Chit Chat

He is a WEF implant, did internship there.
Has Peer pakis as studymates and has claimed of visiting pakistan as well.

Dhurv rathee is soros implant.

Than there is that nigga Nitish Rajput dingu i dont know which camp he belongs to.
Sab ek hi thali ke chatte batte hai. They all works in unison and dine together regularly.
This guy is another lunfakir from the Dhruv Tatti school of thought. If the issue is caste related how does one explain this ? 👇


And this guy has some 35 lakh subscribers. No doubt most being under 25 with little analytical abilities , mostly from tier 3 cities & downwards , aspirational , who see him as some sort of role model to be emulated.

Truly literacy & education are mutually exclusive today. We live in such times .

Mate his rise was "sudden". He is a American curated personality experiment. I do not know it feels that rather than his growth being organic - its artificially pumped. Dhruv has automatically plummeted from youtube trends. These are not algo doings but delibate algo overriding's.. just like Amazon's "Featured" option being default sort.
This guy is another lunfakir from the Dhruv Tatti school of thought. If the issue is caste related how does one explain this ? 👇


And this guy has some 35 lakh subscribers. No doubt most being under 25 with little analytical abilities , mostly from tier 3 cities & downwards , aspirational , who see him as some sort of role model to be emulated.

Truly literacy & education are mutually exclusive today. We live in such times .

check his linkedin profile. yale, singapore, stanford, developmental economics.
his wife is part of some climate change company.

this guy is a future amartya sen.
guys like mohak chimp make my blood boil , don't know why their ghey like accent triggers me a lot. why the fukk they talk english like ghey.

View attachment 11485
Because englundish is a ghey language,anglos sound much gheyer when speaking it(when you copy too much of the words and pronounciations from french,you become ghey as well).
Plus he's a ghey libturd.
Any body wants to join free online Bhagwat Geeta classes by Isckon, here is a link. Its being conducted by Isckon Mangluru. Once registered you are added into whatsapp group which provide you with join link.They are conducted via zoom. Its also live telecasted on youtube.
*श्री श्री राधा गोविंदा मंदिर, इस्कॉन मैंगलोर*
*श्रीमद्भगवद्गीता को 18 दिनों में समझें- बैच 49*

*_7th October सोमवार_* से शुरू हो रहा है

वेबसाइट पर *रजिस्टर करें* 👇

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Last edited:
check his linkedin profile. yale, singapore, stanford, developmental economics.
his wife is part of some climate change company.

this guy is a future amartya sen.
These kind of content is getting traction overtime since there is ample demand for it.

Sasta jio internet has made sure every single chapri of this country has an opinion about everythig whether or not the topic is something that he deals with or has deep interest in.

These guys go to internet and search "Why is India so shit".
Than comes this chodak chnagal guy who prepares a video out of pre existing data on the internet and prepares a video addressing the same topic and concern that resonates with midwits youthiyas of this nation.

Literally this meme.


A nation of midwits.

You can literally see the quality of discussion over the internet go down in quality after 2018.

In terms of IQ and Comprehension.

DFB > Twitter > Insta/Facebook
These kind of content is getting traction overtime since there is ample demand for it.

Sasta jio internet has made sure every single chapri of this country has an opinion about everythig whether or not the topic is something that he deals with or has deep interest in.

These guys go to internet and search "Why is India so shit".
Than comes this chodak chnagal guy who prepares a video out of pre existing data on the internet and prepares a video addressing the same topic and concern that resonates with midwits youthiyas of this nation.

Literally this meme.

View attachment 11525

A nation of midwits.

You can literally see the quality of discussion over the internet go down in quality after 2018.

In terms of IQ and Comprehension.

DFB > Twitter > Insta/Facebook

Most DFB walas are themselves products of busting out of the Maya that is MSM( includes soshal media also now ) churan

btw the (((resonates))) is not natural, it is an artificial construction specifically intend for Yoothias to deepthroat it.

Basically globohomo wants to turn our yooth degenerate like they did with their yooths of the 60s who are now grandparents.
Indore cleanliness is basically an system which is working fine.

Segregation of waste at home is critical. They are doing it. Handling of waste Indore Corporation/Private contractors doing them. Monitoring of workforce - done by an team in an nerve center.

There is nothing special here. But the people of Indore wants their place to be clean and they are working towards it.

Even sections of North East India looks cleaner due to good waste handling facility.
There is also the national pass-time of Hindus across the nation of KAUN JAAT BA

This kaste kanging is not gonna stop any time soon.

The behavior portrayed by this beech is frustrating. Neither she has a physique what she tries to showcase every time nor has a Brahmin wisdom.

She is just a Shudra born with a Brahmin title, cashing on the x payout. And idiotic so-called Hindus cheering for her.

From South India ?

No. My family speaks Hindi but I don’t due to my background. You see I was born deaf. At the time I was born there was no deaf education so my pa took me to USA to get an education and learn how to speak and read lips. They taught me English and it took me a very long time to master it let alone a second language. Given the difficulty I had learning English I didn’t bother learning a second language and focus my studies on other matters. Now it’s not so easy to learn a language when you are working and raising two kids. So I haven’t tried that hard.
This kaste kanging is not gonna stop any time soon.

The behavior portrayed by this beech is frustrating. Neither she has a physique what she tries to showcase every time nor has a Brahmin wisdom.

She is just a Shudra born with a Brahmin title, cashing on the x payout. And idiotic so-called Hindus cheering for her.


A future evolution of this will be "I am not Hindu, i am *insert jaat here* "

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