Pundit Pikachu

Jul 15, 2024
Very Short Range Air Defence System or VSHORAD is a man-portable infrared homing surface-to-air missile system designed to eliminate low altitude aerial threats like helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles etc at close ranges.

VSHORAD missile system was designed and developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation's (DRDO) Research Center Imarat (RCI) with the goal of replacing older Igla M MANPADs from the Indian armed Forces.
Indian Army and Air Force are expected to collectively order a total of 1200 VSHORAD missile and 200 Launchers by the end of FY 25-26.

What makes the Indian VSHORAD different from MANPADS present around the world is the presence of miniaturized Reaction Control System which drastically improves its precision in the end game.

Service HistoryDevelopmental Trials Complete,
Awaiting User Trials
Used By
  • Indian Army (Planned)
  • Indian Airforce (Planned)

Mass20.5 kg
Length2.00 metres (6 ft 7 in)
Diameter90 mm (3.5 in)
Wingspan32 cm (13 in)
Warhead2.0 kg Directed Energy Blast Fragmentation Warhead
Detonation MechanismAdaptive proximity fuze, Impact
EngineDual-thrust rocket motor
Operational Range250 m – 7 km
Flight Altitude10 m - 3,500 m (11,500 ft)
SpeedMach 2 (Average Speed Mach 1.5)
Elevation-5° to +35°
GuidenceDual waveband infra-red Homing
Shelf Life15 years (maintenance free)
Launch PlatformTripod, Shoulder Mounted MANPAD
Deployment time• Setup to Firing Mode - 5 min
• Stand by to Firing Mode - 10 sec
Special FeaturesMiniaturized Reaction Control System

Operating VisibilityMinimum of 10 lumens
Operating AltitudeMaximum 4500 m
Operating Temperature-20°C to 45°C

Launcher Unit ReliabilityCapable of firing minimum 350 missiles
EOTS Range12 km
EOTS Field of Viewgreater than 8 deg × 8 deg
Power SupplyReusable Battery with Minimum 300 discharge cycles
Power Supply OperabilityOperate for 4 hours without recharge
System ReliabilitySustain Minimum 10 continuous engagements

Source - Indian Army PSQR document for the DRDO
Post in thread 'DRDO and PSU's'

Post in thread 'DRDO and PSU's'

Current VSHORAD and Stinger/Igla have totally different use cases, VSHORAD is not man portable like Igla/Stinger

VSHORAD devlopment is split in 2 version
First one being the classic VSHORAD currently nearing testing completion with
• MISTRAL like static twin launchers

• Single Pulse Dual Thrust (achieved using variable grain geometry) Rocket Motor
•On the heavier Side with missile weighing around 19kgs
• Differential Thrust Exhaust Nozzles and 40 RCS thrusters in the back of the missile for high maneuverability in Sub 200 m range

This version will be mainly used by naval ships( RIM 116 equivalent), Helicopters, and Ground Vehicles, (human Launch is not the main goal)

View: https://youtu.be/16JFfy9Jx7E?si=2mDFINs01k9rHul-

There is another version in development (Shoulder Fired VSHORAD) which is lighter and Simpler and is the actual replacement for Igla, until that version comes online, Igla/Stinger will kept on being imported

This Version will have
• Igla like Launcher (old refrence pic)

• Lighter and Smaller by a Margin 12.5 kg ang 70mm diameter compared to 19 kg and 90 mm diameter

• Dual Pulse (but no dual thrust) Motor
• More Simplified Design by removing Differential Thrust Exhaust Nozzles and moving RCS thrusters towards the front

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