Chit Chat

Tbh I don't feel to respond this post but still many may fall for this
So called gen-z are hypocrites of highest order these look-maxxer have no intention to remain healthy rather to go after girls

Politically aware is biggest myth these guys are just SM followers haven't read a single piece of article or book they just follow some youtuber or insta handle watch reels based on algorithm
Right wing is again a myth these Honda shers or shernis are again just internet Hindus and watch reels to feel devotional these idiots haven't read a single piece of text or philosophy
These guys are just puppet of algorithm and propaganda once the algorithm is altered these shers and shernis will question their belief their parents and their religion
Moreover even corporates will play huge role in spoiling this generation
My clg is often visited by companies JP Morgan, Deutsch Bank, Morgan Stanley and Credit Suisse type investment banking and financial service providers for both technical and non tech roles like finance
They literally shove LGBTQ and rainbow ideology into their throats and constantly involve the clg students by offering such goodies
But companies coming for tech roles don't indulge in such stuffs
DEI is much more dangerous than we think, people think it's promoting female chauvinism but rather it's made to implement rainbow ideology
It's a time bomb
Heck when I cleared written round for ipm rohtak
I went for PI which ofc I wasn't prepared as I was focusing on mht-cet and bitsat counselling and all those stuffs
After going through intro and questions regarding pcm and few finance related questions they asked about opinions regarding rainbow ideology instead of govt policies and gk
U can check iim Indore website they literally have a link for their support to queer community, no idea if that link exists now
This is the condition of top mba college

Let these gen-z reach late 20s and 30s u will find their actual colour

Write a long post after a year sorry for that

For the bolded part, that is good in my view. I dont want our youth to get knee deep in the holy texts and sanskaari books of the past.
Because then, something far worse happens as we see with ALL the ideologies that go for the kids - from religions like islam or christianity to libbu ideologies like liberalism, communism, gender ideology : you get fanaticism, idiot crusaders and sanctimonious tweeners who are basically doing it for an ego-kick than anything else. And long term, it turns these ideologies into the most fundamentalist, radical version of themselves.
It is important to realise and accept that teens and tweeners are NOT fully developed adults - our prefrontal cortex is responsible for decision making and it doesnt mature till mid 20s. So basically all the teens and tweens that are ideologically rabid, are basically exhitibing their under-developed decision making skills and mindlessly parroting what they have been spoon fed and even the older tweens are 'barely' adults in terms of experience.
This is why i like the hindu/buddhist system of 'four fold division of life' and leaving the pontificating religious/ideological sermonizing to the 40s-50s crowd. This is the age group that are the main movers of society - they are old enough to be experienced in life and have earned good money for a long time, yet young enough for change.

So long story short, its a good scenario for us to have the kids be ' outwardly hindu' with little to no grounding of the thesis, which they will get as they get older in life.
This system is why hinduism has always been extremely strong at self correction and evolution, than requiring outside pressure to evolve and change - look at sati for eg. Whatever the cause, whatever the justification or not for it, fact remains that its **WE** who up and changed it, us hindus. No outside force or pressure required. Now contrast that to **ANY** changes made within christianity ( forget islam, it hasnt changed) - **ALL** those changes came kicking and screaming fighting with the commies/liberandu gang and not a single change came from within.

This is the result of radicalizing the youth - you lock your own system down to a static state devoid of internal self correction, because you have traded in the few 40+ buddhajeevis with 20-something buddhajeevis and thus, the main driver of your ideology are now idiot children who cannot critically think.

I try my best to stick to either just tech related stuff or shitposting; try my best to avoid politics/religion/societal issues as much as possible or obvious reasons. But you've made a point that I quite often think and rarely find anyone talking. So just wanted to add few tid bits

> Darshan has absolutely vanished from present day "Hindu religion". Shankaracharya, Charvaka, Nagarjuna...absolutely nothing.
> The Islamization of Hinduism has already started and you won't believe how fast it's moving ahead

I try my best to stick to either just tech related stuff or shitposting; try my best to avoid politics/religion/societal issues as much as possible or obvious reasons. But you've made a point that I quite often think and rarely find anyone talking. So just wanted to add few tid bits

> Darshan has absolutely vanished from present day "Hindu religion". Shankaracharya, Charvaka, Nagarjuna...absolutely nothing.
> The Islamization of Hinduism has already started and you won't believe how fast it's moving ahead
Such reactionary developments are to be expected in an ideology that doesnt have the upper hand in street level propagation. One does adopt the strategies of its enemies when the enemies are more successful.
However,i am not too worried about islamisation of hinduism, because these reactionary developments are not sustainable in a void like they are in islam, because our scriptures & traditions are not set in stone and highly specific such as in the case of islam.
So i see this 'islamisation of hinduism' as a similar development we saw in history where for a 75 year period, Zoroastrianism followed the 'christianisation' principle - they banned other religions, appointed a pope like character ( mobad-e-mobadaan, basically priest of priests aka pope title, akin to shan-en-shah) and ruthlessly persecuted converts to other religions and other ideologies, ruthlessly put down christianity, manicheaism and such.
This was all in 'response' to Armenia christianising ( which from before christian period till fall of persia at hand of moozies always had a Persian royal family as its head - the Arsacids, who preceeded the Sassanids as the royal line of Persia) and spread of christianity in its mesopotamian lands.

But what happened after the 75 year period when they did successfully root out christianity and manichaeism from their lands ? back to normal business. Because these were reactions, not self-developed systems sustained by internal ideology like you see in abrahamic religions.

So this too, shall pass once or if the threat hindus are reacting to, is dealt with.
Such reactionary developments are to be expected in an ideology that doesnt have the upper hand in street level propagation. One does adopt the strategies of its enemies when the enemies are more successful.
However,i am not too worried about islamisation of hinduism, because these reactionary developments are not sustainable in a void like they are in islam, because our scriptures & traditions are not set in stone and highly specific such as in the case of islam.
So i see this 'islamisation of hinduism' as a similar development we saw in history where for a 75 year period, Zoroastrianism followed the 'christianisation' principle - they banned other religions, appointed a pope like character ( mobad-e-mobadaan, basically priest of priests aka pope title, akin to shan-en-shah) and ruthlessly persecuted converts to other religions and other ideologies, ruthlessly put down christianity, manicheaism and such.
This was all in 'response' to Armenia christianising ( which from before christian period till fall of persia at hand of moozies always had a Persian royal family as its head - the Arsacids, who preceeded the Sassanids as the royal line of Persia) and spread of christianity in its mesopotamian lands.

But what happened after the 75 year period when they did successfully root out christianity and manichaeism from their lands ? back to normal business. Because these were reactions, not self-developed systems sustained by internal ideology like you see in abrahamic religions.

So this too, shall pass once or if the threat hindus are reacting to, is dealt with.
In long term people would either just become atheists (if they're more into science, logic) or they'd willing choose a "spiritual religion" (because they genuinely find a connection with that)...the kind of religions based on fables and more importantly, forced upon people only works in short term.
It's something like entropy, that's bound to happen at some point in time.

If today the dictatorial rule is removed in Iran and things like shirq and kufr are removed from the law, most of their population would become atheists.

But unfortunately the new age Hindus just salivate thinking how Islam was able to increase its size this exponentially and how we should also become something like that as a "counter"
guys, is there a thread for horror and mystery stuff here? the types that are usually discussed in podcasts?
P.S. I don't wanna go to redddiittt. that place is for wusses.
If today the dictatorial rule is removed in Iran and things like shirq and kufr are removed from the law, most of their population would become atheists.

Perhaps at a future point of time once this has occurred, who is to not say they will "relapse" into their green religion?

You can see this in Toorkey, they have relapsed but it's not as bad as our Sooth Assian ones.

In Central Asia attempts were made in the 90s but those were crushed by ex-CCCP now nation-ruling dictators

tbh if you ask me the dictators of that area and their entourage is removed one day, you will see Central Asia relapsing into their traditional green religious behaviors which were worse than the current Afghans
In long term people would either just become atheists (if they're more into science, logic) or they'd willing choose a "spiritual religion" (because they genuinely find a connection with that)...the kind of religions based on fables and more importantly, forced upon people only works in short term.
It's something like entropy, that's bound to happen at some point in time.

If today the dictatorial rule is removed in Iran and things like shirq and kufr are removed from the law, most of their population would become atheists.

But unfortunately the new age Hindus just salivate thinking how Islam was able to increase its size this exponentially and how we should also become something like that as a "counter"
In long term, atheism fails.
Because simple reality is, religion provides a self-soothing option in times of stress that greatly benefit the individual. This is often overlooked aspect of WHY religions propagate themselves and are tough to eliminate in the modern world : that its practitioners actually gain something concrete and positive out of it in their day to day lives, namely, self-soothing and coping with stress. ( who cares if your sky-daddy is not real, so long as you can use skydaddy to pull through tough times and mentally console yourself that you will get justice from a higher power one day due to the wrongs done to you by a slutty wife or an arrogant son ?)
This is why in modern western atheism, there is a movement towards either becoming a 'cultural christian' like Richard Dawkins is now or renewed interest in euro-paganism. Because people need something to fill that void left once religion is gone.

What atheists forget often, is that the 'intellectualism of atheism' is appealing only to those who dont require religion to self soothe in times of stress or are the 1-2% buddhajeevis amongst humanity who sees the futility of religion. They forget, that to the REST 98% of humans, religion offers concrete, discernable benefits such as community, self soothing and stress relief.

So the lifecycle of atheism is limited and there is a reason why ALL the eastern religions/philosophies that dont cater to god/gods ( like buddhism, jainism, taoism, etc) are not straight up atheistic in nature but agnostic ( there is a diffrence - atheists deny existence of god/gods, agnostics are either not sure or say god/gods are irrelevant).

That is why i divide religion into two classes - the good ones and the evil ones, the good ones being the ones who come with all the perks of religion minus the mass slaughter/war/forced conversions etc in the name of god/religion and that is why these good religions are the final pathway awaiting the atheists.
Perhaps at a future point of time once this has occurred, who is to not say they will "relapse" into their green religion?
Are you sure their religion is Islam? Or are you missing one very crucial detail?

Even after they converted to Islam, they chose a new way rather than what was the norm. From Rumi to Sharmad to Mansur, they've a long and rich history of defying what's traditionally called Islam and moving close to spirituality

Infact one can argue that Mansur's ana'l-haq is the closest Islam has ever been to Sanatan's aham brahmasmi
Are you sure their religion is Islam? Or are you missing one very crucial detail?

Even after they converted to Islam, they chose a new way rather than what was the norm. From Rumi to Sharmad to Mansur, they've a long and rich history of defying what's traditionally called Islam and moving close to spirituality

Infact one can argue that Mansur's ana'l-haq is the closest Islam has ever been to Sanatan's aham brahmasmi
umm...the turks were far more bloodthirsty in their jihad for islam than the arabs themselves were.
Its not for no reason that the turks are known amongst the muslims as the sword of islam.
@admin cleanup needed kindly
Site seems to be attracting a lot of crypto scammers lately.
Which in turn means this site is featuring somewhere high on Google's search algorithms. Otherwise these scammers won't bother .

After all they aren't Wumaos with a target to meet vis a vis posting on Indian sites or articles / documentaries of interest pertaining to India on international sites.
Site seems to be attracting a lot of crypto scammers lately.
Enabled Hcaptcha for registration yesterday, still bots are coming through.

Will enable much harsher spam prevention methods in the next 2-3 days.
Looks like a sanitation worker himself which is what must've prompted those sanitation workers to approach him & request a selfie to which babooo duly obliged.
Looks are fine, but they don't need to make a news out of it only the second picture could have sufficed with better headline.
Looks are fine, but they don't need to make a news out of it only the second picture could have sufficed with better headline.
I was being facetious poking fun at the babooo's penchant for publicity , any publicity but jokes aside the unintended benefits of this is the pride these ordinary sanitation workers will feel & the boost to their egos of being in the same frame as an IAS officer who's the DC. Otherwise who appreciates their lot ?

Hopefully that's the intention behind the babooo clicking that photograph although I doubt it.

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