Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings

Now who will make these cretins understand that a Paki ballistic missile targeted westward won't be allowed to even leave the Arabian sea.

You are talking about Madrassa graduates here. Don't expect them to understand Science and technology. The fact that these morons think their illegitimate nation has MIRV technology shows how much IQ they possess. Their propaganda arm ISPR claimed in one missile test few years ago they tested for MIRV. Since then their awam believes in the BS they have that capability. These morons have been testing the same missile technology for 2 decades now. It should not have been difficult to build a small satellite launch vehicle(SLV) if they possess something as advanced as MIRV.

This is another in the long list of BS along with water car, their subs possessing second strike capability, JF-17 indigenously designed yada yada. These filth look for Science in their 7th century desert book. Apparently they think developing sophisticated technology like MIRV is like snapping a finger and their Allah dropping scientific recipe to develop MIRV from the sky.
It is quite rare that I feel sorry for Pakis. But the Shias of Parachinar and Kurram are slowly being genocided.

After the 150 plus killed last month, 50 Shia children have died recently due to medical supply shortages as a result of forced road closures around the city. Shias cannot move around freely within KPK anymore. And the federal Sunni Paki government is not allowing medical supplies and other essentials into Shia dominated districts.

And 2 Shia men just got their heads chopped off, a Sunni Muslim specialty.



I love how thier is no international media covering this. We have to implement thier methods here


Even Porkies Know india can and will take PoK. By the way it's a pleasant surprise she is not a madrasa chap and quite smart a rare thing in land of Madrasa chaps, maybe she's not a COUSIN MARRIAGE product....😂😂🤣🤣

"Strong army and strong defense system" in question

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Exhibit C

Exhibit D

Exhibit E

Exhibit F

Exhibit G

Exhibit H

Exhibit I

Exhibit PKMKB

This exhibit is incomplete and limited by the forum's 10 attachments rule. I hereby implore the pakis for their ever generous contribution in continuing this exhibit theme.
Or shes Hindu.

No, in the beginning she also said that "India is already too big , they should give us J&K because our Kashmir is too small."
Paikhanistanis don't understand that a beggar that has a debt of 100 crore isn't the same as a businessesmen having the debt of 100 crore. Beggar does not have the asset to pay back but Buisnesesman does.

These are the same people who then converted to islam and made Pakistan, and in India doing Bheem Bheem and bad mouthing others. Same group with inferiority complex and deep rooted hate.

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