CI/CT Operations

Remote detonation of IED. Also look at the bunching during what seems to be a patrol party.
View attachment 22220
p.s - Why is he banned though?

any casualties seen ??

dunno , maybe some thought his analysis was some part of propaganda .

6 injured, minor injuries only. Seems like a crudely made IED.

6 injured, minor injuries only. Seems like a crudely made IED.
Yeah it was evident as per the video, narrowly missed the last two guys. Confusion post blast but you can make out the guys dispersing to both ends.
We cant upload videos directly here, can we?
Yeah it was evident as per the video, narrowly missed the last two guys. Confusion post blast but you can make out the guys dispersing to both ends.
We cant upload videos directly here, can we?

Don't upload videos of our soliders getting targetted.

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