DRDO and PSU's

What you miss is chinese employing same tactics will involve accurate missiles. Have our generals ever g8ven thought that 8n war, we might have our bases hit by barrage of missiles and they may be put of operation. In that scenario what shall be our move?
I remember a 2017 or so paper which estimated that the entire PLARF would be needed to knock out  two IAF bases for 24hrs. Even assuming this is too optimistic, the IAF follows a policy of distributed air launches. They have created several small airfields to reduce the importance of large bases.

We tested these concepts in a wartime simulation for the first time in Gaganshakti 2018. If you were to read the reports of training exercises since then, every single one mentions the use of small airfields.
A lot of people here also assume what starts off on the LAC will remain there . A good deal our major cities , mfg centres & bases are within 500 kms of the LAC whereas that's not true about China. What if they start targeting them indiscriminately ? Do we have deterrence against it or ADEQUATE tools to retaliate ?

Those drawing our attention to N weapons ought to know no GoI is going to use them even if they manage to be ballsy enough to threaten usage of it for the simple reason the Chinese will laugh us out the way we laughed out Paxtan once Balakote was undertaken.

Do you see any mention of N weapons now by anyone from chaprasi upwards to the politicians the mullahs or the PA today the way we used to in the past especially after they had executed an outrage here threatening retaliation if we got even ?

As far as the Air Force goes what exactly do we have that can go up against their J-20 + J-16 combination leaving aside the numbers & other models they can throw against us not to mention their ADS or ISR capacities including space based systems or their bombers or Refuellers in the air apart from their proven industrial capacities ?

The best part about it is our armed forces & government are going about life as if it's business as usual . Forget the IAF which at this point is screwed & will forever be in defence mode being too small & scattered to make any difference but has anyone considered the IA & it's procurement of basic stuff what to speak of artillery whether tube or gun among other offensive systems ?

I could go on & on with this rant. Trust readers get the drift here.
Drdo- IITD soft body armour.

soft body armour generally consists of multiple layers of high-performance fabrics and can provide protection according to BIS Level 1 and NIJ level III A (velocity up to 430 m/s). Lightweight soft armour has been developed with active support from the Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO). Woven and unidirectional (UD) fabrics made from aramids, and ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) fabrics and laminates have been used in different configurations. To enhance the energy absorbing capacity, these fabrics have been treated with shear thickening fluids (STFs). Continuous efforts are being made to modify these STFs using graphene oxide, halloysite nanotubes, cellulose nanofibres, etc. as well. Four Indian patents have been granted in this area. Salient Features: o UHMWPE UD laminates and woven p-aramid structures incorporated with smart fluid o Stops 9×19 mm lead core bullet (speed 430 m·s-1) with maximum back face < 25 mm (BIS Level 1) o Protection area of 3800 cm2 covering full torso and areal density of 3.7 kg·m-2.
Exactly. And train boggies are even better. But with so much sabotage attempts on rail I guess time to introduce tethered drones ahead of trains for scanning tracks for anomalies before train comes.

Also it's not that DRDO did not test Offroad TEL . it did. There was picture of one TEL being tested , but I guess DRDO wisely gave up.
Over Head Equipment (OHE) of Electrified Lines will make this extremely difficult.
Intelligent Robotic Teammate for Defence Soldiers.

A team of researchers from the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, in collaboration with the Defence-Industry-Academia Centre of Excellence (DIA-CoE) and the DRDO Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (CAIR), has made a significant breakthrough in robotic technology at the IInvenTive 2024 R&D fair. The project, led by Prof. Rohan Paul and his team, including Mr.Sandeep Zachariah, Mr.MokshMalhotra, Mr. Mohammad Nadir, and Mr.Shailendra Negi, along with experts from DIA-CoE and DRDO-CAIR, has developed a cognitive model for an intelligent robotic teammate designed to assist ground soldiers in high-risk missions.

This innovative robotic system is engineered to interact with human soldiers at a cognitive level, understanding and executing high-level tasks autonomously. For instance, if given a verbal command like “clear the debris on the ground,” the robot is equipped to comprehend the instruction, devise a plan, and carry out the task without human intervention. The core of this project lies in developing intelligence components that enable the robot to function as an autonomous teammate.

The project integrates several advanced technologies, including a natural language interaction unit, a high-level task planning unit, and a motion planner system. The primary technical challenge addressed by the team is enabling the robot to independently understand and execute complex tasks, a significant leap in robotic intelligence.

The ultimate goal of this development is to alleviate the burden on soldiers of manually controlling robots through devices like joysticks. Instead, soldiers can issue high-level commands, and the robot autonomously executes these tasks, thereby enhancing operational efficiency and reducing risks in dangerous missions.

This development by IIT Delhi and its collaborators represents a major advancement in the field of military robotics, offering a new dimension of support to ground soldiers. The intelligent robotic teammate is poised to revolutionize how soldiers interact with robotic systems, shifting from manual controls to cognitive command interfaces.


View: https://youtu.be/cSKj0SbLnZo?si=GQmvwx8ZJKmebxHZ
Over Head Equipment (OHE) of Electrified Lines will make this extremely difficult.
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We're talking about launching a nuclear missile my guy. And as it's being launched from rail then it also means situations are bit dire. So I don't think for anyone OHEs would be a priority over an ICBM.

This tiny guy from the nearest rail shed to the launching position can easily clear a section of OHE before the launcher arrives.
Over Head Equipment (OHE) of Electrified Lines will make this extremely difficult.
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Thats only problem if you are using big drones. Which tells drones should either fly below or above the transmission lines. Small drones wont have that issue. They are quite agile and fast. Infact if using big drones .. it can be great if they can leverage Transmission lines for power by tethering?or by induction to them for the Charge when required.

Its an interesting solution to pursue. It shall be modification of an existing similar solution: https://www.engineerswithdrones.ie/...ones can carry,disruptions to the train lines.
Thats only problem if you are using big drones. Which tells drones should either fly below or above the transmission lines. Small drones wont have that issue. They are quite agile and fast. Infact if using big drones .. it can be great if they can leverage Transmission lines for power by tethering?or by induction to them for the Charge when required.

Its an interesting solution to pursue. It shall be modification of an existing similar solution: https://www.engineerswithdrones.ie/assets-and-industries/rail.php#:~:text=Inspect railways with less delays&text=Engineers with Drones can carry,disruptions to the train lines.
Bro . These drones drones don't fly at 100kmph let alone the future trainsets and tracks which will support 200kmph.
Now if you want to specifically drive Nuke carrier transets slower and also hower a drone in front of it.This will kill the opsec.

Best option is inbuilt optoelectronic sensor on all of driver cabin windshields itself.
Bro . These drones drones don't fly at 100kmph let alone the future trainsets and tracks which will support 200kmph.
Now if you want to specifically drive Nuke carrier transets slower and also hower a drone in front of it.This will kill the opsec.

Best option is inbuilt optoelectronic sensor on all of driver cabin windshields itself.
Military drones can reach speed up to 230 mph. Even 100mph and 150 mph is sufficient But how ever - this solution is for all trains. And logically Drones should fly much ahead of trains for inspections. And logically not a single drone is inspecting all tracks from trains Journey from A to B. But Railways shall need to divide sections and give drones sections and sectors to scan periodically. This shall be more cost effective than having cameras all through lines.
Ah , Blade Runner !

An all time great & one of my favourite movies. To those who didn't get this scene , those questions are designed to tell men from androids with the key to identification being application of this test to check for empathy.

Androids being devoid of emotions fail this test.
Yo Blade Runner 82, Matrix, Thirteenth Floor, The fountain, Battlestar Galactica, Expanse ... all were quite good
There has been a lot of R-R by the usual suspects during the last couple of days after Iran carried out Operation True Promise 2.0.

Almost everyone and his chamcha were vehemently questioning the logic behind the absence of an IRGC styled conventionally armed rocket force in the Indian armed forces.

What these amateur folks don't realise or comprehend is that Iran was FORCED to raise such a rocket force due to the lack of modern 4th gen fighter jets and strike acs. IRGC didn't do it out of luxury or jealousy of the PLA 2nd Artillery corps now renamed as rocket force. Due to international sanctions on Iran after the revolution in 79, IRAF has been unable to buy any new aircrafts. So in absence of a modern air force OR a force armed with 3rd gen acs but having the latest sensors and pods like our Jags, Iran is compelled to raise a potent missile force in order to be able to deliver ordnance on target with relative accuracy and precision over long distances.

Now is this the case with us? Ofcourse not.

Just look at the attacked nation. Israel. How many conventionally armed Jericho IRBM and Popeye ALCM do you think they have? The figure must be in single digit because they have the means to prosecute any ground target far beyond their borders through the application of airpower using manned 4th and 5th gen strike acs.

Now coming to the specifics. Most accounts say that IRGC launched 200 ballistic missiles towards Israel. Some quote this fif as 220. But 181 BM actually managed to fly to Israel.
IRGC used Kheibar Shekan-1/2, Fattah-1 , Emad and Ghadr F/H IRBM in this operation.

Now coming to the maths.

Let's assume that 90 KS-1/2 and Fattah-1 were launched. And the rest 91 were Emad , Ghadr F/H.

View attachment 11059

Kheibar Shekhan 1/2 and Fattah-1 has a max payload of 500 kg. Obviously with this range will be less than 1450 km but let us take 500 kg as mass of ordnance delivered by each of the 90 missiles.
So total payload of 90 missiles = 90*500 = 45000 kg

Now let's come to Ghadr.

View attachment 11060

Ghadr and Emad have been derived from Shahab-3 which itself is derived from Noko No Dong MRBM which in turn is based on Scud F. They are all liquid fuelled.

Max payload is 750 kg. But this will obviously be smaller for max range of 1700 km. Let us take the max payload .

So total ordnance delivered by 91 Ghadr F/H and Emad = 91*750 = 68250 kg.

TOTAL payload delivered to targets in Op True Promise 2.0 by 181 ballistic missiles

= 45000 + 68250 kg
= 113.25 tons.

Now let's come to Bharat.

What will it take to deliver the same mass of firepower in terms of manned air power?

For the purpose of asset preservation, I will be using only standoff munitions.
The easiest way to deliver such a strike with precision exceeding those of the Iranian BM will be to use Su-30MKI armed with LRGB aka Gaurav.

Gaurav has a max range of 100 km when launched from 33000 ft. In ideal conditions when the wind speed is 0, it has a 80+ km range. Weighs 1000 kg. And in terms of explosive content, the fraction is higher compared to BM warheads. Ie per unit kg of LRGB will have more mass of actual explosives be it HMX or Dentex or CL-20 than per unit mass of Fattah-1 and Emad warheads.

Su-30 MKI can carry a max of 5 LRGB. If a MKI carries 5, then 113.25÷5 = 22.65 sorties or 23 sorties will be required.

Now 22 individual Su-30 MKI can be used or 10 Sukhois can conduct multiple sorties(atleast 2) to deliver this ordnance on target.

So what was achieved by 181 BM can be done by only 22 Su-30 MKI each with 5 Gaurav glide bombs.
Now doubting Harry and family will say , but sir 5 ton is too heavy a bombload to be ferried across a range of 1400+ km. So aerial refuellers will be required. Because besides the bombs, AAM and SPJ will be carried by the Sukhois and so weapons payload per aircraft will cross 6.5 tons.

Now let's come to the aerial refueling part .
IL-78M can transfer a max of 105 tons.
At a distance of 1000 km from base, 74 tons of fuel can be transferred. When it's 2000 km, the figure is 56 tons.

If we take the 56 tons figure at 2000 km from home airbase, each IL-78MKI can transfer 6 tons to 9 Su-30MKI. Three refuellers can transfer to 27 Su-30MKI. If the acs are refuelled at 1000 km distance, each IL-78 MKI can refuel 12 acs. So two IL-78mki will suffice.

OR there will be another 23 Su-30MKI which will serve as buddy refuellers and transfer a part of their internal fuel load of 9540 kg or something like that to the attacking Su-30 MK.

Now if we are rise averse and don't want to use a large no of acs and big slow aerial refuellers like IL-78MKI, we can reduce bomb load to 3 Gauravs per Su-30 MKI for a total of 3 ton of ordnance delivered per ac. With a reduced payload, Su-30MKI can cover the required distance without the need for tanker air refuelling.

Besides, 3 LRGB, each MKI will be carrying wingtip mounted ASPJ, 2 R-74 or 2 Asraam , 4 Adder or 4 Astra mk2. The payload per ac in this config won't exceed 5.2 tons.

In this scenario we will need 38 Su-30MKI to deliver the same mass of ordnance on target as the Iranians did with their 181 ballistic missiles.

And each Su-30MKI or for that matter any aircraft can carry out multiple sorties unlike single use BM.

It is for these reasons that most modern nations having access to modern 4, 4++, 5 gen jets and modern pods and sensors from international OEM don't have conventional rocket force. Only Russia and China does. South Korea does have a limited stockpile of Hyumoo series of BM but we too have our Prithvi -1,2,3 and Brahmos for conventional strikes.
Appreciate the detailed post.
Makes a lot of sense.

But I have a few doubts.
Assuming a larger conflict with China.
What is the distance of New Delhi from the Tibetan border.
Do the Chinese have medium range ballistic missiles of sufficient range to reach our capital New Delhi if fired from Tibet.
We assume only conventional warheads of maximum 1 - 2 tonnes weight are used.
The damage will not be gigantic.

Now as per the classical thinking we don't believe in medium or long range conventionally armed ballistic missiles.
So our response would mean using manned fighter aircraft like the Su30 mki or the Rafale to get near their capital Beijing and successfully release long range PGM's/cruise missiles etc.
Use of mid air refueling aircraft is done to extend the range of the fighters.

Now,honestly what are the chances of our fighters successfully even reaching near Beijing knowing that the PLA has an quite good Air Defence network. They have Over the Horizon radars which can detect aircraft movement from very far away. Their numerically larger Air Force would scramble their fighters to intercept our strike package..

The distances that our fighters have to travel would be vast.If we fly over the sea the distances increase.

Now in such a situation where the chances of our success are not good, using long/medium range ballistic missiles to target Beijing in a sort of tit for tat retaliation is not totally rubbish.

Because the Chinese cannot successfully intercept our ballistic missiles with 100% reliability. The chances of our warheads exploding in Beijing is certainly not zero.

No power on earth including the United States can claim a 100% success rate in intercepting long range ballistic missiles.

I wish to categorically state that I do not believe in using conventional warheads on long range missiles. It is a inefficient strategy.
Nuclear warheads make more sense.

If at all we use conventional warheads on a long range missile to target Beijing its effect would be only symbolic.

Crudely put,we tell the Chinese
You targeted my capital city New Delhi and I in return hit your capital Beijing.

No serious military objective will be achieved.

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