group present here and some migrated from again iran in an earlier wave.
Up until gupta period it seems there was a thorough intermingling of various groups.
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Guys sorry to interrupt but my dad and I are thinking to buy a bike b/w 2-3 lakh our eyes are on honda cb350 and meteor 350 . I saw many videos of cb350 highness wobbling issue does wobbling issue also happen in cb350 . I can't say about the refinement of meteor 350 compared to cb350 what should I buy as RE is known for vibration and quality issues but Honda has limited Big wing showroom making servicing hard and costly compared to enfield
Guys sorry to interrupt but my dad and I are thinking to buy a bike b/w 2-3 lakh our eyes are on honda cb350 and meteor 350 . I saw many videos of cb350 highness wobbling issue does wobbling issue also happen in cb350 . I can't say about the refinement of meteor 350 compared to cb350 what should I buy as RE is known for vibration and quality issues but Honda has limited Big wing showroom making servicing hard and costly compared to enfield
The CB350RS is a better bike than the Meteor 350.
There are legitimate structural issues with Indian education:


but there is a silver lining


so the question is... how come China can domesticate but India bootlicks the west and doesn't innovate???

Gurmeet, it appears that you cannot engage Londonparistokyo in civil debate so refrain from responding to him.

London, refrain from responding to him.

Any further posts will results in further warnings and possible discussions of bans.
There are legitimate structural issues with Indian education:

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but there is a silver lining

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so the question is... how come China can domesticate but India bootlicks the west and doesn't innovate???

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Not that i care either of two surveys. You indeed are lacking self esteem wrt origins. Pray, why you or your friends could not develop tik tok alternative? When India banned tik tok there were several local alternatives which sprun up, remained in limelight for sometime and then vanished into background. Tik Tok, Youtube and Insta became popular because good payouts to creators which was lacking in local alternatives. Heck there was a local alternative to twitter which became little popular even in brazil called koo.

Such app ecosystem needs good backing otherwise they wont last.

Not that i care either of two surveys. You indeed are lacking self esteem wrt origins. Pray, why you or your friends could not develop tik tok alternative? When India banned tik tok there were several local alternatives which sprun up, remained in limelight for sometime and then vanished into background. Tik Tok, Youtube and Insta became popular because good payouts to creators which was lacking in local alternatives. Heck there was a local alternative to twitter which became little popular even in brazil called koo.

Such app ecosystem needs good backing otherwise they wont last.

And why is that? Why did others immediately go for RedNote and not others? We have to analyze the shortcomings of Indian apps and why they fail so they can succeed next time.
And why is that? Why did others immediately go for RedNote and not others? We have to analyze the shortcomings of Indian apps and why they fail so they can succeed next time.

you tell us mate, how does living expenses feel where you live while paying for all the risks taken by others that didn't pan out?

it's not the tech that's making the difference between success and failure of an app, it's what the murican money bags think it's future value is. to justify their valuation, these app companies end up selling your personal usage data to commercial and political enterprises.


yes true, and nothing is without risks and tradeoff, what he calls "risk capital" shows up in charts like these

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this excess cash sloshing around in their system manifests itself in may forms like housing bubble, inflation, higher cost of living etc.

the investors are not going keep their losses in their books, whatever the losses they sustained they will pawn it off on to the next successful venture, which ends up making the product costly or even annoying like youtube ads, in-app purchases.
you tell us mate, how does living expenses feel where you live while paying for all the risks taken by others that didn't pan out?

it's not the tech that's making the difference between success and failure of an app, it's what the murican money bags think it's future value is. to justify their valuation, these app companies end up selling your personal usage data to commercial and political enterprises.

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I don't know the answer to that question. Besides what you posted, how is that relevant to finding out why Indian apps do not gain traction out in the western world? My query is with making Indian apps more attractable to the rest of the world. China to a degree has figured that out. Why can't we?
I don't know the answer to that question. Besides what you posted, how is that relevant to finding out why Indian apps do not gain traction out in the western world? My query is with making Indian apps more attractable to the rest of the world. China to a degree has figured that out. Why can't we?

because many moneybags(investors) have to be convinced upfront, to make their bets on more than one app. developing an app is one thing, for scaling it at global level that app's company need strong financial backers, to pay for the processing power and hire experts in many fields. these money bags are not paying from their pocket, they are rotating the excess cash in the system.

you are directly effected by that excess cash in your system, one of the things it impacts is your cost of living.

not all ventures are a success, you get frauds like this too. she didn't put her own money, investors haven't dipped into their savings to fund this failure.

who do you think is paying for these failures? you. with your insurance premiums, with your utility bills, with your subscriptions etc. someone gotta pay.

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And why is that? Why did others immediately go for RedNote and not others? We have to analyze the shortcomings of Indian apps and why they fail so they can succeed next time.
as @ezsasa told: Its money. 2nd is you need authorities backing you up. US, Russia and China sees social media as mass weapons of social engineering. Both these factors enable stability and growth to apps.
Data is capital and Indian data is not stored in India. Chinese data is stored in China and it is even easier as they are using domestic apps. This is the key that is missing in this discussion. Things like debt ceiling etc make no sense. Somebody brought up koo. Besides having a strange name, why did it fail? I don't know much about it. Why did koo fail? Why did it not gain much traction?

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