CI/CT Operations

Pictures from anantnag encounter. Both of them seem to be killed while carrying their bagpacks. Then was it an ambush carried on specific intel? Also judging from the bodies, their aren't as many wounds & blood as we generally see during other encounters of the same order. Is there a possibility of sniper ambush by special forces?
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Pictures from anantnag encounter. Both of them seem to be killed while carrying their bagpacks. Then was it an ambush carried on specific intel? Also judging from the bodies, their aren't as many wounds & blood as we generally see during other encounters of the same order. Is there a possibility of sniper ambush by special forces?

Seems like ambush gone right (finally). Terrorists lying in open field without cover, bagpacks still on, probably killed with the first volley of fire.

This also mean we now have upper hand in HUMINT which the terrorists enjoyed an upper hand since 2022.

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