Failed Terrorist State of Pakistan: Idiotic Musings



You can be racist, but someone can’t lecture you about it?

Hmmm. A1 troll, ig?
Is he abusing you ? Has he done any racism with you ? If someone like a blue eyed blonde, what’s that have to do with you ? Are you going to decide what someone likes or not? Tomorrow is some African knocks your door asking him to handover your daughters for some fun time, you will surrender to prove how libral and non-racist/woke you are ? Even if she don't want it because of her personal preference, are you going to lecture her that she’s racist if she doesn’t like a pure charcoal coloured skin ?
Why this urge to correct everyone? Why not limit your opinion to yourself instead of forcing your preferences over others ?
If he like white skin, its his choice. He’s not forcing you to like it. You can do whatever you want
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Is he abusing you ? Has he done any racism with you ? If someone like a blue eyed blonde, what’s that have to do with you ? Are you going to decide what someone likes or not? Tomorrow is some African knocks your door asking him to handover your daughters for some fun time, you will surrender to prove how libral and non-racist/woke you are ? Even if she don't want it because of her personal preference, are you going to lecture her that she’s racism if she doesn’t like a pure charcoal coloured skin ?
Why this urge to correct everyone? Why not limit your opinion to yourself instead of forcing your preferences over others ?
If he like white skin, its his choice. He’s not forcing you to like it. You can do whatever you want
Lol this post is all over the place.
First, Stop behaving like a lunatic. No woke hell broke loose in the first place, you are just over reacting to a person's comments about another person's perception about racism, there was nothing going on there to break your bangles and cry.
Secondly, the op of this side bar topic started talking about superior genetics and when people pointed out at his flawed thinking he put his foot in his mouth by using some hairbrained idea about natural racism. Now there you are brining in another type of nonsense about wokism, anti racism (while yourself being more than mildly racist - was it necessary to write charcoal colored skin) and women's consent, what dots are you connecting with this almost bi polar level rant?
Arey baba, chill, there is no need to look for wokism in everything. Some times people put their foot in their mouth, and others come and correct them. In this case the correction was also very normal non confrontational untill you came in with the bangle breaking.
Lol this post is all over the place.
First, Stop behaving like a lunatic. No woke hell broke loose in the first place, you are just over reacting to a person's comments about another person's perception about racism, there was nothing going on there to break your bangles and cry.
Secondly, the op of this side bar topic started talking about superior genetics and when people pointed out at his flawed thinking he put his foot in his mouth by using some hairbrained idea about natural racism. Now there you are brining in another type of nonsense about wokism, anti racism (while yourself being more than mildly racist - was it necessary to write charcoal colored skin) and women's consent, what dots are you connecting with this almost bi polar level rant?
Arey baba, chill, there is no need to look for wokism in everything. Some times people put their foot in their mouth, and others come and correct them. In this case the correction was also very normal non confrontational untill you came in with the bangle breaking.
I’ve nothing against black skin and believe that beauty is not just about certain skin colour, it’s more complex than that. But I hate when people throw random woke words like racist, facist, nazi, zionism etc. Eveybody has personal preferences. Some like Black cars some white, red, purple, peacock green etc. some like suv some sedan hatchbacks etc.
you can’t call someone racist because of his personal opinion and preferences. His genetic theory is irrelevant here.
I dislike people who have the habit of lecturing others while they do all kind of stupid stuff in real life.
PS: IMO Everybody is racist to an extent and those that pretend otherwise are often more racist in real life.
And I admit that I overreacted a bit more
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I know this is not the right thread to talk about these stuff and I hope the mod shift our posts to relevant thread.
you can’t call someone racist because of his personal opinion and preferences.
If he had simply commented that Paki women are beautiful, there wouldn't have been problem. But his choice of words
thanks to higher steppe and lower AASI genes
is definitely racist. Most Indians(present day India) have high percentages of AASI genes especially when we move towards South. His statement that she is beautiful because of lower AASI genes will definitely be called out.

Also generally speaking, many members post memes where often the person to be mocked is shown as dark skinned, and the good guy is shown white. You guys don't even realise what you are doing. It takes a lot of effort to remove subconscious biases. People may call Africans oversensitive but in this world you have to be that, in order to fight these internal biases that White people have ingrained in our heads. Also pretty sure, at least half of members/visitors here are dark skinned themselves.

There is a reason whites think 20 times before saying the N-word or making fun of black or the Asians(Chinese) nowadays.
It has become so normal to make fun of Indians because we are never serious, we take everything as a joke and eventually become a joke ourselves.
racism. so lower AASI genes is something to be proud of. But I don't blame you, humans are a defected species. We will always obsess over external looks, especially those that resemble Caucasians.
Dude, wake up, it's a common trait across the animal kingdom, and for good reasons at that!!
Some GEMS from Bhikhari Pakijeets...ENJOY!!! :lol:

Afgans have already butchered and captured many well defended Pakijeets posts but there is a COMPLETE silence from Pakijeets side since they are getting their ass whooped. Pakijeets are now even admitting Afgans are better in fighting than Dalkhor Pakjabis.

Chu**yaForever is a product of HALALA so he refuse to admit that rag tag Afgans are beating their ass out on their own. He forget that even their own Pakijeets admit that Pakijeets sell their mothers sisters for cash to any Hindu or Chinese. :roflb:

This guy represents a typical low IQ sister breeder Pakijeet's thought process. :lol:


This Shia Irani is CONFUSED and asking Pakijeets who is attacking whom since Pakijeets are giving different answers and confused themselves! :roflb:



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