European contribution to Chinese Defence sector.

Western engine manufacure in China, Chinese maybe using licensed version of these engines in their defence equipment/vehicles/ships etc

mtu/perkins/deutz/man engine

Back in the 70's, Rolls-Royce sold the rights and machinery to produce its Spey MK.202 turbofan engines, intended for use in Chinese tactical ground-attack aircraft, to the Chinese aerospace industry. Today, that engine is pretty much the basis for the entire Chinese jet engine program.

They'e always got tons of help from the west.
The current enmity between the West and China is only recent, they were pretty good buddies till the ealy 2000's

China acquired some American-designed R440 Crotale SAMs from France for evaluation, copied them as the HQ-7 and put them into service, and also exported it to Pakistan, Bangladesh and Iran. Funnily enough, Iran made their unlicensed copy of it as well.


This is the Jaguar, America's plan to upgrade the Type-59 (T-54/5) in PLA service. However, it died after the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests. It had a British FCS and a L7 105mm gun, both of which are still used by the Chinese today.
China: Possible Missile Technology Transfers Under U.S. Satellite Export Policy -- Actions and Chronology

A range of concerns were prompted by New York Times reports in April 1998 that the Justice Department began a criminal investigation into whether Loral Space and Communications Ltd. and Hughes Electronics Corp. violated export control laws. The firms allegedly shared their findings with China on the cause of a rocket's explosion while launching a U.S.-origin satellite in February 1996. The companies reportedly provided expertise that China could use to improve the accuracy and reliability of its future ballistic missiles, including their guidance systems. At least three classified studies reportedly found that U.S. national security was harmed. Congress and the Executive Branch also investigated Hughes' review of China's launch failure of January 1995. After failed satellite launches in 1992, 1995, and 1996, China has reported 28 consecutive, successful commercial and government/military space launches.

....and this one. Perhaps the most little known but most damaging of all the west's perfidies .
An old article from 2019

USA Reprimands Pakistan for Misusing F-16 Fighter Aircraft

After Pakistan facilitated the 1972 US-China rapprochement, and especially during the later stages of the Cold War, the US had tacitly encouraged Pakistan to give China access to US technologies in order to improve its budding relationship with Beijing and pressurize erstwhile USSR. In 1975, the US endorsed the UK’s sale of 50 Spey jet engines to the China along with a factory to produce them. In 1982, it approved the sale of AN/ALR-69 radar warning system to Pakistan on the F-16 aircraft despite CIA’s explicit warnings about its proliferation to China. Such technology transfer allowed the US (and Pakistan) to work with China till 1989 to support the mujahideen in Afghanistan.

One of the ‘Tomahawk’ cruise missiles fired in the 1998 US attack on an Al Qaeda camp in Afghanistan crash-landed in Baluchistan – and was transferred by Pakistan to China, who re-engineered it as the air-launched KD-20. Following the May 2011 raid that killed Osama bin Laden, Pakistan reportedly granted China discrete access to the crashed US’ state-of-the-art stealth helicopter.

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