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because buddhism influence plus they have this tendency *at least in popular media like manga-anime-hentai too* to take a jibe on their devtas 🤷‍♂️

japan is to put it, "ambedkarite" country in some of their cultural things 🤷‍♂️
All the OG Mangakas were hard core socialists or commies out of college. You'll see the church get absolutely shit on in many genres. Stuff like religion, ethnic and class divide are apparent in many prominent works, the whole Gundam series for example. Japanese are masters of deconstruction.
Its not like that
If u ever go TN u will see the essence of Hinduism everywhere
Their magnificent temples still stand
Infact many people contribute tons of money to hold more magnificent temples
Infact they are better maintained and u will not find looting worshiper mentality over there

They follow rituals very rigorously be it of any caste
They are very stereotypical and staunch hindus
I understand the opinion u get by looking at local politics and anti-sanatan politicians being voted consistently
That's bcoz honestly they are united by the hate against North Indians irrespective of religion and caste
Similarly every North Indian state have their own shar eof racism against them too

Regional racism is main reason for lack of unity in this country
Tamilians don't give shit about periyar or babasaheb or any other shitty dmk politicians
They are driven by hate for naarthies, language cult following(actor worshiping) and their culture where they somewhat feel aiadmk or dmk fills those criteria
I live in Vellore, Tamil Nadu, have to complete a degree here. The only reason the temples here stand is because in medival times, horse archer hordes which were used by mughals and other central asians could not loot and sack in jungles like they did in plains and farmlands like sindhu or ganga region. Otherwise they are always the first to leave hinduism and convert to any abrahamic religion. I also have seen most of north india. up bihar dilli himalay punjab gujrat rajasthan. every place has something special as fascinating. but south india is extremely depressing. I dont think any north indian is in any way related to any south indian except from sharing a same religion (these peoples gods are also different). we have more in common with pakistanis than these people. The tollywood, the women, the language everything is just depressing.
This is the standards of education one can expect in a history textbook here

It mostly covers the 1526 - 1947 phase of history with native dynasties grossly underrepresented
Excerpts from the linked article :

NCERT says it has no information on source of claim made in

A few days back, a person named Shivank Verma had filed an RTI application seeking evidence for the claim made in the NCERT textbook ‘Themes of Indian History (Part II)’ for class XII which mentioned that grants were issued by the Mughal emperors for the repair of temples destroyed in war during the reigns of Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb.

The NCERT had, however, said that it has no evidence to prove that Mughal emperors had rebuilt temples destroyed in wars, even when it claims the same in its history textbook. As per a report in The Hindu, the meeting also discussed how the ‘Mughal-era’ is overemphasized in current books, often whitewashing their crimes, while ignoring most Hindu rulers and their contributions to the subcontinent’s heritage.

Alhamdulillah !

All the OG Mangakas were hard core socialists or commies out of college. You'll see the church get absolutely shit on in many genres. Stuff like religion, ethnic and class divide are apparent in many prominent works, the whole Gundam series for example. Japanese are masters of deconstruction.
well, typical to see artisans leaning towards those kinds of ideaologies, i mean most industrialist technocrats are rather into "productive" money making fields
also regd the church getting flank, there's a minor distinction that i've observed across some works, catholicism or kind of things are looked down but protestantism is someway tolerated? (though overall both will get deconstructed a lot) is it related to their past experiences with portuguese/italian catholics trying to do missionary things there while that protestant british 'anjin-san' sided with Tokugawa Leyasu and all (cue, 'shogun' tv series) ? i mean they love to put such references or easter eggs in their work...
well, typical to see artisans leaning towards those kinds of ideaologies, i mean most industrialist technocrats are rather into "productive" money making fields
also regd the church getting flank, there's a minor distinction that i've observed across some works, catholicism or kind of things are looked down but protestantism is someway tolerated? (though overall both will get deconstructed a lot) is it related to their past experiences with portuguese/italian catholics trying to do missionary things there while that protestant british 'anjin-san' sided with Tokugawa Leyasu and all (cue, 'shogun' tv series) ? i mean they love to put such references or easter eggs in their work...
It's rather simple these days. Japanese were always fascinated by Britain and imported a lot of culture from there around the start of the 20th century. Co-operations in military, shipbuilding, education. Even the Japanese royal family adopted British etiquette. Japanese pop culture and manga developed a rose tinted idealist view of Britain. Still do. British high class polite talk attracted Japanese. British are civilized calm English people and Americans are rowdy loud hot blooded English people for the Japanese. They are just pure anglophiles, so they don't mind protestants. Even Hellsing portrays Protestants as the good guys and Catholics as scumbag criminals.​
It's rather simple these days. Japanese were always fascinated by Britain and imported a lot of culture from there around the start of the 20th century. Co-operations in military, shipbuilding, education. Even the Japanese royal family adopted British etiquette. Japanese pop culture and manga developed a rose tinted idealist view of Britain. Still do. British high class polite talk attracted Japanese. British are civilized calm English people and Americans are rowdy loud hot blooded English people for the Japanese. They are just pure anglophiles, so they don't mind protestants. Even Hellsing portrays Protestants as the good guys and Catholics as scumbag criminals.​
they are west-philes yes, not only britbongs and weimericans, they also revere french in ways

when japanese used to tour a lot during their rising economy days, paris was among top tier destinations, it's still being romanticised a lot by women there lol over "paris lifestyle" but since nijjers and sullas have changed their demography and their living standards are going down, japs are going through a cultural shock after visiting paris lol
It's rather simple these days. Japanese were always fascinated by Britain and imported a lot of culture from there around the start of the 20th century. Co-operations in military, shipbuilding, education. Even the Japanese royal family adopted British etiquette. Japanese pop culture and manga developed a rose tinted idealist view of Britain. Still do. British high class polite talk attracted Japanese. British are civilized calm English people and Americans are rowdy loud hot blooded English people for the Japanese. They are just pure anglophiles, so they don't mind protestants. Even Hellsing portrays Protestants as the good guys and Catholics as scumbag criminals.​
whats great that these people like japanese korean taiwan africans change their religion and gods like weather in seasons but its been 400 years and unlike africa, unlike korea, despite so much manipulation done by missionaries, allying jihadis and whatnot, absolutely 0 converts have been there in mainland india.
they are west-philes yes, not only britbongs and weimericans, they also revere french in ways

it's still being romanticised a lot by women there lol over "paris lifestyle" but since nijjers and sullas have changed their demography and their living standards are going down, japs are going through a cultural shock after visiting paris lol
See Nodame Cantabille to find just how rosy the glasses were tinted. Recent tourists have indeed gone through a massive culture shock. And the Japanese embassy in France runs a full time counseling service for Japanese citizens who experience distress, due to the culture shock from visiting Paris these days.
bhai esa kya hai polund me matlab log usa ya canada jaye to fir bhi samaj me ata hai
Poland thik thaak stable country hai. Belarus middle east se aaye migrants ko jaanbuj ke ghusa raha hai Poland me shayad Russia ke kehne pe. Kyunki Poland NATO ka hissa hai to bass tang kiya ja raha hai.
Lol, why should I? Did wypipos care when pakroaches were sending terrorists to kill Indians? Nope, they were arming them instead (they still are).

Why should I, as an Indian, give a flying fuck about a bunch of Europeans killing each other?

Lulz, I seem to be drawing attention from folks I do not even intend to interact with, for some reason! First there was that gujju incel. And now what are you, some Putin/russian fanboy? Do not care either way. Ignore my posts if I piss you off this much. In a public forum I can write whatever the heck I want until and unless I break some forum rules. Before DFB, I was active on the old forum for years, not one of my posts was ever taken down or removed by the mods.

EDIT: You have never posted elsewhere on this forum so likely a Russian. For the record, I DO NOT care about your war. None of my fucking business. And I will keep writing whatever the fuck I want, I will not take sermons from a Russian on an Indian Defence Forum.
I never said you should care. I just found it incredible that you felt bad about one person being attacked while not caring about a million that have died. How is it that you can miss something so obvious? Do you have some sort of blind spot in your brain that prevents you from figuring simple things out? You should get tested for narcissistic traits. Also I'm from the US and I would advise you if you have the choice of either being a friend of the US or and enemy, choice the enemy, it's much less dangerous.
I never said you should care. I just found it incredible that you felt bad about one person being attacked while not caring about a million that have died. How is it that you can miss something so obvious? Do you have some sort of blind spot in your brain that prevents you from figuring simple things out? You should get tested for narcissistic traits. Also I'm from the US and I would advise you if you have the choice of either being a friend of the US or and enemy, choice the enemy, it's much less dangerous.
yes we did see in our neighbourhood what happened to american enemies like afghanistan and vietnam (or what happened to america there) and what happened to american allies like pakistan and right now under modis disaster 2.0 india also
I never said you should care. I just found it incredible that you felt bad about one person being attacked while not caring about a million that have died. How is it that you can miss something so obvious?
My goodness, do not interact in a public forum if such simple stuff gets on your nerves. I have reported members for making personal attacks before, this was not the first time. I owe you no explanation here.

Do you have some sort of blind spot in your brain that prevents you from figuring simple things out? You should get tested for narcissistic traits.

Why do you even care? When I don't care about you or Russia? Or even Ukraine for that matter!

Unreal obsession!

Also I'm from the US

Sure you are.

and I would advise you if you have the choice of either being a friend of the US or and enemy, choice the enemy, it's much less dangerous.

Again, none of your fucking business.
My goodness, do not interact in a public forum if such simple stuff gets on your nerves. I have reported members for making personal attacks before, this was not the first time. I owe you no explanation here.

Why do you even care? When I don't care about you or Russia? Or even Ukraine for that matter!

Unreal obsession!

Sure you are.

Again, none of your fucking business.
Once again it flew right over your head. I get it, you don't care about how many people have been killed. I also get that you deeply care about Akim's feelings. What you don't get is how fucked up that is. And you also care about reporting members, because you care about this forums rules. Also I already know what your business is not because I want to, it's because you easily reveal yourself. Your own business is very uninteresting, and my own personal interest in Ukraine only confirms what I already knew about human nature. Unfortunately, but unsurprisingly there has been no big reveal so far. The human race has not yet had that enlightened moment that one day will happen. It would be nice to see in my lifetime, and I was hoping to see if people could see this conflict in a different light than the previous wars that have happened for thousands of years. I've connected with a few people and they see things exactly how I do, so that's been the only rewarding thing so far. It also has nothing to do with my ego or being right, which I don't give a flying fuck about.
Once again it flew right over your head. I get it, you don't care about how many people have been killed. I also get that you deeply care about Akim's feelings. What you don't get is how fucked up that is. And you also care about reporting members, because you care about this forums rules. Also I already know what your business is not because I want to, it's because you easily reveal yourself. Your own business is very uninteresting, and my own personal interest in Ukraine only confirms what I already knew about human nature. Unfortunately, but unsurprisingly there has been no big reveal so far. The human race has not yet had that enlightened moment that one day will happen. It would be nice to see in my lifetime, and I was hoping to see if people could see this conflict in a different light than the previous wars that have happened for thousands of years. I've connected with a few people and they see things exactly how I do, so that's been the only rewarding thing so far. It also has nothing to do with my ego or being right, which I don't give a flying fuck about.

Word salad literally but you do you.
I dont think any north indian is in any way related to any south indian except from sharing a same religion (these peoples gods are also different). we have more in common with pakistanis than these people. The tollywood, the women, the language everything is just depressing.
Here comes the infiltrator... I hope Mods take appropriate action.

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