DRDO and PSU's

Actually govt knows this. Its hafte that we giving to US to keep them in our control.
These machines are just eyewash to pay hafta to them.

Let it be until we reach china position.
Why go on a tangent?.. He gave information as to how it is used and why it was required .Counter that.
In India we have zero cybersecurity period.

Our babus are illiterate on that front and would give up any hardware just for some money and clout that's it, nothing is there to prevent that.

And expecting that any of this will improve is like living in fools paradise we have to accept it and move on we can't do nothing, when there is full fledged war, we will be sitting ducks our electricity grid, railways and many other government owned organisations will come to stand still.
This is being too much black pilled about Cybersecurity.

It is not like India specific issue; 10 years back there was not much focus on cybersecurity but not just limited to India. pretty much all of our clients, US/EU/Japan were ultra soft on the policies.

Heck! one could even walk in with a personal external HDD and copy whole company data and move out in evening without anyone catching anyone.

When I joined work, Desktops used to rule the offices, barely 10% had laptops. All the ports used to be open, you could connect your phones, pendrive, HDD, etc.

People used to store movies, tv series, on the drives and share the path with each other's. Few systems could run torrents too.

Copying data between client network and our companies network was enabled for long.

By 2016, there was a security drive where they disabled ports in laptops and desktops for personal use. later they disabled shared drives and then scanned drives for personal media.

Later, disabled installation of any kind of softwares. you have to request for license first and then raise request for installation.

There is no admin access given anymore to anyone.

These things have been present in most companies whether private or public. All kind of InfoSec and Cybersecurity policies are available.​
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This is being too much black pilled about Cyversecurity.

It is not like India specific issue; 10 years back there was not much focus on cybersecurity but not just limited to India. pretty much all of our clients, US/EU/Japan were ultra soft on the policies.

Heck! one could even walk in with a personal external HDD and copy whole company data and move out in evening without anyone catching anyone.

When I joined work, Desktops used to rule the offices, barely 10% had laptops. All the ports used to be open, you could connect your phones, pendrive, HDD, etc.

People used to store movies, tv series, on the drives and share the path with each other's. Few systems could run torrents too.

Copying data between client network and our companies network was enabled for long.

By 2016, there was a security drive where they disabled ports in laptops and desktops for personal use. later they disabled shared drives and then scanned drives for personal media.

Later, disabled installation of any kind of softwares. you have to request for license first and then raise request for installation.

There is no admin access given anymore to anyone.

These things have not present in most companies private or public. All kind of InfoSec and Cybersecurity policies are available.​

India's cyber security policies evolved along with U.S and EU since mid 2000's.

one of my old companies had RSA to login into company network, and yet it has regular virus scans.

cybersecurity is a cat and mouse game, those who want to cyber security have to make investments and just have to keep up with the game, but it can't protect from deliberate acts of sabotage.
This is being too much black pilled about Cybersecurity.

It is not like India specific issue; 10 years back there was not much focus on cybersecurity but not just limited to India. pretty much all of our clients, US/EU/Japan were ultra soft on the policies.

Heck! one could even walk in with a personal external HDD and copy whole company data and move out in evening without anyone catching anyone.

When I joined work, Desktops used to rule the offices, barely 10% had laptops. All the ports used to be open, you could connect your phones, pendrive, HDD, etc.

People used to store movies, tv series, on the drives and share the path with each other's. Few systems could run torrents too.

Copying data between client network and our companies network was enabled for long.

By 2016, there was a security drive where they disabled ports in laptops and desktops for personal use. later they disabled shared drives and then scanned drives for personal media.

Later, disabled installation of any kind of softwares. you have to request for license first and then raise request for installation.

There is no admin access given anymore to anyone.

These things have been present in most companies whether private or public. All kind of InfoSec and Cybersecurity policies are available.​

India's cyber security policies evolved along with U.S and EU since mid 2000's.

one of my old companies had RSA to login into company network, and yet it has regular virus scans.

cybersecurity is a cat and mouse game, those who want to cyber security have to make investments and just have to keep up with the game, but it can't protect from deliberate acts of sabotage.
Here they sold government owned systems then how any of above mentioned restrictions come into place, and the restrictions you mentioned are majorly used in private sector and there are many workarounds for all of these so they are not full proof, it all depends on the person handling the data to be sensitive about that.

Like just couple of days back star health's medical data was sold by it's CISO to chinese, so none of the above arguments hold there.

I am talking about human end of things not about the software related restrictions.

I know some from CISF as well and whatever I have heard from them about handing of confidential documents doesn't inspire me to be white pilled about any of that.
Here they sold government owned systems then how any of above mentioned restrictions come into place, and the restrictions you mentioned are majorly used in private sector and there are many workarounds for all of these so they are not full proof, it all depends on the person handling the data to be sensitive about that.

Like just couple of days back star health's medical data was sold by it's CISO to chinese, so none of the above arguments hold there.

I am talking about human end of things not about the software related restrictions.

I know some from CISF as well and whatever I have heard from them about handing of confidential documents doesn't inspire me to be white pilled about any of that.

algorithms cannot prevent human greed and stupidity from occuring, those need a different approach.
Here they sold government owned systems then how any of above mentioned restrictions come into place, and the restrictions you mentioned are majorly used in private sector and there are many workarounds for all of these so they are not full proof, it all depends on the person handling the data to be sensitive about that.

Like just couple of days back star health's medical data was sold by it's CISO to chinese, so none of the above arguments hold there.

I am talking about human end of things not about the software related restrictions.

I know some from CISF as well and whatever I have heard from them about handing of confidential documents doesn't inspire me to be white pilled about any of that.
I have mentioned that the InfoSec and CyberSecurity policies are now being implemented or already present in Major Private and Govt/Public offices.
You have a layer of security already there. Now, the human factor is something you can't avoid or prevent 100%. If someone is hell bent on selling out the secrets, then they will find out ways to achieve it one way or other.​
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Here they sold government owned systems then how any of above mentioned restrictions come into place, and the restrictions you mentioned are majorly used in private sector and there are many workarounds for all of these so they are not full proof, it all depends on the person handling the data to be sensitive about that.

Like just couple of days back star health's medical data was sold by it's CISO to chinese, so none of the above arguments hold there.

I am talking about human end of things not about the software related restrictions.

I know some from CISF as well and whatever I have heard from them about handing of confidential documents doesn't inspire me to be white pilled about any of that.

algorithms cannot prevent human greed and stupidity from occuring, those need a different approach.

In terms of Nation-State cyberwarfare i.e shut down our power, water, railways etc type infrastructure attacks, it absolutely essential that we develop our own cyberwarfare capabilities to match pic related


In essence we should have the same capabilities so it becomes a Nuclear exchange style MAD situation, where we too can do 1:1 infrastructure crippling and chaos inducing attacks on their infra and society.

Meanwhile if some sarkari karamchari sells out systems or data like the Star Health CISO did, we better make sure that this person ends up like the results of those who cross Mexican Cartels, and this is widely reported so that it kills any germinating seeds of greed and treachery within would be (((salesmen)))
For the love of Shree Krishna, all of you, please, please stop making these foolish arguments -
  • Spending money on MQ-9 is useless, it can easily be shot down by SAMs.
Ohh fellow when did I say spending on mq9 is waste useless. I spoke in favour of mq9 citing importance in ior. It is very important in ior. Another similar asset for similar job we have is p8i which is very expensive to operate in peace time. It does it job much better but mq9 is cost effective if used as per need. Relieving p8i.

Also I know they will never be operated in sam coverages. It is supposed to provide real time surveillance in Himalayan region.
They're not gonna go for bombing mission in pakistan; ) I know

  • You know what else can easily be shot down by SAM ? Any slow flying object including transport, helicopters and any type of drone.
Helicopter, transport aircraft have counter measures helicopter can fly very low transport aircraft don't fly in sam coverages or even close to enemy airspace. They will travel long in order to minimise distance between them and enemy airspace.
I know we aren't loosing mq9s nor I appose it getting shot down so many times we aren't operating it in yemen

No need for this Gyan I didn't ask you.
Ye Gyan pelna hi tha na to kisi or ko pakad ke pelta. Ya fir tere usual hamsafar V_shn__t ko.

  • These are utility platforms used outside of enemy's weapon range. Drones like MQ-9 hover at 40k ft. (way outside of MANPAD range) and can still see 20-30 km away easily. 99% of time is preparation for war, 1% time is actual war. ISTAR platforms like MQ-9 are crucial assets for such "preparation".

  • Tapas is a cheaper option than MQ-9, we should have gone for that.

    Tapas is cheaper but cannot replace MQ-9, but can complement it. Performance, sensor suite, comm. datalink, weapons, all exceeds that of what Tapas currently offers.

    IMO 31 MQ-9 should be complemented with ~50-60 Tapas for non-demanding roles & handing majority of non-specialised tasks.

  • Tapas was unjustly rejected because it cannot reach 30k ft., requirements are unfair.

    As a matter of fact requirements are not only fair but also made lenient for Tapas. Heron & Eitans fly above 35k feet consistently for multiple hours over Himalayas gathering data (we have observed this, can confirm). This is necessary because Himalayan mountains near LAC & northern LoC have ground level at 13k feet and general terrain touches 20k feet regularly.
    An RPA flying at 27k will not get the LoS to look towards the enemy territory without compromising its position.
I have supported this notion of tapas being complementary platform many time before.
And never said it should be inducted instead of mq9.
For the love of Shree Krishna, all of you, please, please stop making these foolish arguments -
  • Spending money on MQ-9 is useless, it can easily be shot down by SAMs.

    You know what else can easily be shot down by SAM ? Any slow flying object including transport, helicopters and any type of drone.

    These are utility platforms used outside of enemy's weapon range. Drones like MQ-9 hover at 40k ft. (way outside of MANPAD range) and can still see 20-30 km away easily. 99% of time is preparation for war, 1% time is actual war. ISTAR platforms like MQ-9 are crucial assets for such "preparation".

  • Tapas is a cheaper option than MQ-9, we should have gone for that.

    Tapas is cheaper but cannot replace MQ-9, but can complement it. Performance, sensor suite, comm. datalink, weapons, all exceeds that of what Tapas currently offers.

    IMO 31 MQ-9 should be complemented with ~50-60 Tapas for non-demanding roles & handing majority of non-specialised tasks.

  • Tapas was unjustly rejected because it cannot reach 30k ft., requirements are unfair.

    As a matter of fact requirements are not only fair but also made lenient for Tapas. Heron & Eitans fly above 35k feet consistently for multiple hours over Himalayas gathering data (we have observed this, can confirm). This is necessary because Himalayan mountains near LAC & northern LoC have ground level at 13k feet and general terrain touches 20k feet regularly.
    An RPA flying at 27k will not get the LoS to look towards the enemy territory without compromising its position.
Heron, Eitan fly above 35k feet? Isn't this already debunked including its endurance? Why some are still peddling false information?
Ohh fellow when did I say spending on mq9 is waste useless. I spoke in favour of mq9 citing importance in ior. It is very important in ior. Another similar asset for similar job we have is p8i which is very expensive to operate in peace time. It does it job much better but mq9 is cost effective if used as per need. Relieving p8i.

Also I know they will never be operated in sam coverages. It is supposed to provide real time surveillance in Himalayan region.
They're not gonna go for bombing mission in pakistan; ) I know

Helicopter, transport aircraft have counter measures helicopter can fly very low transport aircraft don't fly in sam coverages or even close to enemy airspace. They will travel long in order to minimise distance between them and enemy airspace.
I know we aren't loosing mq9s nor I appose it getting shot down so many times we aren't operating it in yemen

No need for this Gyan I didn't ask you.
Ye Gyan pelna hi tha na to kisi or ko pakad ke pelta. Ya fir tere usual hamsafar V_shn__t ko.

I have supported this notion of tapas being complementary platform many time before.
And never said it should be inducted instead of mq9.

Don't worry you are not the primary target its for all other lurkers who will spring up sometimes saying "Sir sir MQ9 is corruption we want Tapas".

Also regarding drones "not" having countermeasures, I wonder why ? If a helicopter / transport plane of the same size can have it, then why not drones ?

Turns out I was right -

Its no big deal installing ECMs & flares on drones.

Heron, Eitan fly above 35k feet? Isn't this already debunked including its endurance? Why some are still peddling false information?

Funny take, I have flightradar screenshot of Heron flying over Tawang clocking > 30k feet consistently for hours.
For the love of Shree Krishna, all of you, please, please stop making these foolish arguments -
  • Spending money on MQ-9 is useless, it can easily be shot down by SAMs.

    You know what else can easily be shot down by SAM ? Any slow flying object including transport, helicopters and any type of drone.

    These are utility platforms used outside of enemy's weapon range. Drones like MQ-9 hover at 40k ft. (way outside of MANPAD range) and can still see 20-30 km away easily. 99% of time is preparation for war, 1% time is actual war. ISTAR platforms like MQ-9 are crucial assets for such "preparation".

  • Tapas is a cheaper option than MQ-9, we should have gone for that.

    Tapas is cheaper but cannot replace MQ-9, but can complement it. Performance, sensor suite, comm. datalink, weapons, all exceeds that of what Tapas currently offers.

    IMO 31 MQ-9 should be complemented with ~50-60 Tapas for non-demanding roles & handing majority of non-specialised tasks.

  • Tapas was unjustly rejected because it cannot reach 30k ft., requirements are unfair.

    As a matter of fact requirements are not only fair but also made lenient for Tapas. Heron & Eitans fly above 35k feet consistently for multiple hours over Himalayas gathering data (we have observed this, can confirm). This is necessary because Himalayan mountains near LAC & northern LoC have ground level at 13k feet and general terrain touches 20k feet regularly.
    An RPA flying at 27k will not get the LoS to look towards the enemy territory without compromising its position.
Even Tapas Bh-201 will be capable of flying above 30,000ft if it's piston engines are replaced with turbo-props, but are the Armed Forces willing to bear the increased cost?
Even Tapas Bh-201 will be capable of flying above 30,000ft if it's piston engines are replaced with turbo-props, but are the Armed Forces willing to bear the increased cost?

Who said to put piston engines on Tapas ? Armed Forces ? Nah, they just listed the requirements that needs to be met.

ADE was responsible for design decisions. They chose to opt for superiorly-underpowered piston engines when we could have used a gas-turbine engine.

Also, laughable that you bring the cost. Are gas-turbine engines some super-duper warp-drive costing trillions of $ ? HAL Dhruv has 2 X Turbomeca Shakti each having power of ~1000kW. The piston engines on Tapas generates ~160kW power.
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So madar**** dalals are creating a whole new category to push foreign maal at the cost of indigenous systems.

View: https://x.com/Tej_Intel/status/1846799427102822437?t=Aig-IvneW5b3QiNHyIihMA&s=19

It is not possible without political will, seems like mahamanav needs new source of funding for his party.

It's better to bury the jumlebaazi of atmanirbharta.

View: https://x.com/AdithyaKM_/status/1846820042014708115?t=E5O8_jqY3xlLJzt8Ik2TGA&s=19

Thus showing that mudiji only capable to do such stunts wrt canada only when he has given jaziya
He is only good for IT cell chutiyas who think mudiji showing lal ankh to Canada killing khalistani separatists and only capable of editing red eye jaishankar pics but in reality he is a pushover

If we still buy Strykers after this incidence then what ever things we are doing is just for show with guarantee that nothing wrong will happen to them

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