Let's wait some more and see how all this pans out, before we bring out our guns.
View: https://x.com/AryamanBharat/status/1874403868244926757
Bh**d*wale in chutiye annadata ko 2 lakh crore dene keliye hai lekin kaveri test facilities aur rnd projects ko fund karne keliye pese nahi hai
8-10 sal wait karo for few 1000 crores
None of the annadata will vote for so called tana shahi sarkarAnnadata, Bhimta, Wimmenz etc give votes( ok ji, not these specific Annadatas but still )
Kaveri and DRDO scientists don't, meanwhile "It is not an era of war n shiz"
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Poor pic related also doesn't seem to enjoy doing all this, which is why he is trying to push One Nation, One Election
How can u forget nag, mpatgmTill Yesterday, People were wanting 150 Rafale under 100% ToT. Used to Celebrating foreign imported weapons but now suddenly want everything indigenous.
But same people never questioned ambiguous behaviour of UN generals regarding Indigenous project. Most people including generalists feels offended if we ask legitimate questions from UN Generals.
Let me tell you where we have missed the bus ( During our lifetime)
1) UN Generals has never given clear cut numbers of Tejas till 2016. Even then only 123 in total. Then Who the hell will fund Kaveri engine when you need only 123 such aircrafts? If requirement of 240-300 Tejas has been given in 1995 then picture would have been different today.
2) Arjun tank, No clear cut numbers given since 1970. DRDO on record has said if you ordering 120 than we can not make engine for it. Result is in front of us now. No tank, No engine.
3) ATAG and Dhanush build. Not clear number given again. 118 Danush ordered only.
Many such examples.
People suddenly want Kaveri today, but if UN Generals are not buying Tejas ( atleast till 2016 and order come in 2021 ) then for what DRDO or government finance a engine project??
It's take decades to build an Ecosystem in any sector and Ecosystem built by Numbers.
Until UN Generals start giving clear cut minimum numbers and stop changing goal posts every week, mark my words Nothing will ever change.
How can u forget nag, mpatgm
its a fucking nightmare mate
Just shitty tier jugaad that neither works nor is accurate when it works - you cannot take a turret designed to operate at land and handle the stresses and abuse there of and expect it to work seamlessly in warm water oceanic environments - especially on FACs and flat bottomed LSTs whose sea keeping qualities are anyway trash.
The main headache for GOI is Tunak Tunak Tunn data.. masquerading as Anna Data mascot.. Anna datas from else where are manageable..Annadata, Bhimta, Wimmenz etc give votes( ok ji, not these specific Annadatas but still )
Kaveri and DRDO scientists don't, meanwhile "It is not an era of war n shiz"
View attachment 20344
Poor pic related also doesn't seem to enjoy doing all this, which is why he is trying to push One Nation, One Election
Till Yesterday, People were wanting 150 Rafale under 100% ToT. Used to Celebrating foreign imported weapons but now suddenly want everything indigenous.
But same people never questioned ambiguous behaviour of UN generals regarding Indigenous project. Most people including generalists feels offended if we ask legitimate questions from UN Generals.
Let me tell you where we have missed the bus ( During our lifetime)
1) UN Generals has never given clear cut numbers of Tejas till 2016. Even then only 123 in total. Then Who the hell will fund Kaveri engine when you need only 123 such aircrafts? If requirement of 240-300 Tejas has been given in 1995 then picture would have been different today.
2) Arjun tank, No clear cut numbers given since 1970. DRDO on record has said if you ordering 120 than we can not make engine for it. Result is in front of us now. No tank, No engine.
3) ATAG and Dhanush build. Not clear number given again. 118 Danush ordered only.
Many such examples.
People suddenly want Kaveri today, but if UN Generals are not buying Tejas ( atleast till 2016 and order come in 2021 ) then for what DRDO or government finance a engine project??
It's take decades to build an Ecosystem in any sector and Ecosystem built by Numbers.
Until UN Generals start giving clear cut minimum numbers and stop changing goal posts every week, mark my words Nothing will ever change.
Once, these news used to give joy to the heart gives a fcuk now days.
When Rustom 1 was developed UN Generals rejected and said " Swear upon god we will buy TAPAS". Brought Heron from IAI
When TAPAS built, again Rejected by UN Generals again and said " God promise we will buy Archer NG for sure" . MQ9 and Heron brought again.
When Archer NG will be ready they will change goal posts again by giving reference of some foreign UAV brochure.
25 years and big money lost so far but not a single UAV inducted. Whatever Ecosystem for UAVs left in this country only because of ADE hard work.
Surprisingly till dates, UN Generals don't know how many total UAVs they need in different categories.
Tomorrow if Brown Sipoy and Brochure warriors will see new generation Chinese UAV they will immediately start abusing ADE but no question for UN Generals will be asked.
How can u forget nag, mpatgm
I forget nothing, just did not want to write an essay.
If anyone started writing about UN Generals, it will eat up atleast 100 pages on DFB.
Anyway.. its mainly Indian diplomats and Politicians who doing more give ..some take on the border with c**ks.. Just downsize IAF.. and reduce number of squadrons and officers.. That should send a shock to these Foreign maal lovers.. Also, create a foregin legion in the Army with experienced Officers and Genrols from Russia and Ukraine, since they are better than our officers.. Because, why not Foreign officers are better than Indian Army officers..I think along with import ban, defense budget must be further cut for the for the 2 Imported forces
Genrols should only fight with what they have, and if they don't have anything they must get it built.
These scams to make sure they get to buy Russian Tank, French Jet, Jewish drone, Jewish artillery, Canadian IFV, Jewish ATGM won't do.
Anyway.. its mainly Indian diplomats and Politicians who doing more give ..some take on the border with c**ks.. Just downsize IAF.. and reduce number of squadrons and officers.. That should send a shock to these Foreign maal lovers.. Also, create a foregin legion in the Army with experienced Officers and Genrols from Russia and Ukraine, since they are better than our officers.. Because, why not Foreign officers are better than Indian Army officers..
Anyway.. its mainly Indian diplomats and Politicians who doing more give ..some take on the border with c**ks.. Just downsize IAF.. and reduce number of squadrons and officers.. That should send a shock to these Foreign maal lovers.. Also, create a foregin legion in the Army with experienced Officers and Genrols from Russia and Ukraine, since they are better than our officers.. Because, why not Foreign officers are better than Indian Army officers..
Russia AND Ukraine??!! Both at once??!!![]()
Well, I mean for starters, they are kind of at each other's throats those two and it is here to stay. I'm not sure if the same applies to the US-Russia dynamics.If Russian BMP2 and American Stryker are supposed to operate side by side, why not genrols and afsars?
Till Yesterday, People were wanting 150 Rafale under 100% ToT. Used to Celebrating foreign imported weapons but now suddenly want everything indigenous.
But same people never questioned ambiguous behaviour of UN generals regarding Indigenous project. Most people including generalists feels offended if we ask legitimate questions from UN Generals.
Let me tell you where we have missed the bus ( During our lifetime)
1) UN Generals has never given clear cut numbers of Tejas till 2016. Even then only 123 in total. Then Who the hell will fund Kaveri engine when you need only 123 such aircrafts? If requirement of 240-300 Tejas has been given in 1995 then picture would have been different today.
2) Arjun tank, No clear cut numbers given since 1970. DRDO on record has said if you ordering 120 than we can not make engine for it. Result is in front of us now. No tank, No engine.
3) ATAG and Dhanush build. Not clear number given again. 118 Danush ordered only.
Many such examples.
People suddenly want Kaveri today, but if UN Generals are not buying Tejas ( atleast till 2016 and order come in 2021 ) then for what DRDO or government finance a engine project??
It's take decades to build an Ecosystem in any sector and Ecosystem built by Numbers.
Until UN Generals start giving clear cut minimum numbers and stop changing goal posts every week, mark my words Nothing will ever change.
But what other modern 30mm naval turret let's you crawl inside, close the doors, sit on a cute little blue folding seat and blast away whatever is in line? Maybe even play some Punjabi rap on full volume inside
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So not everything's bad