DRDO and PSU's

View: https://x.com/cvkrishnan/status/1838066234455408937#m

DRDO chief also clarifies that they inform ministry if its a high-risk project

This confirms that our Babus may know the full form of R&D but still don't understand what it means

Again this proves that we need RnD to be done by pvt players who don't have such regulatory oversight by a bunch if politicians sitting in a fancifuly acronym group called CAG - which i bet is just another chai samosa session for them.
Big pvt players with deep pockets like Tatas, L&T, Mahindra etc...must front end this effort. But unfortunately they won't because armed forces don't give assured bulk orders after successful trials, and trials are also endless. This is a classing chicken and egg problem, which can only be solved if GoI pushes both parties. But that ain't happening, so we will keep scratching waiting for ccp to convert us all to chinka commies and a red bible in hand...sorry rant over :)
Calm down.
The sentence started with a 'can'
Basically inviting suggestions which are technically feasible.

No need to go hyper.
An low orbit satellite with sufficient high power jammers can be manuvoured using onnoard thrusters to be positioned almost directly above the radar station and the electronic jamming can be attempted.

These are only possibilities.

Or is an OTH radar totally immune to jamming?.
Satelites cant do jack, wont go through ionosphere. Thats the principle that OTH works on.

Can be jammed, would need a rather large aircraft though if I had to guess. Most such radars tend to be very powerful (and fixed, ofc).

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