DRDO and PSU's

Yep, as I have mentioned and maintained my position before in case you forgot -
  • Dristi-10 / Hermes 900 is a useless purchase, Tapas is better than using this garbage. Forces for some unknown reason bought token numbers for benchmarking (for what?).

  • Tapas is still inadequate as a MALE-class UAV and should not pretend to be in the leagues of MQ-9 / Akinci.

    If any forces (like Navy) wants to buy it for non-demanding surveillance like maritime security looking at Pirate ships, it is perfectly fine.

    But for requirements like fly at 35,000 ft. over towering Himalayas looking through dense cloud using SAR payload at Chinese positions and giving live updates to ground troops, Tapas is not and never will be the platform.
I really don't know, I question this decision. Maybe some tech-transfer deal, maybe benchmarking, maybe corruption. But 4 drones ain't gonna add any significant capability, and neither it is going to make any dalal rich.

Last I heard Navy & Airforce is planning to induct 4 & 6 Tapas drones. They have submitted their proposal to Defence Min. for approval.

So yes, they will be used.

Understand that GSQRs aren't issued like - "Hey I want a fighter like F22". That is not a clear requirement. What is mentioned is capabilities that is required, and was mentioned very succintly.

It isn't that ADE wasn't aware of GSQR, they always knew and promised the GSQR requirements will be fulfilled, but later failed to achieve the targets during flight testing. The problems were pretty obvious to everyone (design issue, low-power piston engine) but ADE tried to brush them under the carpet.

What is the problem with twin-engine if they can produce enough thrust and work efficiently ? Akinci has 2 engines.

Tapas (Rustom - 2) is under development since 1990s, it is 3 decades since now. You expect that nothing to change vis-a-vis capabilities and expectations ?

I don't have exact numbers, but I think Heron Mk-1 is similar to Tapas, but I can be wrong. But then again those are outdated platforms brought in 2000-2010s. Newer generation Eitan (Heron Mk2) is more similar to MQ9 in respect to performance.

Just few months back IAF took delivery of Heron MK1. Means they still buying.

TAPAS development was started around 2014

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