Chit Chat

was looking for kamiya jani's "sandeshe aate hai" series and this is what i got on first search tried multiple times , most results was this same. youtube is amreeki deep state


now i opened the channel and this is what i get


shehzaade's video on some totally different video. youtube is rigged to core. i right clicked and opened and got the original mentioned video ( i.e. korean gets....)
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I posted about that over two years ago. I bet you are not benefiting from this war, but others are. Are you bragging that other people are making money from this war? It's too bad your just as miserable today as you were when this thing started.

Point is brother, India is tired of Western countries boogeyman coming bro behavior. Post world war it started with USSR where western countries were crying day and night bro commies were coming. Then USSR broke out, instead of shutting up, now created the new boogeyman that Russian were coming bro and now shoehorned Ukraine to fight an useless war. Now once Russians were done, next will be Chinese were coming for Taiwan bro and start the next cycle. In between these cycle countries who have its own ambition were facing problems due to this I am right your wrong behavior and anyone doing business will be sanctioned. Seriously we were forced to move out of Iran due to Trumps Iran villain bro behavior. Otherwise we had good grain export, port for Central asian countries and cheaper access to Crude.

Now we were forced to spend extra dollars to Arab overlords. We lost an trade partner for our rice exports and other exports. We don't give an fuck for Iranian sanctions, infact we can export pharma, automobiles to them since it is an big market. Due to this boogeyman bro behavior we are suffering with respect to trade access to cheap raw materials.

At the same time Europe can only wag their tails to Chinese since everything from underwear to cars is getting manufactured there and all of them were running an deficit. Basically Europe and USA is cucked by Chinese. No no noise and also Chinese cleverly insulated their people with firewall.

Does this behavior by West stop, I don't think so. What is the best for India, just utilize the falldown and access cheap raw material so India Inc can run. This is what happening. No one cares about Ukraine-Russian in this country, people only care about their own selfish ass and can only see if they getting products at cheap price or not. Ruling party is happy since inflation is under control and they have chance to secure their next term. Harsh truth but reality. India cares about Ukr-Rus war as much as Europe/West cares about Post war Libya, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan.

Will call myself Zakir ATGM.
India’s Outdated Colonial-Era Laws

Many of India’s laws still date back to the colonial era. If you don’t believe me, consider these examples: the Indian Evidence Act (1872), the Societies Registration Act (1860), the Epidemic Diseases Act (1897), and the Transfer of Property Act (1882). These are just a few among many such laws, drafted to serve colonial rulers, that remain in force today—long after they have been repealed in Britain.

These outdated laws, which have lost much of their relevance, continue to shape India’s legal system. Ironically, the judiciary still relies on them to administer justice. The system has grown so accustomed to these archaic statutes that there is little push for their revision or modernization.

It is time to discard these colonial-era laws and create a legal framework suited to modern India. However, the country’s parliamentary system can be a roadblock, as opposition parties often resist changes proposed by the government. The only way forward is through extensive debate—both inside and outside Parliament—to build consensus on legal reforms.

While some efforts have been made, such as introducing new criminal laws and reforming Hindu and Muslim personal laws, these changes remain incremental. As a result, even after eight decades of independence, India’s governance remains deeply rooted in its colonial past.

A more determined push is needed to replace these outdated laws with legislation that truly reflects the needs and aspirations of contemporary India.
i forgot to talk about kumbh mela nd 60 crore visitors there. so my honest feeling about it beside its effect on economy:-

its a very good number of hindus....that mean near 60 crore hindus r still "very devotional". its a good relief, when we r seeing conversion news every where. that makes me worry about hindus future time to time. but this number gives me huge relief.

not saying only 60 crore hindus r devotional. mostly in a family only 1-2 person take part in kumbh type huge occasion. In my surrounding near 100+ hindu family of different caste lives. no one family member went to kumbh. same with my family nd relatives. although all follows hindu tradition, believe, culture nd festivals.

so even if we think only 60 crore hindus r very serious nd dedicated to their culture, thats why they went to kumbh mela. that number is huge nd give relief for our (hindu) future. honestly this 60 crore number is surprising for me. coz we heard about neo buddhist, atheist nd cryptos news, that they remain their hindu names but leave their hindu believe. i dont think those type of people ever visit kumbh mela. so this 60 crore number of visitors is big assurance for me. 🥰🕉️
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i forgot to talk about kumbh mela nd 60 crore visitors there. so my honest feeling about it beside its effect on economy:-

its a very good number of hindus....that mean near 60 crore hindus r still "very devotional". its a good relief, when we r seeing conversion news every where. that makes me worry about hindus future time to time. but this number gives me huge relief.

not saying only 60 crore hindus r devotional. mostly in a family only 1-2 person take part in kumbh type huge occasion. In my surrounding near 100+ hindu family of different caste lives. no one family member went to kumbh. same with my family nd relatives. although all follows hindu tradition, believe, culture nd festivals.

so even if we think only 60 crore hindus r very serious nd dedicated to their culture, thats why they went to kumbh mela. that number is huge nd give relief for our (hindu) future. honestly this 60 crore number is surprising for me. coz we heard about neo buddhist, atheist nd cryptos news, that they remain their hindu names but leave their hindu believe. i dont think those type of people ever visit kumbh mela. so this 60 crore number of visitors is assurance for me. 🥰🕉️

it also means, devotee pilgrimage in previous kumbh melas had been deliberately suppressed and discouraged both actively and passively by the previous gormints in power.
first of all, Jai Dada Parashuram :pray2:

Kuleen Brahmin, hhmm? so having a surname that ends in -upadhyay ? like bannopadhyay, mukhopadhyay, chattopadhyay, gangopadhyay ?
from what i know, kuleen brahmins belong to some branch of northerner brahmins that may have migrated to then Vanga, Raadh etc parts as gurus, pundits if that lineage holds you may have origins from UP side

coming to nature,caste and profession, if you believe in jyotish (seems unlikely for a person with scientific temperament) then there are various markers for kind of interests and natures a person may have in future irrespective of his caste, one very elementary marker in kundli is called, lol, "varna" (brahmin, kshatriya, vaishya and shudra), there's also "gana" (deva, manushya, rakshasha), based on the nakshatra one is born in, so if you've happen to have accurate birth time and place (upto proper coordinates in case of a big city) then check about it, perhaps it may give some idea

also, Parashurama's mother was a Kshatriya lady, so *technically* a half brahmin-half kshatriya at it; there's also a matter of his origin from his daadi, Satyavati's side (read about it on internet)

I don't wanna get into specifics but my surname is a "upadhi" though we come from one of the '-padhyays' type.

I don't believe in jyotishgiri, even though my grandfather was a locally known jyotish and the most qualified jyotish I have ever met ( he was a mathematician who worked for ISI and then become doctor later in his life, so arguing jyotishgiri with him meant he will first lecture u on matrix transformation and orthogonal projection of planetary data into data matrices first".

All I know, is that by mentality and by karma I am no Brahman, I am more a kshatriya or a vaish coz I am good at using force or money to help my people over my intellect alone.

Ps: kuleens are Kannauji brahmans who migrated to corners of Gupta empire at eve of fall of Gupta empire. That's why unfind kuleens in Gupta periphery regions like Bengal or maharashtra, where they to have some kuleen gotras.

Not that this matters to me- I do not believe in lineage bragging rights lol.

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