Europe & Radical Islam : News & Discussions.

I believe this has something to do with Saudi Arabia hosting FIFA world cup in 2034? Current FIFA President is even bigger corrupt bastard than the previous one. Just look at how they timed to make sure Saudi Arabia will get hosting rights at all costs.

FIFA world cup rotates between continents. 2010 was in South Africa. 2014 was in Brazil. 2018 was in Russia. 2022 was in Qatar. So you get the point. It has to be held in different country in a different continent every edition. Next will be in 2026 and hosts are US, Canada, and Mexico. So what did FIFA fucktard do? In 2030 it will be centenary of FIFA world cup. The first FIFA world cup was in 1930 held in Uruguay. He used that excuse and got Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile to hold first few games of 2030 FIFA world cup. And the rest will be held in Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. So 2030 world cup will span 6 countries and 3 continents. This means next has to be held in Asia. And viola, Saudis were the only bidders for 2034 world cup and they won the bid to host it.

Saudis are seeing the writing on the wall. They want their economy to diversify quickly. And they are using sports to lure people. That is why they are pouring shit loads of money into their football clubs.
I believe this has something to do with Saudi Arabia hosting FIFA world cup in 2034? Current FIFA President is even bigger corrupt bastard than the previous one. Just look at how they timed to make sure Saudi Arabia will get hosting rights at all costs.

FIFA world cup rotates between continents. 2010 was in South Africa. 2014 was in Brazil. 2018 was in Russia. 2022 was in Qatar. So you get the point. It has to be held in different country in a different continent every edition. Next will be in 2026 and hosts are US, Canada, and Mexico. So what did FIFA fucktard do? In 2030 it will be centenary of FIFA world cup. The first FIFA world cup was in 1930 held in Uruguay. He used that excuse and got Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile to hold first few games of 2030 FIFA world cup. And the rest will be held in Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. So 2030 world cup will span 6 countries and 3 continents. This means next has to be held in Asia. And viola, Saudis were the only bidders for 2034 world cup and they won the bid to host it.

Saudis are seeing the writing on the wall. They want their economy to diversify quickly. And they are using sports to lure people. That is why they are pouring shit loads of money into their football clubs.

Currently concluded T20 World cup itself have Team complained about travelling from USA to West Indies. Mofos at FIFA going to conduct WC at two continents which are 5000-7000Km apart.
I believe this has something to do with Saudi Arabia hosting FIFA world cup in 2034? Current FIFA President is even bigger corrupt bastard than the previous one. Just look at how they timed to make sure Saudi Arabia will get hosting rights at all costs.

FIFA world cup rotates between continents. 2010 was in South Africa. 2014 was in Brazil. 2018 was in Russia. 2022 was in Qatar. So you get the point. It has to be held in different country in a different continent every edition. Next will be in 2026 and hosts are US, Canada, and Mexico. So what did FIFA fucktard do? In 2030 it will be centenary of FIFA world cup. The first FIFA world cup was in 1930 held in Uruguay. He used that excuse and got Uruguay, Argentina, and Chile to hold first few games of 2030 FIFA world cup. And the rest will be held in Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. So 2030 world cup will span 6 countries and 3 continents. This means next has to be held in Asia. And viola, Saudis were the only bidders for 2034 world cup and they won the bid to host it.

Saudis are seeing the writing on the wall. They want their economy to diversify quickly. And they are using sports to lure people. That is why they are pouring shit loads of money into their football clubs.
Not at all no way for fifa this big cultural shift.

They know there is no future with this cult being in society. They are concerned abt post oil erabfor them. Leaving this cult behind is best option
Saudi after oil had became a modern country but post medina attack they returned to cult.

They're u can't open a madarasa and teach radicalism
Heck u can't do that even in central Asia. Majjids are monitored there study materials are highly centralised by gov..

This is something goi needs to learn
EU has gone total bonker! Don't know what's in their consumption menu! . Poland and Hungary were the lone surviver till, but 1 seems to go perish.
France is full of islamists, "thanks" to our past in north africa....
Last week end, an algerian citizen put fire on a synagogue in La Grande Motte, south of France.
Every day there is an islamist coup. French are tired of that.
Yet you go & elect center left or left parties in your presidential or assembly elections. Clearly the majority of French don't think like you .
France is full of islamists, "thanks" to our past in north africa....
Last week end, an algerian citizen put fire on a synagogue in La Grande Motte, south of France.
Every day there is an islamist coup. French are tired of that.
Yet you go & elect center left or left parties in your presidential or assembly elections. Clearly the majority of French don't think like you .

The thing is that the so-called far right/new right does not enjoy nearly enough mass appeal - a lot of voters are not willing to vote for them. I was reading some news articles where they mentioned that in some Nordic nations, once the 'mainstream' parties hardened their stance on immigration, the far/hard right got decimated (after a sudden rise) because people just were not interested in their core political agenda. It might just be the case that the tipping point has not arrived in France yet. Interestingly, French far left ended up receiving bulk of the 'protest votes'.
though it's not from Europe, rather from West Africa, but the brutality and modus-operandi remains same...

Christians mark us as demon worshipper, where the real demon is slicing them at their full knowledge and affirmation.....

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This needs to be seriously reposted to every Muslim crime denier and whitewasher on Twitter, Facebook and to every news media and highlight the silence of liberal news outlets on these muslim crimes and how muslim apologists refuse to condemn or accept any responsibility.
Yet you go & elect center left or left parties in your presidential or assembly elections. Clearly the majority of French don't think like you .
Not really. Last local election see a right wing majority, but the classical right parties made manoeuvers so as to avoid a full right majority....
2027 will be our last possibility to have a real right president elected.
Since 2027, what's going on in GB and Belgium will be scrutinised. I'm confident.
In a few words : they are parasits.
sucking and leaching your EU blood, yet you are importing them en masse, and advocating others worldwide to take more of them in.....
SO, what should we call you ( EU) then : .................
In a few words : they are parasits.
Yet euro continent supported and still supports their ilk and antics in "3rd world countries" because they are people of single book like you all. They have used Islam as tool for disruption in 3rd world snuffing other cultures and still do. Take Bangladesh as an example.

Karma is real as newtons 3rd law of motion
in 50 years, UK will become another Pakistan.
It will be fully islamized, sharia in full force, women in burkas and elections in name only.
Whites will be either converted or eradicated.

The tipping point for UK was few years back and they missed it.
Both the major parties in UK are pretty much islamized.
Islam has already captured the power in UK. Now it's going to capture the people.
The Rise of Muslim Immigration in Europe: Could America Face Similar Challenges?

Recent elections in parts of Eastern Germany, France, and other regions have shown a backlash against the existing governments. What’s driving this shift?

A significant factor appears to be the large influx of Muslim immigrants into Europe, which has led to a combination of criminal and religious tensions. Across the continent, many European citizens have grown increasingly frustrated with what they see as the politicization of Islam—symbolized by mosque construction, the wearing of hijabs, and a rise in religion-motivated violence, including stabbings and murders of innocent civilians. Some mosque leaders have reportedly preached the conversion of native Europeans to Islam, which is totally unliked in Europe.

Today Europe already embroiled in the Ukraine conflict, it can ill afford another religious confrontation, especially one that pits Christians against Muslims.

Muslims in Europe are not a small minority. Numbering around 45 million, they form a significant and increasingly vocal group. Many of them follow their religious doctrine to spread Islam as widely as possible. This goal is rooted in Islamic teachings, which urge followers to convert others to their faith.

Historically, Muslim Arabs, alongside Berber allies, first entered Europe via Spain in the 7th century, swiftly conquering large part of Spain. Their advance was halted at the Battle of Tours in 732 AD, when French king Charles Martel decisively defeated them. About seven hundred years later, attempts by the Ottoman Turks in the 15th and 16th centuries to conquer Central Europe also failed, though Albania and parts of Bosnia converted to Islam.

In modern times, Muslim immigrants, often fleeing hardship, arrive in Europe claiming to be destitute. They typically settle in ghettos, where they form tight-knit communities. Over time, their demands increase, and religious leaders begin to guide them politically and religiously, often promoting extremist ideologies like Wahhabism. The influence of oil-rich Arab nations plays a role, funding religious movements with the ultimate aim of converting Europe's Christian majority. Frustrated by the lack of success in conversions, some individuals have resorted to criminal acts, including violence.

European nations, once colonial powers, are now grappling with the consequences of opening their borders to immigration. France, for example, has seen an influx of Muslims from its former colonies in North Africa. The UK has experienced similar immigration from the Indian subcontinent, including Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh, as well as from the Middle East. Germany, too, has welcomed large numbers of immigrants, as have countries like the Netherlands, Belgium, and Sweden.

Initially, Muslim immigrants provided much-needed cheap labor to rebuild post-war Europe. As they settled, they brought their families, and their numbers multiplied. Over time, their close-knit communities grew, often in isolated ghettos, which have become breeding grounds for political and religious unrest.

Efforts to integrate large Muslim populations into local European cultures have largely failed. Take the Netherlands as an example. Many within the radicalized Muslim community there are pushing for the implementation of Sharia law, as prescribed by their ancient religious texts. They seek the freedom to build mosques, establish their own schools, and observe Islamic practices—demands that governments are unable to accommodate. In response, right-wing politicians across Europe have called for these groups to return to countries where Sharia law is practiced. As a result, the tension shows no signs of abating.

It’s possible that the United States, with its relatively small Muslim population of around 3%, may face similar challenges. Already, during the Hamas-Israel conflict, many American Muslims aligned with left-leaning politicians, supporting each other’s political agendas. This could be a sign that Europe’s struggles with religious and cultural integration may not be far from reaching American shores.


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It’s possible that the United States, with its relatively small Muslim population of around 3%, may face similar challenges. Already, during the Hamas-Israel conflict, many American Muslims aligned with left-leaning politicians, supporting each other’s political agendas. This could be a sign that Europe’s struggles with religious and cultural integration may not be far from reaching American shores.

Muslim migration will never be major force in America due to geographical barriers, at most it will probably reach 5% and then taper off. Most of their future migrants will be latinos/hispanics who will be much easier to assimilate into the mainstream american culture. Yanks are lucky in this regard.
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