CI/CT Operations

I would suggest you guys to read this thread a good thread comparing US way of fighting vs Indian way

And then I want you to read what pahadi chua said so he read the whole thread and his conclusion was this :facepalm4:


His conclusion is pretty spot on.

Most american fanboys should acknowledge that:
1. The US lies about the enemy they kill
2. The us calls in airstrikes almost everytime talibs open fire or ambush their patrol.

Nothing wrong with it. It is it what is.
They are not any less trained then special forces operating behind the enemy lines. We should be ashamed of ourselves
Well they ARE porkie SF , the SSG right ? Or atleast lead by one or more SSG guys ? What did Wussaguru expect ? Removing Art 370 will solve terror problem ? Conducting elections will solve terror problem ? No effing way ! This is wholly and completely linked to islam and its umma, not to any muh poor malnourished economically bkwd sullas fighting for rights , what a load of BS. I still can't believe Nehru 3.0 and XXd chess mota bhai fell for this. As long as porkistan exists and sullas are majority in JnK (or any state for that matter) expect this problem to continue. What blind fools the GoI are
OGW - what a nonsensical term, anyone who helps terrorists is also a terrorist! We should stop using this term OGW , are they workers ? Typical english media qutiayapa to white wash ahole sulla terrorists
Its term i believe was coined by the forces themselves.
This has already been done. They are utilizing the natural advantages of these areas to run their cat and mouse games. Today's ambush was sort no different, I am being told the squad + 1 Support team of 1 para was responding to a distress call. The said OGWs stopped the teams' Armoured Vehicle to inform them that the said terrorists are holed up in our house. As the team jumped out of the vehicle, the entrenched snipers fired on the whole team blindly. Both the OGW are under medical supervision (1 killed afaik)
Is it really so easy to fool "SF" ? Should you not send those civvie terrorists in first before breaking your cover ? I believe this was the sop before, perhaps Wussaguru changed that ? (After seeing how our men were court martialled and civvie terrorists awarded by this pussy govt)

well they can't have done anything different in this situation tbh ...
How were the OGWs hit ? us or them ??
Err... don't trust civvies ?

Its term i believe was coined by the forces themselves.
Was to be expected, given how seriously IA takes op sadbhavna (for a thoroughly anti hindu ungrateful sulla population to boot ! ), if only same seriousness was shown in upgrading our soldiers equipment!
His conclusion is pretty spot on.

Most american fanboys should acknowledge that:
1. The US lies about the enemy they kill
2. The us calls in airstrikes almost everytime talibs open fire or ambush their patrol.

Nothing wrong with it. It is it what is.
Lol yeah even Marcus Lutrell lied his ass off about the no of Talibs he supposedly faced off while the rest of his team lay dead.
The US mil PR machine built a whole storyline out of it and Hollywood made it famous.
Lol yeah even Marcus Lutrell lied his ass off about the no of Talibs he supposedly faced off while his rest of the team lay dead.
The US mil PR machine built a whole storyline out of it and Hollywood made it famous.
Operation anacdona. 21 bodies found. How many do they claim? 600
Battle of waanat. 2 talib bodies found.
They claim 300 dead.
Operation anacdona. 21 bodies found. How many do they claim? 600
Battle of waanat. 2 talib bodies found.
They claim 300 dead.
Yup and not just tangos, when they kill civvies they highly exaggerate the whole run up to the situation to cover it up. From Mai Lai to Haditha massacre to Crazy Horse One-Eight!
Bad call... snipers would had been better for this imo.. I would support the closing distance while laying ambush tactic had they been doing the op under moonlight with GPNVG 18s but it was broad day. That's why foreign SFs spend huge chunk on sniper capabilities.

Too early to conclude this.. it was just one team and most probably this one was under the radar because of pilgrimage bus attack.. there are dozen+ teams. Also even in this op, we lost 2 SF guys... and multiple SF injured.. again a whole squad wiped out by jihadis
Yes, have never seen snipers in para sf team when deployed within JnK. Atleast from the pix released to public, never once have I seen snipers being used when they setup a cordon or CASO its fair to say they don't use one. Its just like the 'hidden stash' argument of jai ho gang. Now if we question this lack of sniper tactics on X, I bet we will be called ssb fail sadakchaps !

after you spot them should’ve challenged them that would shake the pigs up
Why challenge ? Won't this give away your element of surprise ? Surely its due to the RoE set by GoI, and then bhajipao IT cell will claim they're giving 'free' hand to army. My foot !


army is adapting so thats good news . 👏👏

never understand this obsession with whiteboards , almost every visit by senior army offical has them been shown a white board .

Will these 8 civvie terrorists be shot after collecting intel from them ? No, they will be handed over to JnK corrupt police who will just release them in bail. And round & round the mulberry bush will continue. Before you say "oh we are a democrazy, we cant do that etc...", All I will say is that learn from Yogiji
So what is the final situation ? Jihadi scum still in the forests ? Unknown number ? Or more or less they have been wiped out ? I will say this is a success for porks, they successfully fought and killed in our land and kept escaping using superior tactics and tech. Meanwhile we done one Uri or Balakot and keep quiet, meanwhile Nehru 2.0 keeps saying we are a nation of peace who doesn't do yuddha ! Despite Lord Krishna urging Arjuna to fight the good fight for Dharma in the Gita and they say Wussaguru is from RSS, what nonsense.

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