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Gormint setting up SPV for RTA project;

I still won't read too much into this development but SPVs might be the breakthrough this gormint needed to venture into truly cutting edge stuff.

Also, looks like the service focused startups are following in on Ola's footsteps, ie, the 'make a fortune and then venture into hard tech' playbook.

But I like what Ola is doing. Zomato seems to be following in their footsteps.
OLA se zyada better attitude Ather ka hai for product development. Whatever they produce they maintain quality. But alas they dont have great funding to go big guns.
OLA se zyada better attitude Ather ka hai for product development. Whatever they produce they maintain quality. But alas they dont have great funding to go big guns.

I know, I have made a no of posts appreciating Ather and Ultraviolette. But Ola and others are doing decently - yeah, granted they went overboard with PR and hype but still... service cos venturing into hard tech needs to be encouraged. Sridhar Vembu is carving out a niche for himself by funding multiple early stage hard tech start-ups. This needs to be encouraged more.

Apparently LAT Aerospace not to be confused with L&T is backed by Deepinder Goyal of Zomato.


While Boeing & Airbus aren't determined to repeat Airbus's mistake in China irrespective whatever consolation or considerations they offer GoI, the latter's gone ahead extending MII to Airbus for an FAL of a 5 decade old hptr in H-125 where if news reports are to be believed this model is in direct competition with the LUH in the military domain, given alleged design & mfg issues with the latter.

In any case, the H-125 is definitely expected to tap into the virgin Indian civilian hptr market unopposed though recent reports indicate HAL seems to have gotten out of its reverie.

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